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EOS Group offers the products to educational institutions at a discount of 50%

13.04.11, 10:42, Msk

The Electronic Office Systems company announced new licensing terms of products for educational institutions. Now the educational institution can receive jobs of systems Case and "Delo-Web", Archiving, Personnel, eDocLib and EOS for SharePoint at a discount of 50%. The academic license does not extend to options and subsystems and also to jobs Reader of the Archiving systems, eDocLib and EOS for SharePoint, says EOS Group.

"Providing the software for educational institutions on special conditions is a past practice for many software makers. Our company performs more than six years the program of work with educational institutions "Electronic Document Management — from a Student's Bench!" within which already more than 300 academies, the universities, institutes, technical schools, colleges and lyceums received in free use over 10,200 jobs of our systems for the educational purposes" — Peregudov Alexey, the associate director on sales to EOS Group company noted. According to him, new special conditions on providing a discount of 50% for automation of own business processes of universities is not replacement, but logical continuation of the program "Electronic Document Management — from a Student's Bench!" which continues to work in full.