Customers: Samolet Group of Companies Moscow; Construction and Construction Materials Industry Project date: 2023/12 - 2024/03
2024: Enterprise Content Management System Implementation
The Samolet Group has introduced a corporate content management system for the company, developed on the basis of domestic software. The creation of a single loop for all employees will reduce costs by almost 700 million rubles. per year due to an increase in the speed of user actions and automation of processes. The company announced this on February 13, 2025.
The goal of the project was to qualitatively change the approach to managing documents and business processes, to form a common space with uniform rules and structure instead of a heterogeneous landscape consisting of a large number of different systems. The standardization of business processes and coordination routes made it possible to significantly reduce the time spent working with documentation, and also freed employees from many routine duties to control the execution of orders.
As of February 2025, the ECM system (Enterprise Content Management) supports more than 200 types of documents, including construction and financial documentation, as well as IT product passports. All major divisions of the company work with it, including project teams, administrative divisions and product managers.
In an embedded ECM system, you can start reconciliation processes, search for the desired files in a single window using full-text search, and organize documents by type, project, and any other characteristics. It allows you to track the entire life cycle of a document, monitor its relevance and versioning, and customize access rights according to the user's role model. All this makes the process of working with documents more convenient for employees and structured. Switching to in-house development minimizes the risk of data loss.
Samolet continues to actively expand and structure its IT landscape. When we faced the question of introducing a full-fledged ECM system, we analyzed the finished software market, but did not find a completely suitable option for us. Developing your own product from scratch, even with excellent competencies in the team, is unjustified in terms of time and other costs. Therefore, we made a compromise decision - to take the core of the finished ECM system and finalize it for ourselves, which we successfully implemented.
Thus, we received a solution that allows in the future, if necessary, to change the vendor's platform, leaving the developed front in the style Samolet ownership of the company. At the beginning of our work, we conducted a survey on the usability of current document storage systems, which recorded a very low user loyalty index (NPS), feedback collected from survey participants on current storage problems formed the basis for system design. As of February 2025, our ECM is being actively implemented at all levels, we are already receiving positive feedback and the current NPS is 67%, "said Alice Golub-Korzhenevskaya, head of the General Document Flow cluster. |
Aircraft specialists have implemented a mechanism for unloading/loading data through universal topics, Kafka which makes it possible to configure integration with new systems or according to new types of documents without the need to refine the entire system. Also, their own were developed API , which data management simplified the exchange information with other corporate systems and reduced the time for responding and executing requests and orders.
The ECM system was established in December 2023 and introduced into funding management processes in the 1st quarter of 2024. It easily integrates with other platforms, and has already configured data and document exchange with more than 10 enterprise Samolet systems, including 10D solutions that are designed to manage and automate the construction cycle.