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Safronova Tatyana


Previous jobs:
PC Magazine/RE


Tatyana Sofronova graduated from Moscow State University of Culture and Arts majoring in "Management in the social sphere" with specialization "Information management".

In SK Press publishing house Mrs. Sofronova works since 2000, since 2003 taking a position of the deputy manager of promotion department of the PC Magazine/RE and Upgrade magazines.

In 2008 headed promotion department of the PC Magazine/RE magazine.

In January, 2011 Tatyana Sofronova is appointed to a post of the publisher of the PC Magazine/Russian Edition magazine.

"Tatyana made a lot of things for the magazine: it and creation of the new advertizing formats especially demanded in the post-crisis period, and organization of an effective management structure business activity of the edition, and development of partner relations — Nikolay Fedulov told, the publisher of IT group of SK Press publishing house — And I is sure that on a position of the publisher of PC Magazine/RE it will fully be able to disclose the business qualities".
"Tatyana Sofronova is the great expert and the competent professional perfectly aware both strengths of PC Magazine/RE, and specifics of the Russian IT market — Oleg Lebedev, the Chief Editor of PC Magazine/RE noted — We highly appreciate its long-term contribution to development of the magazine and are very glad that she headed the edition".

On a position of the publisher of the PC Magazine/RE magazine to duties Mrs. Sofronova the guide of a business activity, accomplishment of managerial functions, planning and the approval of the general and special projects, marketing market research and competitive environment, study of the new directions of development, including interactive carriers (iPad, tablets, mobile devices) and digital formats belongs.

Later, in 2018 the PC Magazine/RE magazine was closed.