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Баннер в шапке 2
2021/12/24 18:35:25


Ankara is the capital of the Republic of Turkey.


Main article: Turkey


The city was founded in the 7th century BC. e. under the name Ankira (Latin Ancora). The term "lyangar" and its phonetic variants are often found in the place names of Central Asia and the Middle East.

There is a point of view that the city arose where the relocated Celtic tribe of the Galatians stopped.

The name has been used for a long time in the form of Angor, from which the surviving Russian concepts are formed: Angora goats, cats, Angora wool, etc.

After the transfer in 1923 to the city of the capital of the state, the modern phonetic form of Ankara is officially fixed.


2015: 5.27 million people

The population of Ankara as of December 31, 2015 was 5 million 270 thousand 575 people. It is the second city in Turkey by population after Istanbul, but the first by area.

1912:32 thousand Turks, 12 thousand Armenians and 3 thousand Greeks

In 1912, the following people lived in Ankara: Turks - 32,692 people, Armenians - 12,019 people, Greeks - 3,154 people.

Real estate

2021: The average cost of a monthly rental of a one-room apartment in the center of Ankara is $231

Средняя стоимость месячной аренды однокомнатной квартиры в центре столиц countries Europe, October 2021


1923: Ankara declared capital of Turkey

On October 13, 1923, Ankara was declared the capital of Turkey.

1919: Ankara - Kemal Ataturk's top bet

Since the end of 1919, the main headquarters of the leader of the Turkish national liberation movement Kemal Ataturk has been in the city.

1402: Sultan Bayezid I loses Battle of Angora and is captured by Timur

In 1402, near Ankara, a battle took place between the Uzbek emir Timur and the Turkish sultan Bayezid I, which went down in history as the Battle of Angora. The Sultan's army was defeated, and he himself was captured by Timur. The city, as well as its environs, suffered from these events.

1071: City comes under Seljuk control

In the late Byzantine period, a large number of wealthy Greek families lived in the city.

In 1071, after the defeat of the Byzantine army at the Battle of Manzikert, Ankara came under the control of the Seljuks.

VII in BC: Foundation of the city

Ankara is one of the oldest cities in Asia Minor. It has been known since the 7th century BC under the Greek name Aghora or Ankira ("anchor"), located at the intersection of busy trade roads connecting Europe and Asia.