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NPO Spetsialnaya tekhnika i svyaz Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation completed upgrade of a system of accounting of weapon

Customers: Special equipment and communication of NPO Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Contractors: RDTECH
Product: RDTECH: AIPS Weapon of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Project date: 2000/01  - 2009/06


By request of NPO Spetsialnaya tekhnika i svyaz Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation the RDTECH company developed and implemented a system of accounting of the movement of weapon in the territory of the Russian Federation - AIPS "Weapon of the Ministry of Internal Affairs".


1 stage: 2000. Creation of a pilot sample of uniform AIPS "Weapon of the Ministry of Internal Affairs". Specialists RDTECH designed structures of databases for each line of accounting. In total 5 databases of different structure were developed. Pilot sample AIPS was unrolled on the test stand and accepted by the Customer.

2 stage: 2001 - 2002. Input in trial operation a component of AIPS "Weapon of the Ministry of Internal Affairs" in Moscow, the Moscow and Tula regions. AIPS is unrolled on 14 automation objects, in each of which on different operating systems the Oracle Server installation was made, jobs of operators were organized. More than 150 jobs are in total set.

3 stage: 2002 - 2003. Input in trial operation a component of AIPS "Weapon of the Ministry of Internal Affairs" in 25 regions of Russia. A system was unrolled on 75 automation objects. More than 150 jobs are set.

4 stage: 2003 - 2005. Input in trial operation a component of AIPS "Weapon of the Ministry of Internal Affairs" in 61 regions of Russia. A system was unrolled on 250 automation objects of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

By the end of 2004 a system is unrolled more than on 350 automation objects, and the number of jobs was about 550.

5 stage: 2005 - 2007. Trial operation and upgrade of AIPS "Weapon of the Ministry of Internal Affairs". In all regional information centers the system of preparation of any reports using Oracle Discoverer Desktop Edition is put into trial operation.

In 2006 works on information security support of a system are begun. In 2007 works on input in trial operation of the line of accounting of Management of the organization of logistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation are performed.

6 stage: 2008 of AIPS "Weapon of the Ministry of Internal Affairs" it is unrolled on all automation objects in all by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs, the Department of Internal Affairs in territorial subjects of the Russian Federation. In the Main information and analytical center Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation the Massif reference Central of weapon is created, there is a work on formation of the Massif reference Central of owners of weapon. In Department of protection of public order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation information arrays of federal weapon on owners of an award weapon and legal entities with singular authorized problems are created.

7 stage: 2009. Since June 1, 2009 the segment of AIPS "Weapon of the Ministry of Internal Affairs" of the line of accounting of license and allowing work is put by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation into commercial operation.

Implementation project results

As a result of creation of the automated Weapon of the Ministry of Internal Affairs information retrieval system the efficiency of activities of structural divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for accounting of office and military person-portable small arms and its owners considerably increased.

Problems of input and local processing in local divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of documents with information on weapon, document transfers up the line of accounting and loading of documents from subordinate divisions and also maintaining specialized reference books and their distribution to subordinate divisions are implemented.

Users of a system have quick access to a system with a search capability in the local database of necessary documents with information on weapon and accomplishment of requests for extraction of necessary documents from a distributed database.

2012 - upgrade

RDTECH carried out upgrade of a system of accounting of weapon for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Updating project deliverable

The RDTECH company completed the project for development of an information system of AIPS "Weapon of the Ministry of Internal Affairs".

A system is in operation since 2003. Now AIPS "Weapon of the Ministry of Internal Affairs" is set in all territorial subjects of the Russian Federation.

Within the project on development of a system specialists of RDTECH company executed industrial data migration of information center of an automated system Weapon of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the new version of Oracle DBMS with preserving of completeness and integrity of all credentials which are saved up since 2003.

Works on installation of the upgraded software of the Weapon of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system on new hardware and software systems are carried also out. Improvement will allow to increase quality and efficiency of process of control over traffic in weapons in the territory of the Russian Federation, since the moment of its production or import and finishing it with utilization.