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Conteq has created an analytical reporting system for the "Product FES"

Customers: Fes Product

Food industry

Contractors: Conteq
Product: Microsoft Power BI

Project date: 2023/05  - 2024/08


2025: Creation of an analytical reporting system

On March 17, 2025, Conteq shared with TAdviser the results of the project to implement an analytical reporting system in the international company FES Product LLC. The peculiarities of the project were the development of a large number of measures in the data model, an interesting analytical task with processing MML sheets and data visualization, which includes the development of a custom map.

About the Company

As reported, FES PRODUCT LLC is part of the international holding Food Empire Holdings Limited (hereinafter referred to as the Holding), registered in Singapore, which has been listed and whose shares are traded (can be acquired) on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited.

Thanks to its product portfolio of instant drinks, semi-finished products and snacks, the Holding's products are sold in more than 60 countries in North Asia, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East and North America.

The main activity of the Company is the production and sale of everyday food products - tea and coffee.


The company was faced with the need to combine data sales from different sources to get a holistic picture and simplify analysis. Before the start of the project, data were stored in the 1C DMS system, as well as in the form Excel of -files. It analysts required manual processing. Looking for a potential project executor, the Company's representatives became interested in the services of IT integrator Conteq. The experts conducted a joint consultation and quickly came to a common vision of the goals of the project.


The work plan included the development of procedures for collecting, processing and daily updating of data, the implementation of the calculation of key metrics, as well as the creation of basic dashboards in Power BI for users.

As a solution, a single data warehouse was developed that combines disparate information that unifies identifiers and units of measure. This made it possible to optimize the comparison of data and increase its analytical value.

Particular attention was paid to the flexibility and convenience of the system so that the customer can independently refine the solution in accordance with the changing needs of analytics.

As a result, a comprehensive analytical reporting tool has been created that allows the company's employees to efficiently consolidate data, quickly access it and build detailed reports.

Project features

Conteq has designed a single storage for data from different systems. Together with the Customer, a solution was chosen to implement the storage. MSSQL The integration of files Excel and the DMS system through requests API to the system was implemented.

Integration with 1C was implemented by the Customer. Procedures have been developed to accumulate historical data, transform it, and update it. Final DWH tables are used in the table model and contain data already prepared for analysis.

A tabular model in Microsoft Analysis Services is a database that connects to relational data sources, in our case, to a developed repository in MSSQL. With compression algorithms and multithreaded query processing, it provides quick access to objects from Power BI and Excel client applications.

Extensive data model

Together with the tabular model, measures were developed in the DAX query language, their wide variety covers many analytical data requests. For example, we have developed measures for comparing current sales values to different past periods, comparing them to a period-to-period plan. Each measure is provided in variants of different units of measurement, for example, in pieces or tons. Users of the table model can work with it both from the bi-system of Power BI and from Excel. Since all users use the same unchangeable measures, this ensures universal methodological accuracy in the company.

Example of a variety of sales measures

MML sheets

Being a large world-famous manufacturer, FES PRODUCT offers a wide range, but not every outlet can accommodate all products. Therefore, the company used the so-called MML sheets (MML - minimum mandatory assortment) - lists of items that should be on sale depending on the store type, distribution channel or region.

MML helps to control the availability of priority goods, increase sales and manage the range. To implement MML, you define store formats, develop assortment matrices, track the representation of goods and adjust plans. Regular analysis of MML execution allows you to identify shortcomings, respond quickly to changes in demand and increase sales of key positions.

In turn, at the storage level, a table was prepared with actual sales data for those products that are included in different sets and subsets of MML, which are started on the Customer's side. In the tabular model was The actual data is calculated with key criteria for the execution of MML, such as the number of pieces, the amount of sales, etc. It is important to emphasize that DAX calculation in a tabular model allows you to calculate the execution of MML dynamically in the context of any time interval.

Example of using measures to perform MML sheets in dashboards

Custom card

A custom map was developed for the project using the Mapbox service. This service allows you to create a map with any geographical markup and in any visual style, and then get a piece of code that can be used on website or mobile app.

In addition, Mapbox has a plugin in Microsoft AppSource, thanks to which it can be used in Power BI. Mapbox Studio allows you to develop a set of geographic data from scratch using manual map markup or edit existing data. Thus, you can display only the necessary objects on the dashboard.

Manual Geographic Data Creation

After you create a data set, you need to convert it to Tileset. A GeoJSON file with markup of the regions of Russia was prepared in advance and did not need to be edited, so they immediately started downloading it to Tileset.

When loaded, GeoJSON data is converted into vector sheets that store map data as geometry (points, lines, and polygons) and metadata (such as place names, elevation values, and building numbers). Such data does not have style properties, so the next step in the Style Editor was to set the background, line, and interior color of regions in the map.

Loaded from GeoJSON Tileset in vector form

Creating a Mapbox Map Style

Using the card in dashboard


FES PRODUCT has received a decision that meets the three main objectives set before the start of the work:

  • Consolidation of data from different sources;
  • Provision of joint and prompt access to data;
  • Generate analyses.

In addition, employees of the corporation can now independently customize reports without the help of developers, since the system is a ready-made solution with an extensive data model.

The project for the implementation of an analytical reporting system in FES PRODUCT is not only the creation of a dashboard for analyzing past indicators, but also the implementation of a strategic tool for managing sales at the moment. Methodological consistency of data allows you to work in a single transparent control system. When the data is clear and available for quick analysis, the business wins in the responsiveness to demand, the necessary goods are at the right points.

narrated by Elizaveta Matryonina, business analyst at Conteq

Working with the Conteq team to develop a data warehouse and tools for operational reporting was as comfortable and professional as possible. With the developed tool, we optimized reporting transparency and gave the sales team, management, and related departments the right granularity of data almost online to make decisions quickly, manage sales effectively, and adapt to market changes based on accurate, real-time data.
Vasilkina, Head of Business Analytics and Information Support, told