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2024/07/19 13:52:41

BIM technologies (global market)


2022: Market growth to $8.1 billion

At the end of 2022, the volume of the global market for information modeling systems for construction facilities (BIM) reached $8.1 billion. In the future, the industry will show steady growth, as stated in the materials of BCC Research, released at the end of 2023.

BIM (Building Information Modeling) - a process for designing, managing construction and operating buildings based on the use of a three-dimensional parametric model. The generated model of an object or complex of construction objects can take into account various characteristics - geometric, physical, functional, etc. This approach helps you plan your budget accurately and control costs throughout the project lifecycle. Contractors can visualize the construction process, optimize work tasks, and identify potential bottlenecks, resulting in more efficient operations.

Global BIM market climbed to $8.1 billion in a year

In 2022, geographically speaking, the global BIM market was dominated by North America, the study said. This is due to the presence of large suppliers of relevant software in the region. Significant players in the industry as a whole include Archidata, Aveva Group, Hexagon AB, Trimble, Autodesk, Beck Technolgy, Cadsoft, Computers and Structures, Pentagon Solution, Nemetschek SE, Bentley Systems, Dassault Systemes, Robert Mcneel & Associates, and Asite Solutions.

One of the factors contributing to the development of the global BIM market is the implementation of the concept of smart cities. Against the backdrop of ongoing technological progress, people around the world are striving to move to megacities. This increases the burden on infrastructure for personal and commercial needs; in addition, demand for residential buildings is growing. All this increases the need for effective models of construction management and associated operations. Construction companies are increasingly using BIM tools for project planning, risk management and resource optimization.

BIM modeling allows you to improve the quality of work. Facilities, which were designed and erected using BIM tools, are distinguished by good building quality, thoughtful infrastructure, convenience and safety. The approach allows you to reduce the time and cost of development, avoid possible errors in construction, and rationally allocate human and material resources. The importance of BIM is increasing against the background of the development of artificial intelligence, the use of digital twins and cloud technologies.

On the other hand, analysts point to a number of restraining factors. Small and medium-sized construction firms, which make up a significant part of the industry, often have tight budgets. The initial investment required to acquire BIM software licenses is sometimes prohibitive for these companies, preventing them from implementing the technology. In addition, the use of BIM involves not only the purchase of software, but also investments in employee training programs, which can be expensive and time-consuming. Moreover, efficient operation of BIM software often requires powerful hardware, the cost of which is also often very high.

Despite this, BCC Research analysts believe that in the period from 2023 to 2028, the global BIM industry will demonstrate a CAGR indicator (CAGR in complex percentages) at 11.3%. As a result, by the end of this period, its volume can reach $14.6 billion.[1]


PwC: Global BIM Technology Market Totaled $4.9-5.2 Billion

  • According to the study, the size of the global BIM technology market in 2019 amounted to $4.9-5.2 billion, by 2027 the figure could grow to $15.1-15.6 billion.
  • 70% was the level of BIM implementation in the UK in 2019 - in one of the most advanced countries in this indicator. According to the 2019 National BIM "UK National BIM Report," the value was around 10% in 2011.

This is one of the results of the study "PropTech in Russia: An overview of the practice of using BIM technologies and innovative solutions in the field of design," conducted by PWC experts in Russia.

Markets and Markets


Analysts at Value Market Research estimated the market in 2017 at $4.6 billion, and Facts & Factors and Markets and Markets market in 2019 at $5.2 billion and $4.9 billion, respectively. Market growth in the coming years is predicted by 16-19% annually, its volume in 2025-2026. - $15-16 billion, although there are more pessimistic estimates - $8.9 billion for 2024, predicted by Markets and[2].

Regionally, according to Markets and Markets, the BIM market consists of three approximately equal segments (America - Europe - Asia-Pacific) and a small "Rest of the World." In 2012, the ratio between these three, according to Pike Research, looked like 41 %/37 %/17%, that is, the Asia-Pacific countries have made significant progress.

Analysts name in the list of key players in the global market for information modeling of buildings both companies widely known in other areas (Autodesk, Bentley Systems, Dassault Systemes) and specialized ones (AECOM, Asite Solutions, Beck Technology, Nemetschek, Pentagon Solutions, Trimble Inc. (formerly Trimble Navigation), Synchro Software).


In 2011, the government Great Britain approved the BIM mandate (the customer's requirement for contractors to implement a construction project using information modeling technologies), which stated that all centrally purchased government projects should use "fully collaborative 3D BIM," which had a significant impact on the implementation of BIM in the region, most countries Europe or have already legalized the use of BIM or are preparing to do so. USA There is still no federal law regarding the use of BIM, however, the Office of General Services in 2003 created the National 3D-4D-BIM Program to support the implementation of BIM and mandated the use of BIM for all projects since 2007, which also contributed to the rapid development of the market.

See also
