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MEPhI: Offshore Hydrocarbon Search System

Developers: NRNU MEPhI - National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
Date of the premiere of the system: 2025/03/03
Branches: Oil industry
Technology: Internet of Things (IoT)

Main article: IIoT - Industrial Internet of Things

2025: Offshore Hydrocarbon Search System Presentation

Employees of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) presented a system for seismic exploration of oil and gas, specially adapted for work on the shelf. The development allows high-precision research in difficult natural conditions, including deep water and shallow water. The university announced this on March 3, 2025.

The system is equipped with hybrid telemetry, which combines the advantages of cable and wireless technologies. This allows real-time data collection, increasing the accuracy and informativity of studies. Hybrid telemetry provides guaranteed acquisition of high-quality seismic data in all areas and conditions. It works due to the ability to use wireless communication with line repeaters, which allows you to shoot without laying cables, reducing the labor and weight of the equipment. In places where radio communication is not possible, for example, in tidal zones or when crossing water barriers, a cable connection is used. This provides seamless shooting without gaps and a decrease in reflection rates when crossing freshwater waters or land-sea areas.

Our complex allows for seamless research with high accuracy, which is especially important for work on the shelf, where conditions are often difficult, "said project manager Sergei Tikhotsky. - The development provides three-component data recording, which significantly increases the information content of the seismic survey.

The modular architecture of the complex allows it to be used both for ground research and for marine operations. The system includes autonomous bottom stations, bottom spits and ground nodes, which can be combined depending on tasks. Smart data transfer protocol ensures reliable operation even in difficult offshore conditions.

The development was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia and was tested in the field, showing its effectiveness in solving real problems. The complex was tested in October-December 2024.

The industrial partner of the project is TNG-Group, which allows integrating scientific developments into the practical plane and testing the complex in real conditions. The versatility of the system makes it in demand for enterprises in the geological and geophysical industry, including those operating in the Arctic.

We continue to cooperate with colleagues from TNG-Group in order to create modern high-tech products for domestic geophysical enterprises. We will continue to develop and improve our development, several more promising projects are in the works, - summed up Sergey Tikhotsky.