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Sophos Mobile

The name of the base system (platform): Android
Developers: Sophos
Last Release Date: January, 2013
Technology: Mobile Device Management (MDM),  cybersecurity - Antiviruses,  cybersecurity - the Antispam,  the Firewall


Sophos Mobile Control will allow the staff of IT-divisions to set control over client smartphones. Developers also submitted advanced versions of the corporate products Safeguard Enterprise and Sophos Endpoint Security and Data Protection.

Staff of the modern enterprises even more often uses personal mobile devices for access to corporate networks and work with crucial data. Using the Sophos Mobile Control software product administrators will be able to organize protection of any devices having access to corporate network. The list of key features of a product includes blocking of separate undesirable and potentially dangerous functions, for example, prohibition on use of the built-in camera.

Enciphering the data stored in memory of tablets iPad and also smartphones iPhone Android and Windows Mobile, guarantees safety of confidential information even in case of loss of the device. This functionality is especially important for the enterprises obliged to observe legislative and industry security requirements.

The organizations will appreciate a possibility of providing secure access to corporate e-mail, removals of data "by air", remote blocking of access to devices and also specific applications and functions. Separate mentioning is deserved by expanded support of security policies. For example, administrators will be able to trace that the websites prohibited at workstations also were unavailable from the mobile device. With the help the politician it is also possible to control installation of applications on smartphones.

Ordinary business users should not wait any more until the IT-specialist considers the sent request and will block access to the lost device. Access to a self-service portal will allow to solve these and other routine tasks without the appeal to technical support.

As it was already told above, Sophos developers also entered a number of improvements to popular products. The solution Safeguard Enterprise differs much in the increased capacity and a possibility of enciphering of contents of portable USB drives. The updated Sophos Endpoint Security and Data Protection platform supports automatic update on the basis of the acting the politician and the current location of the user.

From the moment of the announcement of Sophos Mobile Control there passed one and a half years, and the solution is already installed more than on 1 million mobile devices worldwide. It was promoted by a number of steps taken by Sophos in 2012: from the moment of emergence of the first version of a product in May of last year the company released two updates (Sophos Mobile Control of versions 2.0 and 2.5) and unrolled the cloud version of the solution – Sophos Mobile Control as-a-Service.

2016: Sophos Mobile 7

The technology of an anti-phishing and support of IoT-devices are added to this version. Sophos Mobile 7 can deservedly consider the advanced EMM solution for the organizations aimed at saving of time and forces at setup and protection of the mobile devices.


Use of Android by business users

According to the report of Gartner "Market share: mobile phones in regions and the countries, the 3rd quarter 2012" ('Market Share: Mobile Phones by Region and Country, 3Q12'), the sales volume of smartphones running Android to end users in the 3rd quarter 2012 increased to 72.4% of total sales of operating systems. But as use by employees of own devices running Android increased in the working purposes, many organizations had to rebuild the business processes because of a lack of management tools security for such devices and also because Android it is vulnerable for the malware.

The latest version of Sophos Mobile Control is integrated with Sophos Mobile Security, providing the increased protection of devices running Android. Thanks to Sophos Mobile Control, the organization will be able without concerns to use Android — all applications and external carriers are scanned on availability of the malware, reports on all detected problems go to the central server, and actions for correction of a situation are started automatically according to the settings exposed by the company.

Protection of mobile devices during the work on the Internet

In combination with Sophos Mobile Control, the solution Sophos Mobile Security contains mechanisms of security of work in the Internet now, giving for devices running Android an opportunity of filtering of the web addresses. Service of web protection checks reputation of any web address to which the user tries to pass (own SophosLabs database is for this purpose used) and also makes scanning on availability of malware. At detection of dangerous content or phishing sites the user receives a warning and is redirected on the safe website.

Support of Samsung SAFE devices

Sophos Mobile Control provides support of Samsung SAFE (Samsung for the enterprises) thanks to what enhanced capabilities of control of devices running Android are given also settings of corporate services, such as VPN, Wi-Fi and Microsoft Exchange, on all devices with Samsung SAFE are supported.

One license for all devices of the user

Administration of licenses of mobile device management in the environment of BYOD can appear the difficult and taking-away a lot of time as the number of the devices used by each employee can change within a year. A part of the new offer of Sophos is now the solution Sophos Mobile Control which assumes one license for all devices of the user that simplifies work of IT departments on administration of licenses. At deployment within the license Sophos EndUser Protection, the solution Sophos Mobile Control ensures safety of all devices in network within the uniform user license for mobile devices and workstations.

Sophos Mobile Control 3.0

The version of Sophos Mobile Control 3.0 includes support of devices with Samsung SAFE, providing stricter control of their use and significantly facilitating determination and implementation the politician of BYOD (use of personal devices by employees). In the solution integration with the software package Sophos Mobile Security 2.0 which protects smartphones and tablets running Android from malware is also implemented.


Sophos Mobile Control 2.5

  This platform considerably simplifies planning and implementation of corporate strategies of BYOD (bring-your-own-device) and allows IT personnel to set comprehensive control over personal portable devices.

Sophos Mobile Control 2.5 differs from the previous versions in closer integration with the existing IT infrastructure due to support of directory services, such as Active Directory. Thanks to this improvement, each new device is automatically ranked as one of the existing groups and gets under action corresponding the politician.

The modified administrator web interface provides submission of important information in an evident graphic form and simplifies management of different aspects of operation of smartphones. For example, now administrators will be able to receive timely reminders on need of deployment of updates and also will be timely informed of detection of potentially vulnerable devices in network of the enterprise.

Sophos developers I claim that the version of Mobile Control 2.5 allows to minimize different risks, the mobile devices connected with use. Including, corporate IT specialists will be able to delete working data and applications from memory of the device in case of dismissal of the employee from the organization or at systematic non-compliance with requirements to security now. Having faced violation acting the politician, Mobile Control will notify on it the administrator who can send to the owner of the smartphone the corresponding warning. Further violation or intended ignoring of requirements can cause more drastic and radical measures, up to automatic destruction of all confidential information.

The Mobile Control platform is available as an independent product and also is a part of a packet of Sophos Complete Security Suite, the comprehensive solution for protection of endpoints of network, servers and data, secure access in the Internet and works with e-mail.

Sophos Mobile Security

The Sophos company officially submitted in the fall of 2012 the new version of the product Sophos Mobile Security which serves for protection of Android devices against viruses and against stealing of personal information. In the new version of Sophos Mobile Security such new features as scanning at receipt of new data on viruses from a cloud are implemented.

Traditional protection against viruses and malware is performed by scanning of new applications at the time of installation. It is possible to scan earlier set to software and in memory of the device, and on the SD memory card and also on replaceable USB carriers. In the application "the gray list the" of applications representing potential threat is maintained, and in the list of the checked applications the new category is added: PUA (Potentially Unwanted Apps is potentially undesirable applications). The cloud service of Sophos company helps users to receive immediately relevant data on new viruses to check the device for their presence.

For protection against loss and theft of the device Sophos Mobile Security supports receiving commands from the preset phone numbers using text Sms. Besides, remote erasing and blocking of any your Android device is supported. For search of the device within audibility the remote command for inclusion of a loud sound signal is implemented. Besides, display of the special message for found the device, technology of tracking of location of the device and also informing on change of the SIM card in the device is supported.

The Sophos Mobile Security system provides personal data protection by determination of applications which have access to such private data as the address directory. Besides, a system is able to define the applications capable to consume paid services without the knowledge of the user (and to charge funds off an account of the user). At last, Sophos Mobile Security can make the list of efficient recommendations for increase in security of the device and information in his memory (change of a number of parameters of the Android system and applications).

2011: Sophos Mobile Control 2.0

The Sophos company, producer of means of protecting, announced the new version of the product Sophos Mobile Control 2.0 in December, 2011. Proposed solution will allow corporate IT specialists to set comprehensive control over all smartphones and tablets capable to be connected to network of the organization and to minimize the risks connected with use of mobile devices.

Sophos Mobile Control maintains the majority of widespread platforms and models of devices, including smartphones iPhone and iPad tablets under control of the latest version of iOS5 operating system and also the device Android, Windows Mobile and RIM BlackBerry. For device management and also their monitoring and protection the user-friendly and functional web interface is offered to specialists.

Administrators will be able to activate and deactivate far off the built-in protection gears of the operating system, such as data encryption and use of passwords. Sophos Mobile Control provides a possibility of deployment of crucial patches and updates. In case of loss or theft of the device extremely useful will be a possibility of remote blocking of the device, determination of its current location or removal of crucial data.

One of the most interesting improvements in the version of Sophos Mobile Control 2.0 is the built-in app store of Sophos Enterprise App Store which will allow administrators to be engaged in remote setup of the programs installed on client devices and also to make lists of the tools obligatory or recommended for installation. The offered functionality will also simplify deployment of the specific business applications which are absent on the websites of Apple App Store or Google Market.

The new mechanism "Compliance Enforcement" will allow administrators to set security policies and to monitor their observance, to automatically block access to network of potentially vulnerable devices and to stop operation of applications from "black list". The administrator web interface guarantees online access to the list of potentially vulnerable devices, detailed information on violation the politician and to the list of the recommended actions.

The self-service portal (Self Service Portal) helping to reduce loads of IT personnel will also be at disposal of clients. After registration of the device, end users will get access to a number of necessary functions, such as remote blocking of the device and determination of its current location, removal of information, reset of the password, etc. Thus, non-management employees of the organization will be able to solve the majority of problems independently, without asking for the help professionals.