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Stability of functioning of TETRA network increases for account 3G

04.03.11, 10:14, Msk

The Tetrasvyaz company announced implementation of the innovative solution on abnormal connection of remote base stations and management systems of network of a professional radio communication of TETRA through networks of mobile communication of third generation 3G.

The solution is implemented based on the modernized system of the radio communication of the TETRA standard unrolled in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. Functional transport infrastructure (reference transport network) integrates set of objects of TETRA in uniform technically and functionally connected system. In case of accident on section of a reference transport network communication in an area of coverage of each base station remains, but between removed groups of subscribers can be broken that is inadmissible in the conditions of emergency.

For the purpose of increase in security and fault tolerance of infrastructure of TETRA network specialists of Tetrasvyaz company developed and successfully implemented the solution allowing to transfer data on alternative channels of communication of 3G networks in case of accident. At connection of an alternative channel the functionality of TETRA network remains in full and corresponds to regular. Thus, even in the conditions of damage or destruction of the main section of a reference transport network at emergency the continuity of information exchange between base stations of TETRA remains and uninterrupted communication of the subscribers who are in different areas of coverage of network is provided.