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ITGLOBAL.COM ITglobalcom Rus





+ (ITglobalcom Rus)

ITGLOBAL.COM (ITglobalcom Rus LLC) is an international group of companies, a global provider of IT services, products and services.

Performance indicators


3.5-fold increase in revenue from projects implementing solutions for automating service business processes

At the end of 2024, the ITGLOBAL.COM increased revenues from projects for the implementation of solutions for automating service business processes by 3.5 times. The company announced this on March 10, 2025.

According to demand analysts ITGLOBAL.COM the most popular product based on the platform was the SimpleOne ITSM solution. It automates IT processes and improves business performance.

SimpleOne products are ideal for the Russian market, as they provide a high degree of adaptability and efficiency in automating business processes. By promoting these solutions, we not only support import substitution, but also contribute to the development of domestic technologies. This is beneficial for our clients, and also strengthens the position of Russian IT companies in the domestic and foreign markets, - said Vasily Belov, Executive Director of ITGLOBAL.COM, ITG Corporation.

AI Cloud service revenue growth by 70%

ITGLOBAL.COM analyzed the financial results of the provision of services and services in the public cloud in 2024. The AI Cloud service (GPU Cloud) showed noticeable dynamics, revenue from its implementation almost doubled compared to 2023. The company announced this on January 29, 2025. Read more here.

Increase in exports of domestic IT products by 20%

In 2024, ITGLOBAL.COM increased exports of domestic IT products by 20% compared to 2023. The most active promotion from the company is received by Russian solutions in the markets of the BRICS and CIS countries. The company announced this on December 23, 2024.

Over 5 years, ITGLOBAL.COM has been exporting Russian IT solutions and during this time has implemented export projects in more than 40 countries. The company has representative offices in Brazil, Hong Kong, the UAE, Kazakhstan, Belarus and is planned in Uzbekistan. Opening a branch in Brazil, the integrator actually gained access to the entire Latin American market, and the UAE branch gives access to many countries in the Middle East. In 2025, the ITGLOBAL.COM predicts an increase in exports of Russian IT products by 1.5 times compared to the current year. This will be achieved by expanding both the geography of the presence of the system integrator and proposals in existing representative offices.

With our help, Russian vendors are conquering new markets and show that they can compete on equal terms with Western solutions. I believe that in general, Russian IT solutions are showing themselves very well in foreign markets and are enriching themselves, working in a new competitive environment, "said Vasily Belov, Executive Director of ITGLOBAL.COM, ITG Corporation.



Participation in TAdviser Summit

Russian vendor and distributor of Enterprise IT solutions ITPOD and international system integrator ITGLOBAL.COM will take part in the conference from the analytical center - TAdviser TAdviser Summit 2024. ITPOD will introduce a line () storage systems DSS ITPOD Storage with support for the NVMe over protocol to TCP build a modern one. DSS IT infrastructures replace foreign counterparts and is suitable for both small and large enterprises. More. here

Teaming up with SimpleOne and vStack on the ITG brand

Dmitry Gachko on October 11, 2024 announced the launch of the ITG brand and the merger under it of the Russian segment of the ITGLOBAL.COM group, SimpleOne, vStack projects and the IT PARK RUS technopark.

The ITG brand will adjust the very structure of the organization.

The creation of ITG is a strategic step to expand the zone of influence in the B2B Enterprise markets of Russia and in friendly countries. The umbrella brand will become a group of vertically integrated IT companies. All our products and services are closely connected, and the team has always moved as a single mechanism. Now it's time for a new brand that will be a strong flagship of our solutions, "said Dmitry Gachko, founder of ITG and IT PARK RUS.

Opening of a technical laboratory in Moscow

The company ITGLOBAL.COM opens a technical laboratory in its own office in Moscow. The company announced this on February 13, 2024.

In the laboratory, conditions ITGLOBAL.COM created for testing performance, checking the compatibility of hardware and software solutions, as well as for providing demo access to services. This site is designed for employees of ITGLOBAL.COM vStack and ITPOD, as well as their customers and partners. The laboratory is equipped with GAGAR > N hardware solutions together ON with vStack, ITPOD solutions together with vStack software. In the future, the list of software hardware will expand.

The need for a technical laboratory is long overdue, since ITGLOBAL.COM actively cooperates with other manufacturers to create fully compatible solutions for Russian manufacturers. Now we have not only a convenient testing platform, but also a place where we can invite customers and partners to demonstrate to them the work of our services and platforms, "said Vasily Belov, executive director ITGLOBAL.COM.

Working with vStack brings together our technology resources and expertise to develop and deploy a highly efficient, flexible and technologically independent IT infrastructure that can solve challenges of varying levels of complexity. We are confident that our products are proof that the transition to Russian-made IT equipment can take place without loss in functionality, performance and quality, commented Evgeny Laguntsov, director of the GAGAR > N competence center.


9th place in TAdviser ranking "Largest PaaS service providers in Russia" took 9th place in the ranking "Largest PaaS service providers in Russia," prepared by TAdviser in October 2024 based on the companies' revenue from the provision of PaaS services in 2023. Read more here.

Data for 2023

7th place in TAdviser ranking "Largest IaaS service providers in Russia" took 7th place in the ranking "Largest IaaS service providers in Russia," prepared by TAdviser in October 2024 based on the companies' revenue from the provision of IaaS services in 2023. Read more here.

Data for 2023

Participation in the exhibition "Import substitution 2023: real experience"

On September 13, 2023 hyper convergent , the developer of the platform vStack system integrator and ITGLOBAL.COM will take part in the exhibition " Import Substitution 2023: Real Experience," organized by the information and analytical portal. TAdviser The vStack expert will deliver "vStack Virtual DPC : A Guide to Transitioning to." domestic software Read more here. [1]

Extension of the FSTEC license for information security monitoring services and information systems Security (ITGlobalkom Security LLC) in August 2023 expanded its FSTEC license - now the company has the right to provide services for monitoring information security tools and information systems. Representatives of the company reported this on August 17, 2023.

The presence of this license confirms that services and products that include monitoring cyber threats fully comply with all requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. The relevant information is published in the FSTEC register.

"Obtaining this license will allow us to ensure a higher quality of service for our customers, as well as expand the portfolio of products and services based on information security monitoring. We consider this area one of the most promising in the field of information security in the Russian market, so we plan to continue to develop the solutions that we already provide, as well as implement new ones that meet current challenges, "said Alexander Zubrikov, General Director of ITGLOBAL.COM Security.

The main product of the company that uses the license is the Security Operations Center (SOC). Its task is to continuously monitor potential cyber threats, inform about them and suppress them before they are implemented. In addition to detecting deliberate malicious activities, SOC also allows you to track unintended events that can lead to undesirable consequences.

TAdviser interview with executive director Vasily Belov

The atmosphere of uncertainty in further development IT in the corporate environment is gradually fading: critical ones business processes are hastily adjusted and debugged, "crutches" are placed. It's time to adjust IT infrastructure to the new reality. What difficulties the business is now facing in building IT infrastructures and what risks should be taken into account in the first place, said the Vasily Belov executive director IT integrator cloudy provider and ITGLOBAL.COM in an interview. TAdviser Read more here. [2]

Attending TAdviser IT Infrastructure Day 2023

On April 19, 2023, at the TAdviser IT INFRASTRUCTURE DAY conference in Moscow, the 2023Russian company vStack will talk about the features of the corporate data center as a software-defined infrastructure and about the possibilities of its creation on the basis of Russian software. Read more here.

"Microservice Architecture Pentest: How to Find Vulnerabilities in a Company's Branched Systems"

In the article "Microservice Architecture Pentest: How to Find Vulnerabilities in the Company's Extensive Systems ," Alexander Zubrikov, Head of Information Security at ITGLOBAL.COM Security, said what a microservice architecture is, why test it for penetration, and how a timely pentest allows you to improvethe security system of mobile applications and the company as a whole. Read more here.


Russian virtualization. Review of 15 developers of domestic products

The TAdviser analytical center studied who is on the Russian virtualization market, analyzed the functional and integration capabilities of products, and assessed the experience of development companies. Among the companies and products studied are (with the vStack product). Read more about the research here.

Participation in the TAdviser conference "Import substitution 2022: a new experience"

In the spring of this year, import substitution processes in the IT sector in various sectors of the Russian economy entered a new phase: today discussions are not about why and in what form import substitution should be implemented, but about how to achieve maximum import independence in a short time and while minimizing costs.

The special features of the new phase of import substitution are devoted to the conference TAdviser "Import substitution 2022: new experience," which will be held on September 14, 2022 in. To Moscow

ITGLOBAL.COM will present its own solutions at the conference:

vStack is a hyperconverged solution that combines computing resources, data storage, and network management in a single platform, which offers a wide range of advantages over the classic converged approach to building an IT infrastructure.

The vStack platform is aimed at medium and large government and corporate customers. With vStack, HCP can be created hyperconverged infrastructure with a fully managed virtual data center Enterprise layer.

Russian development, entered in the register of domestic software. Replaces VMware.

SimpleOne ITSM is a system for automating IT processes in accordance with ITIL best practices. The solution improves the efficiency of the IT department and the Service Desk service.

Russian development, entered in the register of domestic software. Replaces ServiceNow, HPSM, BMC Remedy, Omnitracker.

In the business part of the conference, the company's specialists will share cases of implementations and migration from foreign software, and will hold a live demo at the stands.

We invite anyone who wants to learn more about the implementation of SimpleOne ITSM and the hyper-converged vStack platform and migration options from other solutions to the booth.

For registration for the event, you can contact the conference organizers [3]

Acquisition of Serverspace for 1 billion rubles

The company on January 31, 2022 announced the acquisition cloudy of a hyperskaler Serverspace operating in the markets,,,, and USA Canada. Netherlands CIS The transaction Asia amount amounted to 1 billion. rubles More. here

2020: TAdviser interview with Deputy CEO Vasily Belov

In October 2020, Vasily Belov, Deputy General Director of, in an interview with TAdviser spoke about the differences between private cloud and public cloud; the main consumers of private clouds in Russia; reference architecture for private cloud and beyond. Read more here.

2019 became the first partner of Alibaba Cloud in Russia

The company ITGLOBAL.COM on May 6, 2019 announced the status of an official reseller of Alibaba Cloud, the cloud computing division of Alibaba Group.

Alibaba Cloud provides cloud services for both in-house and e-commerce third-party customers. At the beginning of May 2019, the company has 56 locations in 19 regions around the world. Provides cloud computing services IaaS(,,), PaaS SaaS storages and processing, and data IoT others.

According to the ITGLOBAL.COM, the company entered into a reseller agreement with Alibaba Cloud and became the first member of the partner network in Russia. International ITGLOBAL.COM status allows Alibaba Cloud services to be provided in the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and the Netherlands.

Customers will ITGLOBAL.COM be able to take advantage of all the services provided by the cloud provider in the region, as well as apply a hybrid model when building an IT infrastructure for business tasks. Payment and provision of services will be carried out in accordance with the current legislation.

We are glad that our first partner in Russia was the company ITGLOBAL.COM. This is an experienced player in the cloud computing and corporate integration market, thanks to which we will be able to offer our services to Russian business, "commented Tony Cheng, Chief Executive Officer of Alibaba Cloud in Germany, Central and Eastern Europe.

Sale of MTS cloud business. 's entry into the Russian market of Managed IT services

On January 15, 2019, the IT-GRAD Group of Companies announced the sale at the end of 2018 of its cloud business to MTS, a Russian company [[Telecommunications and Communications |телекоммуникационному]] оператору и провайдеру цифровых услуг. На рынке облаков МТС представлена провайдером # CloudMTS, with which IT-GRAD cloud assets will be gradually integrated. Read more here.

The perimeter of the transaction includes the companies IT-GRAD 1 Cloud LLC, Enterprise Cloud LLC, as well as two Kazakhstani representative offices of 1 Cloud LLP and IT-GRAD LLP, specializing in the provision of cloud services and included in the IT-GRAD group of companies of the same name. The IT-GRAD trademark, under which cloud services are provided to large companies, and the 1cloud trademark, known to small and medium-sized businesses, will be used in Russia and Kazakhstan, and will later be transferred to the# CloudMTS brand.

The assets of the IT-Grad group of companies, which were not included in the perimeter of the transaction, will develop other areas of activity under the international brand from 2019 ITGLOBAL.COM. The list of services of the group includes Managed IT services, functional IT outsourcing and system administration, delivery, installation and support of server, network equipment and storage systems.

In the markets of Russia, Kazakhstan and several other neighboring countries, ITGLOBAL.COM will provide cloud services under the IaaS model in partnership with the# CloudMTS provider. In foreign markets outside these countries, ITGLOBAL.COM will provide its own cloud services under the IaaS model.

As of January 2019, cloud sites have been deployed in the Republic of Belarus and the Netherlands. The ITGLOBAL.COM development program for 2019 plans to open new locations and sales offices in more than 10 countries around the world, including the UK, Turkey, China, the USA and Indonesia.

Russia The main priority of the company will be to expand the integrator direction and develop IT outsourcing Managed IT services on top of customer equipment or virtual data centers international cloud providers.

ITGLOBAL.COM will also continue to sell its own developed equipment and software. The Group actively invests in the development of its own products: Solution SaaS to support corporate business processes (IT, HR, Facilities), its own virtualization technology stack, specialized solutions for telecom operators (DPI, BRAS, CGNAT).

Expanding the boundaries of its presence, ITGLOBAL.COM will be able to offer customers distributed and comprehensive solutions around the world from a single supplier.

2018: Entering the international market under the brand

On June 25, 2018, IT-GRAD announced its entry into the international market under the ITGLOBAL.COM. brand. Based on high expertise, competence and many years of experience, ITGLOBAL.COM will become an international company with a wide portfolio of implemented projects in Eastern Europe, Russia, the CIS countries, as well as Central America and Asia.

The company aims to consistently expand its points of presence. According to the adopted development program, ITGLOBAL.COM offices will open in Switzerland, Germany, Great Britain, Hong Kong, the USA and Singapore. The head office of the ITGLOBAL.COM has already been opened in the Netherlands, where it is planned to create the first Western European site for the provision of IT services.

Acting as a global provider of IT services, ITGLOBAL.COM is ready to offer the international market solutions for integrated IT management both on the basis of its own cloud and infrastructures on the basis of global cloud providers (, and Amazon) Alibaba , Azure including in the form of private cloudy infrastructures implemented on the basis of popular equipment suppliers (, and). NetApp Cisco Dell

In addition, the company is actively investing in its own products - a Solution SaaS to support corporate business processes (IT, HR, Facilities), its own stack of virtualization technologies and consolidation of IT infrastructure and specialized solutions for telecom operators (DPI, BRAS, CGNAT). Expanding the boundaries of its presence, ITGLOBAL.COM will be able to offer customers distributed and comprehensive solutions for different countries from a single supplier.