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The Bolshoi Theatre will model performances in Autodesk, 3D using solutions

Customers: Bolshoi Theatre

Product: Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011

Project date: 2011/03

The Autodesk company, the developer of solutions for 3D - design, design and creation of virtual reality, announced that "Bolshoi Theatre" purchased a number of licenses for software products of the company. Specialists of technical group of theater are going to use Revit Architecture, 3ds Max and AutoCAD for virtual modeling of performances.

"In the repertoire of the Bolshoi Theatre several tens of various performances, for each of which at a creation stage set designers and technologists represent to arts council the full-fledged model executed in scale with selection of invoices in the necessary color gamma. However model representation of future performance cannot reflect fully how he will live: its development, director's intention — Elena Drevalyova, the chief specialist on technology of production illumination of the Bolshoi Theatre told. — Therefore we should simulate all ideas of creative group in 3D - space".

For this purpose the theater purchased licenses for Autodesk Revit Architecture which is a key product of Autodesk for information modeling and also Autodesk 3ds Max and AutoCAD. Delivery and implementation were executed by the partner of Autodesk — "The Russian industrial company". Specialists of the Bolshoi Theatre are going to pass the training program to work with these tools and, in the long term, to create computer department which will closely cooperate with creative group during setting of performances, says Autodesk.