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Norton Mobile Security

Developers: Symantec
Last Release Date: June, 2013
Technology: Cybersecurity - Antiviruses,  cybersecurity - the Antispam,  the Firewall


The Norton Mobile Security by Symantec application ensures complex safety of mobile devices based on Android and iOS: protects from viruses, plunder of confidential data and also will help to find phone at loss or theft.

Main opportunities of an antivirus: protection of several gadgets using uniform web service; protection of the personal materials which are stored on mobile devices (allows to create backup copies of contacts with a possibility of their recovery; far off to block the lost/stolen smartphones and tablets to prevent unauthorized use of the device or an information access; far off to erase information on the device; block phone if from it the SIM card is taken; blocks the phishing sites forcing to disclose personal information for theft of identification data or money).

Norton Mobile Security 1.5

Product for security of mobile devices from the Norton Mobile Security family. Norton Mobile Security 1.5 and also the beta of a packet of Norton Mobile Utilities for the Android platform. As developers assure, the updated solution Norton Mobile Security 1.5 allows to save users from the risks connected with theft or loss of the smartphone.

The packet of Norton Mobile Security 1.5 allows to detect the lost smartphone, to block and erase memory of the device. Besides, the anti-espionage scanner and additional level for blocking of calls and Sms is a part of the new version of Norton Mobile Security.

The Norton DNS 1.5 utility which is going to be provided until the end of the current week offers new anti-espionage means and provides tough content filtering, loaded on the smartphone. More interestingly the provided product under the name Norton Mobile Utilities looks for the first time – it the application helps to trace any data which arrive on the smartphone from the outside or leave outside. The packet of Norton Mobile Utilities monitors use of energy, telephone functions and work with data. Besides, any actions for installation and removal of programs both on an internal memory of the device, and on the replaceable SD card are fixed.

The Norton Tablet Security application represents the modified version of Norton Mobile Security whose key feature is the user interface optimized for Android tablets with the big display. Thanks to support of the "wide-screen" mode, developers do not need to try to find room for the offered functions and tools in one narrow column any more.

However, on feature set the new product not too differs from the smartphone prototype. The Tablet Security application also provides a possibility of scanning of storage devices in search of malware and ensures safety of web surfing. The Norton Safe Web technology will save mobile Internet users from visit of the dangerous websites and will prohibit loading of unreliable pages in Android browser used by default. At last, powerful and functional tools for remote access to devices will be at disposal of clients.

The built-in "anticreeping" mechanisms allow owners of the lost or stolen tablet to block access to the device from the personal account on the special web portal. As additional protective measures opportunities of an output to the display of the special message or detection of the current location of the device on the card are offered. The "sneak peek" function will allow to depict the new owner on the camera located on the tablet face. The received image will be automatically transferred to the special website.

Among the innovations offered users of Norton Mobile Security, separate mentioning is deserved by the scream function which will allow to activate an alarm remotely.

Norton Mobile Security 3.5

The company Symantec released the new version of Norton Mobile Security, the current issue - It provides powerful and effective protection of smartphones and tablets on the platform Android and also Apple iOS, the press service of vendor reported on July 1, 2013.

Norton Mobile Security for Android contains the new technology of collecting and data processing of Norton Mobile Insight aimed at providing personal information protection of users. The mechanism of risk control of access to personal data installed in Norton Mobile Insight allows to define - what of applications can subject users of similar danger. Updating of Norton Mobile Security also significantly expands possibilities of applications in ensuring protection against thefts Apple iPhone and iPad, thanking, in particular, to use of the siren function – a sound signal which helps the owner to detect quickly where his device was gone.

Threats to a personnel under control

Control over personal information is extremely important for owners of mobile devices. About 57% of users deleted or refused installation of applications, proceeding from reasons of protection of the personal data. To facilitate here to users life, in addition to tracking of traditional risks of security, Norton Mobile Security checks applications for existence of potential threats for personal information of the user now. For example, Norton Mobile Security will notify the owner if the application opening access to such data as the contact list, photos, history of perfect calls is revealed. Users occasionally cannot fully control security of personal information as they do not know how it is possible to get access to it and to use it. Norton Mobile Security provides powerful personal data protection and allows to do the weighed decisions on what applications to leave and what – to delete from the device.

"Ensuring inviolability of personal data – a question difficult and ambiguous both for clients, and for developers, – Con Mallon, the senior director on products of Symantec company noted. – Until recently, scanning of mobile applications regarding risks of violation of inviolability of personal data was carried out at the most superficial level and could not provide users with really qualitative information for decision making. In the newest version of the program we use a unique combination of methods of static and dynamic analysis of data that users had a complete idea of how the application can affect security of their personal data. Having such data, clients can really solve, to leave or not installed application".

Norton Mobile Insight technology

Advantages of Norton Mobile Insight technology – a patent algorithm of the collecting and data processing providing dynamic analysis of each application from more than 200 app stores are available to users of the solution Norton Mobile Security. The purpose of work of Norton Mobile Insight - to define potential risks of violation of personal security, inviolability of personal data and relative degree of aggression of the application.

Using an algorithm Norton Mobile Insight more than 4 million applications therefore it was succeeded to define are analyzed - about 30% from them are the reason of information leak like the contact list or history of calls of the user. Now using Norton Mobile Insight technology 10 thousand new applications a day are processed, among them 300 thousand malware and 1.5 million potentially dangerous, containing such vulnerabilities as aggressive contextual advertizing or direct threat of inviolability of personal data are revealed.