Customers: ZTE in Russia (ZTI – Svyaztekhnologiya)
Contractors: 1C:VDGB Product: 1C: Integrated Automation 8На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2011/03
Automation of a management and accounting activity "ZTI Corporations – Svyaztekhnologiya" is carried out by specialists of "1C:VDGB" based on the standard software solution 1C: Integrated Automation 8 for the purpose of improvement of the workflow system of the enterprise in which organization structure three main divisions — operations section, personnel department and accounting interact.
The choice of the program 1C: Integrated Automation 8 by company management was caused by the fact that this product allows to solve in a complex problems of automation of activity of the company and includes three main units:
- 1C: Accounting 8 is the software product for automation of accounting and tax accounting;
- 1C: Payroll and HR Management 8 is the solution for automation of personnel records;
- 1C: Trade Management 8 is the program for automation of operational and managerial accounting of trade operations.
1C: Integrated Automation 8 configuration provides the organization of the unified information system of the company covering basic processes of management and accounting:
- sales management, stocks and purchases;
- customer relationship management (CRM);
- pricing;
- operational resource planning;
- cash management and settlement;
- production accounting;
- management of fixed assets and equipment;
- accounting and tax accounting, the regulated reporting;
- payroll calculation and personnel management;
- formation of the various analytical reporting.
Staff of department of accounting "ZTI Corporation – Svyaztekhnologiya" can automatically reflect all economic transactions of the enterprise registered in other subsystems now, thereby, providing operational formation of accounting records. Thanks to high extent of automation, the staff of different departments can enter documents of accounting of trade operations into the database.
As a result of implementation 1C: Integrated Automation 8 at the ZTI Corporation — Svyaztekhnologiya enterprise 10 jobs are automated. Specialists of "1C:VDGB" carried out works on installation of software, its demonstration and elementary education of users of 1C to work with a system. The client is signed on information and technology maintenance of a system.
Source: website "1C:VDGB"