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Shatokhin Konstantin Anatolyevich
Shatokhin Konstantin Anatolyevich


He graduated from Omsk State Medical University, received an economic education and an MBA degree from Stockholm University, completed advanced training and internships in foreign clinics (Italy, Austria, Sweden, etc.).

He has extensive experience in various positions in medical and industrial companies, non-profit and public organizations.

2024: Medical Director of the "Be Healthy" direction

The network of clinics "Be Healthy" strengthens the management team of the direction "Industrial Medicine." Konstantin Shatokhin has been appointed to the post of Medical Director of the direction, and Olga Krylova will head the Department for the Development of Industrial Medicine. The network announced this on October 15, 2024.

The launch of the direction "Industrial Medicine" clinic "Be Zdorov" announced in early 2024. It involves the creation of clinics and FAPs on the basis of industrial enterprises, complex medical products for managing staff health, the introduction of information systems for remote monitoring and management of data on the state of health of employees.

One of the promising areas for us is industrial medicine, which was previously presented in the form of workshop doctors, medical units at production enterprises. This is a key component of employee care programs, which makes high-quality medical care as accessible as possible for a wide range of patients, regardless of where they live. The network of clinics "Be Zdorov" is aimed at promoting this initiative both in the regions of the network's presence and in the regions in which we are not yet widely represented. In the near future, in partnership with Russian industrial companies, we plan to open clinics in a number of cities, focused primarily on the medical care of employees of partner enterprises, "Rodion Stupin, General Director of Be Zdorov, shared his plans.

The area of ​ ​ responsibility included:

  • development of medical infrastructure of enterprises;
  • implementation of modern approaches for the protection and promotion of health of employees, including assistance in the implementation of the occupational safety and health management system;
  • development and implementation of internal standards;
  • improving professional competencies of personnel;
  • automation of business processes of the direction, development of a digital circuit;
  • presentation of the new direction "Be Healthy" in the professional community.

I am glad to join the team of the network of clinics "Be Healthy." The company develops projects aimed at caring for the professional health and labor longevity of employees. And all this in the format of a comprehensive product that unites a single culture, information environment and responsibility for the result of an employee, employer and medical provider. Most employers see worker health interventions as a financial burden and a distraction of staff from the manufacturing process. This is not far from the truth, if such events are not implemented systematically. However, our direction "Industrial Medicine" is based on a systematic approach, the application of the best world practices both modern and once forgotten, for example, workshop medicine. This approach most meets the interests of employees and business owners, since it ensures the return of investments in health protection and promotion, improves the well-being of staff, "said Konstantin Shatokhin, medical director of Industrial Medicine.