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Polymedia, SMART and ICL-KPO of AF implement the joint project within the strategy of development of formation of Tatarstan for 2010-2015.

11.02.11, 11:16, Msk

Last week in the Center of information technologies of the Republic of Tatarstan there took place the meeting with participation of the minister of informatization and communication of the republic of Nikolai Nikiforov, the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of RT (MOEEN RT) Andrey Pominov, the CEO of Polymedia Elena Novikova, the president of the Canadian company SMART Technologies Tom Hodson and deputy CEO of ICL company of group of companies (ICL-KPO of AF, Aysiel - KPO of AF) Evgenia Stepanova. During the meeting of the party signed the memorandum of intentions to implement a joint pilot project within "The strategy of development of formation of the Republic of Tatarstan for 2010-2015".

Achievement of the maximum pedagogical effect of implementation of interactive technologies in educational audiences and increase in efficiency of use of modern technical means of training in educational institutions of Tatarstan should become a project deliverable as the memorandum says.[1]

Within the signed memorandum the global manufacturer of interactive products and solutions for formation of SMART Technologies should organize exchange of experience in the field of implementation and implementation of similar projects in other countries and regions, to adapt the software for creation of interactive lessons of SMART Notebook to Tatar, to develop the joint plan of creation of a free Internet resource for exchange of content of SMART Exchange for Tatar, to give technical support in creation of Competence Centers MOEEN RT, to train tutors in work with SMART Notebook software, to plan and perform installation of the software package of SMART Classroom Suite on student's computers, says Polymedia.

In turn, Polymedia and ICL-KPO of AF undertake to hold all necessary events for implementation of the project in an education system of Tatarstan, to perform system integration of the products SMART with a complex of other technical means of training, to completely provide warranty service and other support of the equipment, to train teachers with involvement of the certified specialists and also to estimate results of implementation of the equipment and the software during test operation.

"The Republic of Tatarstan in many respects is the advanced republic, and the aspiration to upgrade and informatization of formation of the government of this region causes deep respect", – Elena Novikova said. According to her, with project implementation the efficiency of educational process of RT will reach the level of the western schools and experience of implementation of IT and interactive technologies will serve as a successful example for its application in other regions of the Russian Federation. "Anyway, the main thing — Elena Novikova continued, is a creation of ergonomic educational space, the comfortable and favorable environment for training and teaching, increase in teacher's ICT competence, ensuring free interaction of all participants of educational process and integration with other educational institutions. It is a paramount problem of our joint efforts".