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Kolmar has significantly accelerated the approval, signing and execution of documents using 1C: Document Flow

Customers: Colmar

Moscow; Mining

Product: 1C: Document flow 8 KORP

Project date: 2024/10  - 2025/03
Number of licenses: 1000

2025: Implementation of "1C: Document Flow "

On March 4, 2025, 1S-KPD announced the introduction of the 1C: KORP Document Management system in the Kolmar coal mining holding. The project supplemented the existing ecosystem of 1C solutions in the holding and strengthened the information support of Kolmar's development strategy as a full-cycle company. The electronic document management system covered 1000 jobs in 8 enterprises of the holding. Documentation registration accelerated from 1 days to several minutes, the number of document routes decreased by 8 times, and the average document approval time decreased from 3 days to 2 hours. Paper costs decreased by 75%, and office equipment and consumables costs decreased by 15%.

Kolmar has significantly accelerated the approval, signing and execution of documents using 1C: Document Flow

As reported, Kolmar is a modern coal mining company created from scratch without the use of privatization mechanisms. In 2014, Kolmar's development strategy was adopted as a full-cycle company: from exploration and production to enrichment, transportation by rail, transshipment at the port and export. In the future, the goal was to increase the share of premium quality Russian coking coal in the Asia-Pacific market.

The company engaged in upgrading equipment, construction production facilities and associated infrastructure, including its own railway facilities and an offshore terminal. Production volumes and export supplies began to grow. Organizational changes in the holding were accompanied by the automation of technological and, the business processes introduction unmanned aerial vehicles of smart sensors and other solutions for scanning the surface of the earth.

Paper document management remained the bottleneck of the IT strategy. The holding's enterprises exchanged thousands of administrative documents annually: orders, official and report notes, applications, instructions, lists, provisions, regulations and rules. It took from 3 days to 2 weeks to prepare, search, send documents on paper between eight production enterprises in the Republic of Sakha, the head office in Moscow and numerous counterparties.

It was necessary to eliminate the loss of time due to the transfer of paper documents between cities. Optimization was also required by the document approval system. Over the years, 40 types of coordination routes for various documents have been formed in the holding - more than the average used in companies of the same type. Users found it difficult to navigate a large number of routes.

The management of the holding set the task of creating a unified administrative document management system for all divisions, which would optimize the search, processing and coordination of documents, normalize their execution, eliminate the risk of loss, provide an analysis of the history of working with documents, and increase the performing discipline.

Kolmar already used 1C: Accounting the "" and 1C: Salary and Human Resources"" systems, office employees were well acquainted with their interface and had their own technicians on staff. 1C Therefore, to solve the tasks, the 1C: KORP Document Management system was chosen. The implementation partner was the 1C-KPD company.

During the project, 1000 workplaces were automated. Seamless integration of the system with solutions "1C: Accounting" and "1C: Payroll and HR Management" was provided. A number of specific settings and improvements were implemented: automatic conversion of the document to PDF after signing the UKEP, automatic delegation of tasks of absent employees, automatic renaming of attachments created according to the template, etc.

Key project results:

  • As of February 2025, 15,000 incoming and outgoing documents are processed electronically in the holding. 5,000 documents are signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature. This reduced paper operating costs by 75%, equivalent to saving 15,000 pages of A4 paper. The cost of office equipment and consumables decreased by 15%. In the near future, it is planned to reduce these costs to zero.
  • Between departments, production departments and the head office, an operational movement of documents is ensured: orders, official and report notes, applications, instructions, lists, provisions, rules, regulations. The average document approval time decreased from 3 days to 2 hours. The registration procedure has accelerated from 1 day to several minutes.
  • Document routes have become more versatile and flexible. The number of routes decreased by 8 times - from 40 to 5 types, which made it possible to significantly optimize the administration of documents.
  • The search time for documents was reduced from 1 day to several minutes. The possibility of losing documents has decreased due to centralized storage of information and reliable protection against unauthorized access.
  • Audits have been simplified with quick access to all necessary information.
  • The creation of electronic document archives optimized work with old documents and reduced the cost of storing them.
  • Seamless integration "1C: Document Flow CORP" optimized the work of employees who most of the day work with related systems "1C: Payroll and HR Management" and "1C: Accounting." Users of 1C: Accounting can now, without switching between systems, solve problems entering 1C: Document Flow. And users "1C: Payroll and HR Management" - send timesheets for approval to "1C: KORP Document Management."
  • In addition, the system promptly monitors the execution of tasks, the performing discipline of employees has increased.

The implementation project "1C: Document Flow" was successful, the system is used by a large number of employees every day, it is growing and developing. Thanks to this project, we were able to systematize the company's document flow, optimize workflow, accounting and storage of documents, and strengthen control over the execution of orders. The review and approval of documents has accelerated, the risks of loss and damage to documents have been reduced.

noted Valery Ibragimov, director of digital transformation of the company