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Darasun mine





2024: Moscow "Vostochny proekt" bought Darasunsky mine in Transbaikalia from Highland Gold

In October 2024, it became known about the sale of the Darasunsky mine in the Trans-Baikal Territory by Highland Gold. The new owner of the gold mining enterprise will be the Moscow company Vostochny Proekt LLC.

According to Chita Online, the sale of Talatuyskoye LLC, which owns licenses for the development of the Talatuysky and Darasunsky deposits, is under implementation. Basic transaction documentation has already been signed.

Vostochny Project bought the Darasunsky mine in Transbaikalia from Highland Gold

According to information provided by the press service of Highland Gold, the owners of Vostochny Proyekt LLC are Yuri Titarenko, who owns 76% of the stake, and ATT Group JSC, which owns the remaining 24%. The same persons are members of the Castor group, which specializes in the provision of service and transport services to companies of the mining, oil and gas and oilfield service complex.

The new owner plans to maintain the current plans for the operation of the enterprise and develop the Talatuyskoye mining field in accordance with the licensing obligations. In addition, the company plans to carry out work to expand the gold recovery plant to increase productivity.

The head of the village of Vershino-Darasunsky, Alexander Okladnikov, said that the new owner does not plan to lay off employees and dismiss the director of the enterprise. This is important for the preservation of jobs and tax revenues to the local budget.

Highland Gold undertakes to provide the necessary support within six months of the closing of the transaction to ensure the continuous operation of the enterprise and the most comfortable transfer of business processes to the new owner.

The Darasun mine has a complex history. At the end of 2021, he entered the Highland Gold group portfolio, after which there was a reorientation of the enterprise's development trajectory. In July 2022, work on the South-West and Central sections was suspended due to economic inexpediency and insecurity of further production. The decision sparked protests from locals who opposed the flooding of the mines.[1]
