Main article: Diagnosis of heart disease
2023: Google unveils method to track heart rate through headphones
Google on October 30, 2023 introduced the Audioplethysmography (APG) method, which allows active noise cancellation (ACP) headphones to detect heart rate using a simple software update. The ear canal is a great place to monitor health status thanks to the large number of blood vessels in the area, company officials said. Google's technology is altering the traditional function of ACP headphones, providing users with valuable health data in addition to their primary goal of noise cancellation.
The APG works by transmitting a low-intensity ultrasonic signal from the headphones' speakers, resulting in an echo picked up by built-in feedback microphones. These echoes are affected by movements skin and vibrations of the blood flow within the auditory canal. Google's processing system converts those obtained data into measurements of heart rate and heart rate variability, said the information and analytical educational project Evercare, citing the scientific and technical publication ReadWrite. The technology remains effective even when playing music or poorly compacting headphones. In addition, APG technology allows users to collect important health information without resorting to specialized devices or. wearable fitness systems Read more. here
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