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Developers: (ITglobalcom Rus)
Technology: IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service

Main article: What is IaaS

2024: Obtaining a certificate of conformity of class 3-bg, 3-special, 3-yul in the Republic of Belarus

ITGLOBAL.COM received a compliance certificate for the Secure Cloud ITGLOBAL.COM BEL information system protection system of class 3-bg, 3-special, 3-yul in the Republic of Belarus. The requirements are provided for by order of the OAC No. 66 "On some issues of technical and cryptographic protection of information" of 20.02.2020. This was announced by on December 9, 2024.

Certification of the information system is a prerequisite for processing and storages providing information limited distribution. A set of certification measures leads to the receipt of a document on compliance with the requirements of the law. After receiving it, the ITGLOBAL.COM can place virtual customer infrastructures containing protected information.

ITGLOBAL.COM provides cloud infrastructure in 11 data centers in 9 countries. We focus on customers of a particular local market, so it is important for us not just to strive, but to guarantee full consistency of service provision to the legislation of the country in which we operate. To this end, the ITGLOBAl.COM confirmed the compliance of the cloud infrastructure with the established norms and standards of the Republic of Belarus. In fact, the certification is aimed at confirming that work has been carried out to identify, eliminate and prevent potential vulnerabilities in the system before threats of an internal and external nature, - explained Vasily Belov, Executive Director of the ITGLOBAL.COM, ITG Corporation.

ITGLOBAL.COM deploys secure public and private clouds in the Republic based on the BeCloud data center.