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The main indication for use of autogravitatsionny therapy is the miofastsialny pain syndrome and intervertebral hernias.
The Miofastsialny pain syndrome is the phenomenon at which in muscular tissue local consolidations in the form of trigger (painful) points appear, including at formation of solderings between a muscle and the fastion fitting it. They are detected at survey and a palpation. The Miofastsialny pain syndrome and overvoltage of muscles of a back is one of basic reasons of appearance of intervertebral hernias and painful feelings in a back.
Application and operation principle
At autogravitatsionny therapy there is a soft extension of a backbone. It allows to increase intervertebral space. In turn, it leads to pressure decrease on disks and vertebras. At the same time tight okolopozvonochny muscles in 1.5-2 minutes of mechanical influence reflex relax, being extended between vertebras.
All this allows biomechanics of a backbone to align provision of vertebras, to eliminate a compression of intervertebral disks and to improve blood supply of tissues of backbone.
After the stretching sessions the backbone returns itself mobility, facet joints will be unblocked, the space in places of an exit of the nervous terminations of a spinal cord increases. The compression of nerves and vertebras vanishes, vertebras cease to touch each other. During the lengthening of a backbone and removal of loading intervertebral disks are capable to reabsorbirovat liquid and to recover the structure.
Because of reduction of loads of disks, reductions in natural provision of vertebras and removal of a spasm of muscles intervertebral hernias decrease (possibly to achieve their total disappearance in 3-4 months at their size to 5 mm).
Frequency of carrying out extension at influence of curb weight varies depending on a way of life of the patient, existence of problems with a backbone and so forth.
Usually if the value of a protrusion or hernia does not exceed 3 mm, there are enough 10 sessions. At indicators of 3-5 mm the number of procedures can be increased up to 2 rates on 10 sessions (1.5-2 months). If the value of hernia is 7 mm and more, it is necessary to conduct several courses till 8-10 of sessions within 3-6 months.
Advantages of a method
For 2018 advantages of local relaxation of spazmirovanny okolopozvonochny muscles and the blocked joints as method of treatment are obvious as developing of a disease removes a basic reason. Unlike other methods of extension and mobilization of vertebras, the autogravitation on special exercise machines or devices is rather safe.
For example, hung headfirst on a horizontal bar only physically healthy people are able to afford. If there are problems with pressure or there is an excess weight, then such loadings are contraindicated. Secondly, extension at the same time will be not identical to all departments of a backbone. Having hung on a horizontal bar, the patient, certainly, helps the lower departments of a backbone, but here cervical department, cervicothoracic and verkhnegrudny transitions, on the contrary, will undergo a low-useful compression. Plus, at such provision weight is distributed unevenly. The most high load on wrists, the lower, the is less than weight.
At extension of a backbone on "robotic couches" when the patient is fixed for a basin and a thorax, at such mechanical stretching first of all weak muscles, but not spazmirovanny since there is no local deep impact on tissue of an okolopozvonochny muscle are extended. All this worsens result of physical therapy. At autogravitatsionny therapy thanks to anatomic construction of the device there is a local impact on a spazmirovanny muscle and extension of vertebras happens in the right place.
Autogravitatsionny therapy allows to carry out not only treatment, but also prevention of dysfunctions of a backbone. In it its difference from drug treatment. Differences from massage is the possibility of impact on deep intervertebral muscles, independent treatment and sufficient security of the procedure.
Types of therapy: dry and underwater
Autogravitatsionny therapy is two types – dry and underwater. The main difference from each other – the second type is carried out in water.
At dry extension the patient usually is located horizontally on the special device. For 2018 at treatment in the Russian clinics KVS, Sacrus or Cordus devices are used, at house treatment the Detenzora system and the devices Sacrus. Complex work on all backbone, or study of a separate segment is possible. Dry therapy is the most convenient and widespread.
Underwater extension in the started cases can be more sparing. Provision of the patient can be horizontal or vertical. At horizontal position the trunk is forced to sag on a special board in a wide bathtub. At vertical position hand-rail, circles and other devices are used. Usually underwater extension is applied only in the specialized centers.
2016: Sacrus is the second device from NeuroTechnology
In 2016 the NeuroTechnology company released the second device – Sacrus. He acts more softly and without serious consequences, is mainly directed to correction in a sacrum, a basin and the Atlas therefore it is especially effective when pinching a sciatic nerve and waist pains.
2012: NeuroTechnology represents the device Cordus
In 2012 in the domestic market the device Cordus from (authors Koryukalov Yu.I., Denisenko V.S.) NeuroTechnology companies appeared. The mechanism of action is partially similar to the KBS installation. Differences in compactness of the device and that it works selectively with a specific segment of each department of a backbone.
The 1980th: Emergence of autogravitatsionny therapy and the first systems in Russia and the USA
The technology of mechanical impact on muscles and their fastion was developed (Anthony Chila, John Peckham, Carol Manheim) in the USA in 1981.
In the 1980th there was a whole direction which received the name of autogravitatsionny therapy, i.e. therapy under the influence of curb weight. The earliest devices for this therapy are mattresses of the Detenzor system and the KVS autogravitatsionny installation. Their fundamental difference from other systems are the absolute harmlessness and a possibility of uniform stretching of all departments of a backbone.
The Detenzor system consists of the mattress and a mat intended for intensive stretching of a backbone. The mattress develops extension on force equal 5-10% of weight of the patient. The mat develops extension equal 18% of weight of the patient. A system is simple and convenient, can be applied both in medical, and in the preventive purposes.
At the same time in the late eighties in Russia the designer Kostanbayev V. S. developed the autogravitatsionny installation which received the name KVS. Installation is protected by three patents and went over with success all clinical approbations. The device has all above-mentioned advantages, but in addition performs microvibration and a warming up of a backbone that promotes faster recovery of its functional properties, and use of installation before performing manual therapy significantly reduces percent of complications of manual therapy. On appearance she most of all reminds a couch, is supplied with the cross edges set on elastic paralellogramny mechanisms. Under the influence of the body weight of the person the reference surfaces of edges which are in interaction with a body move in the direction from a waist. Unlike a detenzorny system where individual selection of the sizes of mats and mattresses is necessary, the KVS installation is universal and approaches, both to children, and adults.