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Oteko Marine Terminal Operator Develops 1C Solutions

Customers: OTEK

Moscow; Transport

Contractors: Corus Consulting
Product: 1C:ERP. Holding management

Project date: 2024/03  - 2024/09

2024: Finalization of the financial block

Korus Consulting became a partner of OTEKO for the development of 1C information systems. IT specialists finalize the financial unit, operational loop, vehicle control module, as well as industry functionality "1C:ERP. Holding Management. " The projects are part of OTEKO's intensive digitalization program. After full implementation, all solutions will meet the needs of business users, taking into account the specifics of the port business and the scale of the enterprise. Corus Consulting announced this on October 16, 2024.

OTEKO is an operator of marine terminals in the port of Taman, one of the players in the Russian market for transshipment of bulk and bulk cargo. The company's efforts on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory created and operates a world-class export hub, built a port, energy and railway infrastructure. The capacity of marine terminals in Taman is 90 million tons of cargo per year, while the company provides safe, reliable and environmentally friendly transshipment of goods using the best available technologies.

OTEKO is implementing a large-scale digitalization program - the growing volume of tasks demanded to modernize the IT landscape and switch to more progressive solutions. The key direction of the current stage of the program was the introduction of ERP solutions, an information and logistics system and technologies based on artificial intelligence. In terms of ERP, OTEKO has chosen the modern platform "1C:ERP Management of the Holding," to which it has transferred the main processes, and is now refining the product taking into account the industry specifics of the business together with its partner, KORUS Consulting Group of Companies.

IT specialists are finalizing the ERP financial block: the module should provide the ability to keep records according to IFRS, as well as management and regulated accounting in the largest organizations of the group. The KORUS Consulting team also studied the architecture of the solution and revealed that the existing methodology does not allow implementing all the requests of business users. As of October 2024, guided by OTEKO's strategy, KORUS Consulting participates in the development of targeted business processes for budget limiting.

During the development of ERP, the IT team was involved in a number of large strategically important projects to automate the subcontracting scheme, vehicle management (UAT) and operational loop. Thus, the modification of the functional area of ​ ​ UAT affects about 2000 employees and 1000 vehicles. Among the projects is the development of a 1C-based mobile application for the autonomous work of transport division specialists. The solution allows you to monitor transportation, spent time and fuel consumption in real time, as well as carry out a plan-fact analysis of the route.

Large companies continuously create new requirements for the automation of business processes. We deal with various aspects of digitalization of the port infrastructure, the company has already developed and uses its own unified information system. 1C products have become an integral part of the IT landscape of OTEKO, so it was important for us to find a reliable partner for the implementation and refinement of the system, "said Sergey Vasiliev, Director of Digital and Information Technologies of OTEKO.

Our team is involved in the large-scale tasks of OTEKO, which are of paramount importance for the entire company's business. The specificity of large structures lies in the fact that new IT solutions undergo long-term testing, so the experience and professional approach of the IT expert company is extremely important here. We help OTECO to automate several business functions at once and find our own approach to each division for effective interaction, "added Evgeny Borodin, Project Manager of 1C Department of KORUS Consulting Group.