Alexey Romanov: We selected ELMA CRM+ "for growth"
The Avtelcom company selected ELMA CRM+ for automation of work with clients for a ratio price/quality and also wide functionality and opportunities for control automation by business processes. Alexey Romanov, the head of practice of BPM of Avtelcom company, told TAdviser that soon all business logic of the company will be displaid in a BPM system.
Information which is contained in this interview as of December, 2015 is not relevant any more, a comment of TAdviser
TAdviser: For the system integrator automation of customer relations is the base without which anywhere. Before implementing the ELMA CRM+ system, you already used some solutions?
Alexey Romanov: Before implementation of ELMA CRM+ the company used other solutions of level of management of relationship with partners, but all of them had certain restrictions. Product introduction of ELMA for us became an important task on which successful solution the controllability and sustainable development of business directly depends. Therefore we first of all considered solutions, the most full corresponding to all current and perspective demands of the organization. At the same time to us it was necessary not only to select such system, but also to provide its further development. On closer examination it turned out that at the market it is presented not really many solutions fully conforming to all our requirements. Besides, the choice was limited to a budget framework. Having considered different options, we stopped the choice on ELMA CRM+ which implementation quite met our expectations.
TAdviser: Who primary clients of your company as far as there is a lot of them what processes of interaction with them you wanted to automate first of all?
Alexey Romanov: Among clients Avtelcom – the large companies of industrial, fuel and energy, telecommunication and state sectors and also other leaders of the Russian business. The CRM system helped us to organize transparent and clear process of maintaining base of partners and condition monitoring of transactions on them.
TAdviser: In the market there are a lot of CRM systems for every taste why you selected this?
Alexey Romanov: We stopped the choice on the solution ELMA CRM + including proceeding their opportunities of its further development and adaptation under are necessary to our company. Already today possibilities of this system exceed functionality of the traditional CRM systems. This solution allows to automate business processes in the company and to establish effective cooperation with external partners, to organize an electronic document management system, to implement different schemes of motivation of personnel and to manage effectively projects. All this functionality will be demanded by us already in the nearest future.
TAdviser: When the implementation project started? Whether you resorted to the help of consultants?
Alexey Romanov: The implementation project of CRM started in December, 2014. Within three months specialists of BPM 365 company (the partner of ELMA company), made implementation and initial setup of the solution. At this stage we jointly solved the arising difficulties of both technical, and organizational character: formalized regulations of interaction of different services of the organization, finished program components of a system, provided training of employees, etc. Today we automated tasks of CRM and we are going to implement further many management processes together with 1C.
TAdviser: What can the CRM system implemented by you upon?
Alexey Romanov: A system allows us to conduct base of partners, to keep track of current status of the current transactions and potential development of joint business of opportunities. It is implemented and successfully the schedule system and maintenances of relationship with partners works, internal business processes are automated. Thus we can always see a relevant picture of a status of a business activity of the company in different cuts: according to separate transactions, work of specific managers, departments or department of sales in general. A system constantly develops, and now we complete trial operation of process of approval of profitable agreements.
TAdviser: Throughout what time it is in operation? How did business processes of the company change now? What effect of implementation of the CRM system could you note?
Alexey Romanov: As a system is operated since the beginning of this year, to speak about global effects of its implementation a little prematurely. Nevertheless, already now in the company transparent business processes are built, its operating activities are regulated. Procedures of the solution of the major problems affecting different structural divisions of the company are so far formalized and optimized. All this promotes decrease in operational risks and growth of business.
TAdviser: Whether you will develop automation of CRM further? What other interesting IT projects do you implement now?
Alexey Romanov: Certainly, and not only CRM! Our plans are implementation of process management in the company. As a result all business logic will be displaid in a BPM system, and solution 1C will continue to provide automation of accounting and statistical transactions. Besides, we are going to implement a number of the performance indicators allowing to provide to management an objective picture of the processes happening in the company and their business impacts in general.