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Баннер в шапке 2


In 2006 he graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute with a degree in Microelectronics.

He began his career at MGTS, where he went from a programmer to deputy director for operations. He participated in the company's large-scale program for transferring infrastructure to GPON technology, including automation of subscriber switching processes, their future support, ensuring correct billing and service management.

Then he continued his career at VimpelCom, where he was responsible for the development and maintenance of business support systems and the ERP domain, participated in the launch of many operator products, and was also responsible for the implementation of the project to implement umbrella monitoring and the operator network asset accounting system.

After VimpelCom, he worked as IT Development Director at Sibur, a team was formed to implement a large-scale portfolio of projects to automate the Company's processes, and the processes of working with business customers were rebuilt.

Then he moved to the position of executive director at Sberbank, where he was responsible for supporting tribe services, developed a strategy for the development of the function, taking into account the large number of new services that tribe accepted for development and support.

After Sberbank, it decided to move to GLONASS JSC to the position of IT Director, within the framework of the current position there are ambitious tasks for the digitalization of the company, both in the internal circuit and the launch of platforms for the implementation of many commercial services.

2024: TAdviser interview

Sergey Vasiliev, Director of Digital and Information Technologies of OTEKO, spoke about the industry specifics and experience of the company within the framework of the TsIPR-2024 and partner session "KORUS Consulting" "Digital win-win: strategic changes VS result here and now." Read more here.