Customers: Wood Market Moscow; Construction and Construction Materials Industry Contractors: Cleverence Product: Kleverens: Warehouse 15Project date: 2024/01 - 2024/02
2024: How Wood Market found a tool that allowed us to get rid of overports and collect an order in 1 minute
The remains in square meters and no articles, additional sections of the nomenclature and details are far from ideal, but quite a working system. But if it stops working as it should, you need to look for a more accurate accounting tool. Otherwise, you can lose time and money.
Completely confused
To develop a client base, strengthen partnerships, expand the range is all good and correct. And what to do with situations when the wrong product falls into the order?
For example, identifying wood is not so easy. She shows her pattern only after polishing, polishing and varnishing. Only then it becomes clear that the color has gone pink or the texture is different. And the employee has already sold ash instead of oak.
The edge is made of different types of wood and comes in different thicknesses and widths, different in the amount of winding in the roll. Not always in a hurry, the storekeeper can "eye" determine the breed, especially if an experienced employee is on vacation, Alexander Konovalsky, executive director of Wood Market.
There were several reasons why there was a change in the warehouse of Wood Market (KINGWOOD trademark), which supplies natural veneers and edges, valuable wood species, planken for terraces and facades:
- The edge is different in color and stored in different thickness rolls. Identifying products only by the shade of wood is difficult and requires experience and certain skills.
- Stock balances are indicated in m ² without additional sections of the nomenclature, details and articles.
- Separate item cards were created for all items in 1C. And when receiving products from a supplier, storekeepers often created a new one, which led to duplication of data.
Therefore, there were often incidents: it was necessary to make returns, customers lost time waiting for the manufacture of their orders. Of course, all unpleasant moments with short deliveries or overload of goods managed to settle. At the end of the year, during the inventory of Wood Market, employees additionally reduced the turnover, recorded surplus and shortage. But, as they say, the sediment remained. Because any relatively small, but regular shortcomings always affect the reputation and image of the supplier.
You need to change the entire system!
The Auto-ID market offers many solutions that optimize the company. But automation of the routine is the shortest way to fix problems with commodity transfers and create a reliable and effective warehouse management system.
In order to implement our ideas as quickly as possible, we decided to invite integrators to outsource. Since we needed not only to install the program, but also to build a full-fledged warehouse management system, Alexander Konovalsky, executive director of Wood Market.
What is the solution to choose?
The specialists of the VIANT company, who took on the task of selecting everything necessary to switch to digital, the leadership of Wood Market voiced their wishes and outlined several main tasks:
- completely eliminate errors in the assembly of orders,
- Minimize time spent searching for products in the warehouse
- Optimize order processing
- Minimize manual operations.
Integrators conducted a pre-project study, talked about mobile computers and demonstrated the capabilities of the software. After that, they began directly to implement the Urovo RT40 shipping documentation and the Warehouse 15 software product from Kleverens.
You can start implementing the firmware complex!
Integrators suggested starting the implementation with a unique bar coding system to modernize product cards. And among other characteristics, take into account the width. Thanks to this innovation, storekeepers can immediately form a QR code for each veneer roll, which will reflect the date of delivery of goods to the warehouse and the veneer area in the roll. And the code itself can be printed to account for the goods according to reports and documents.
We have removed everything superfluous. They left only a strictly regulated and limited set of nomenclature with a large number of characteristics without unnecessary names. The batch number of the item now identifies the batch and corresponds to the date of its arrival in the warehouse. And the cost price is calculated for each series separately, Alexander Konovalsky, executive director of Wood Market.
VIANTA integrators adapted 3 main processes to the realities of the Wood Market warehouse:
- acceptance of goods,
- shipping from the warehouse,
- inventory.
All documents shall be uploaded to the Warehouse 15 mobile application automatically after their execution in the accounting system. And when you open the document, the storekeeper immediately sees all the data on the supplier, item, characteristics, quantity and cost. The system calculates the area of each roll as soon as you enter the winding length in meters and automatically converts the receipt date to the batch name.
Since we have veneers of different thicknesses, it was necessary that the label correspond to the size of the thinnest - 20 millimeters. But at the same time it contained text - in order to quickly visually assess what kind of product we have in front of us - with the name, winding length and series. And also - directly a QR code containing all this information, Alexander Konovalsky, executive director of Wood Market.
Also, Warehouse 15 warns the employee about differences with the plan and does not allow you to continue working either until adjustments are made to the source document in the accounting system, or until an additional receipt document for the surplus of goods is created.
In case of transfer from one warehouse, where SN are not used, to another - automated, for goods - during acceptance - batches equal to the receipt date are generated. And if it is found that the product is not in the database, you can create a barcode for it directly from the shipping documentation.
If the planned and actual quantity of the goods do not match, Kleverens Software will not allow you to complete the transaction. This limitation reduces the number of human errors.
We implemented the option to automatically reload incoming documents in case of discrepancies. When the document is completed in "Warehouse 15" in 1C, a receipt order for the already accepted part of the goods is automatically created. And until all lines in the order in 1C are accepted or canceled, the document-order with the still unverified and unapproved goods will be available for work on the shipping documentation, Sergei Galushko, project manager of Viant.
When selecting a customer order, the storekeeper does not need to calculate the length and total volume of rolls - the system automatically recognizes what kind of product it is and determines the number of square meters. And to conduct an inventory, you no longer need to print multi-page paper sheets. The recalculation document is created in 1C with an indication of the warehouse and the accounting balance of goods, unloaded to the shipping documentation, after which the storekeeper starts scanning barcodes. The recalculation results are automatically transmitted back to the accounting system, where a comparison sheet is formed. With this mechanism, the inventory takes several times less time than if it were carried out manually.
Here's what came of it
Wood Market plans to scale the experience gained to other warehouses of the company. To date, all products are sorted, product balances are flat, the edge is pasted with barcodes and in order to ship the order, you only need to scan the ShK.
Barcoding by characteristics and serial accounting provided a high level of transparency: the exact number of incoming edges is known, what width it is and the winding footage of each roll. All warehouse operations are performed completely autonomously. And the transfer of data to 1C in automatic mode provides the ability to always see the current remnants.
Thanks to working with shipping documentation and Cloverens, Wood Market managed to significantly increase the throughput of the warehouse, reduce the number of errors associated with the human factor, and speed up operations and order processing several times. Accordingly, both the level of service and the quality of customer service have increased.
The system we have implemented at the Wood Market warehouse allows us to track the receipt and movement of goods in real time, Sergei Galushko, project manager of Viant.