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Main events of week on March 21-27


21.03.11, 08:00, Msk

This week the set of interesting actions for IT managers will take place: these are the conferences devoted to call centers, creation of DPCs, unified communications. This week a birthday is celebrated by Steve Ballmer and Larry Page.

March 21

On Monday and Tuesday this week Russian CSO Summit - the IV Fourth Congress of Chiefs information security officer will take place. Special attention to information security support of business is the already created trend in company management of any scale.

Also on Monday the meeting of the international telecom club MobileMonday will take place. MobileMonday are informal meetings of professionals and leaders of opinions in the field of telecommunications. Guests of this meeting are directors of companies "Kyivstar", "Google", "Astelit" and Tom Akhonen (Nokia).

Monday celebrates a birthday Igor Agamerzyan, one of the leading IT specialists in the Russian market. At the moment he heads the Russian Venture Capital Company (RVCC),  before directed the development center of the software of EMC in St. Petersburg. Igor Rubenovich works in IT of 25 years.

March 22

Tuesday will open the Call Center World Forum 2011 conference. This action number one for technology experts of call centers in Eastern Europe.

Also on Tuesday there will take place the Unified Communications Forum conference. The concept of Unified Communications supported by Microsoft, Cisco, Avaya, HP, Siemens and other IT giants is the focus of attention.

This day Igor Danilov, the founder of Dr.Web was born. Since 1990 is engaged in developments in the field of anti-virus
. In 1992 began development of an antivirus of Dr.Web. In 2003 founded Doctor Web Company.

March 23

On March 23 there will take place test drive of an electronic document management system of DIRECTUM and corporate portals on the basis of Microsoft SharePoint. Everyone is invited to an action.

On Wednesday[1]the IT in insurance business conference will take place. Principal themes of an action: priorities of development of informatization in an insurance sector, main-stream of technology and another.

On March 23 there will take place the conference in St. Petersburg on[2]the subject "Infrastructure and Solutions for Server and DPC". At a conference very interesting reports on architectural concepts and infrastructure server will be given and data centers, the innovative solutions increasing efficiency of use of the electric power and reducing operating costs will be presented.

This day Mikhail Vasilyev, the CEO of Bank Soft Systems was born (BSS).

March 24

On March 24 there will pass  Fashion Retail Forum, the event is held by New Dimension company and Microsoft corporation. Forum subject: Increase in business performance of Fashion Retail using the innovative technologies. Practical experience of implementation of IT solutions at the leading enterprises of the industry. Within the forum essentially new solution of Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail focused on management of retail in the most different scenarios – from network of hypermarkets to online store with network of small retail outlets and representations will be presented.

Also this day there will begin work (and two days will last) the International congress on broadband access  of Broadband Russia & CIS 2011. This main event of broadband access industry.

One more action of Thursday - the Summit of developers of electronic rates. The action will take place in a format of a series of master classes from experts and practical examples of the companies.

Also there will take place[3]the "Data Processing Centers in Russia and the CIS" conference. This action will allow to hear the best practices in plot area and service of DPCs, to take part in interactive round tables, to discuss the most topical issues and to exchange experience and contacts. The second day of work of a conference – Friday.

In St. Petersburg this day there will take place[4]the "Butterfly Effect, or Perfection of Business Processes of 2011" conference, the organizer - Software AG - IDS Scheer Russia. "The economic crisis and calls delivered to them before the companies are to you not a wave of wings of a butterfly. The hurricane can come much quicker. How to endure it without fatal losses?", - such is the official announcement of an action.

This day Andrey Bychkov, the partner of MOLGA Consulting company was born. The graduate of the Perm technical university, some time it worked in SAP, then was an independent consultant for the personnel systems to vendors. In MOLGA Consulting company since 2010 - the partner, the Head of Department of solutions for set and personnel development.

The IT birthday boy of week is, certainly, Steve Ballmer, the chief executive of Microsoft. On this post Ballmer is more than 10 years. Also he is one of the richest inhabitants of the planet. He became the first billionaire in the world obliged by the fortune to options which is come into from the employer (Microsoft corporation) in whom he was not either the founder, or the relative of the founder. By the way, the native grandfather of Steve – the Belarusian on nationality and the Jew. Steve Ballmer stores 80% of the means in stocks of Microsoft.

March 25

On Friday there will take place the testing seminar in Microsoft Test and Lab Management. Vladimir Gusarov is the leader of a seminar, more than 19 years in the IT industry, directs product development of Recovery Manager for Active Directory and Recovery Manager for Exchange of Quest Software company. Vladimir will tell about development cycles of software products, manual testing, use of convenient tools for optimization of work of testers.

March 26

This day Larry Page, the president of Google company was born. Page enters
the richest people of the planet with a status more than $15 billion. What is not surprising: in student's years Larry Page constructed model of the inkjet printer of Lego.

It is possible to study the complete list of events of this week here.