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2024/10/17 16:28:44

Maxillofacial surgery



2024: Which jaw implants take root better in the body. This was found out in Russia

In October 2024, Russian scientists from Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNIPU), Perm State Medical University named after Academician E. A. Wagner and Don State Technical University presented the results of a study determining the optimal structure of jaw implants for the rapid formation of new bone tissue.

The experiment was carried out on laboratory animals using implants made using additive production technology. The researchers created three kinds of prostheses with cell diameters of one, two and three millimeters.

The experiment involved 82 laboratory animals divided into three groups with observation periods of two weeks, four and nine months. The results showed that active tissue germination begins as early as two weeks after implantation.

Associate Professor of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of the PSMU named after Academician E.A. Wagner, Candidate of Medical Sciences Vladimir Vasilyuk noted that after four months the bone begins to grow more actively with the implant. At the same time, the processes occurred faster in prostheses with a cell diameter of 3 mm.

After nine months, cells with a diameter of 2-3 millimeters were already completely filled with lamellar bone tissue. In 68% of cases, the bone was so tightly fused with the implant that it was possible to separate them from each other only by sawing.

The formation of new tissue occurs faster in cells that have an increased size of 2-3 millimeters - this is how the rate of engraftment of the prosthesis is reduced by three times (compared to the cell diameter of one millimeter), "said Polina Kilina, associate professor of the Department of Innovative Engineering Technologies, leading researcher at the PNIPU Biofluidic Laboratory, Candidate of Technical Sciences.

The study made it possible to determine which structures of jaw implants are best suited for different types of jaw defects. Prostheses with cells of three millimeters are recommended for replacement of cavities after removal of near-fiber cysts, and implants with a size of 2-3 millimeters are suitable for complete and partial defects.[1]
