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Industrial production in Russia
2024:17% increase in freight car production to 74.9 thousand units
In 2024, 74.9 thousand broad-gauge main freight cars were produced in Russia. This is 17.2% more than in 2023, when 63.9 thousand units were produced. Such data are given in the report of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), which TAdviser got acquainted with at the end of February 2025.
In the total volume of cars produced in 2024, gondola cars accounted for about 29 thousand units, which is 45.7% more than in the previous year. In addition, 19.8 thousand hoppers were produced (plus 5.8% on an annualized basis) and 12.7 thousand tanks (plus 48.2%). At the same time, platform production decreased by 36.1% year-on-year, amounting to 7.5 thousand units.
In 2024, 338 main electric locomotives were manufactured in Russia, which is 7.6% more than in the previous year. The production of shunting and industrial diesel locomotives decreased on an annualized basis by 0.3% - to 291 units. 281 sections of main locomotives were manufactured, which is 28.9% more compared to 2023.
The report also said passenger rail car output was 1,651 units, down 1.8% from 2023. And the production of tram passenger self-propelled (motor) cars jumped on an annualized basis by 43.9%, reaching 472 units.
As noted by RBC, Russian Railways proposes to reorient car-building enterprises to the production of more relevant and scarce cars, for example, hoppers-mineral carriers and hoppers-grain carriers, as well as high-capacity wagons. The industry agency Rollingstock Agency believes that in 2025 the production of freight cars in Russia may not exceed 60 thousand units, and a reduction is expected for many types of products.[1]
The production of railway locomotives and wagons in Russia over the year increased by 24% and reached 73.9 thousand units
In 2023, the volume of production of railway locomotives and rolling stock in Russia amounted to 73.9 thousand units. This is almost a quarter - by 24% - more than the previous year, when 59.6 thousand locomotives and wagons were produced. Such data are presented in a study by AnalyticResearchGroup, the results of which were published on February 18, 2025.
Significant drivers of the industry are large projects for the development of new models of locomotives and wagons. Thus, Ural Locomotives presented a new 3ES8 freight electric locomotive, which is capable of pulling trains weighing up to 7.1 thousand tons on difficult mountain sections of the Trans-Siberian Railway. To meet the demand for updating the railway infrastructure, Transmashholding and Sinara-Transport Machines continue to expand the production of locomotives and track equipment. At the same time, the aging of the car fleet is one of the main problems of the Russian railway industry: the average level of wear of such equipment is 57% for 2022.
According to Rosstat estimates, 314 main electric locomotives were produced in the Russian Federation in 2023, which is 2.2% less than in the previous year. At the same time, the production of trunk diesel locomotives rose on an annualized basis by 23.2%, amounting to 218 units. In addition, in 2023, 1.7 thousand passenger cars were produced in Russia, which corresponds to an increase of 16.9% compared to 2022. Freight car output increased by 26.6% yoy to 63.6 thousand units.
The AnalyticResearchGroup study says that in the Russian Federation there is a significant increase in demand for freight cars from operators: in 2023, 64.1 thousand units were sold, which is 28% more than a year earlier. In particular, sales of covered cars increased 4.4 times, and the demand for hoppers increased 2.3 times.[2]
Growth in passenger car production by 16.9% to 1.7 thousand units
The production of passenger railway cars in Russia increased by 16.9% in 2023, reaching 1.7 thousand units. Significant growth in transport engineering in November 2024 was reported by official statistical authorities.
According to the data, the December Rosstat production of passenger cars amounted to 302 units, which is 26.4% higher than in December 2022. The most significant growth was recorded in the production of tank cars - by 60.2% per year, reaching 8.6 thousand units.
Successful results were demonstrated by the segment of metro cars, where production increased by 51.9% and amounted to 562 units per year. A significant increase was noted in the production of trunk diesel locomotives - an increase of 23.2% to 218 sections.
Nevertheless, in some segments there is a decrease in indicators. The production of electric locomotives decreased by 2.2% to 314 units, the production of gondola cars decreased by 6.5% to 19.9 thousand units, and railway platforms - by 12.5% to 11.7 thousand units.
In December 2023, gondola car production showed signs of recovery, increasing by 49.5% compared to the same period in 2022 and reaching 1.9 thousand units. The output of traction rolling stock in the last month of the year amounted to 48 units.
The industry is showing strong growth in the segment of passenger transport and specialized cars, which reflects a change in priorities in the development of railway engineering in Russia. The total annual production of traction rolling stock reached 532 units, forming the basis for the further development of the industry.
The output of railway platforms in December 2023 exceeded the November indicators by 20.6%, which indicates the restoration of production dynamics in this segment by the end of the year.[3]
Named the largest train manufacturers in Russia
In 2023, Russian enterprises produced 314 main electric locomotives, which is 2.2% less than in the previous year, when the production volume was 321 units. Such indicators at the end of June 2024 were announced by the RollingStock analytical team.
According to the results of 2023, the Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant (NEVZ), which is part of Transmashholding, became the largest manufacturer of main electric locomotives. The company produced 173 cars against 178 in 2022. In second place are Ural Locomotives, in which the volume of deliveries on an annualized basis decreased from 128 to 119 units. Closes the top three "Kolomna Plant" ("Transmashholding") with 22 electric locomotives against 15 in 2022.
In the segment of main diesel locomotives, production in 2023 amounted to 218 sections, while a year earlier 177 units of such equipment were manufactured. The Bryansk Machine-Building Plant, which is part of the Transmashholding group, is in the lead: the company produced 214 sections against 173 sections in 2022. Four more sections (as a year earlier) were delivered by the Kolomna Zavod.
The volume of production of shunting diesel locomotives in 2023 amounted to 299 units against 280 a year earlier. Thus, year-on-year growth was recorded at 7.9%. The leader in this segment is the Bryansk Machine-Building Plant with 238 units of equipment.
The study also notes that during 2023, Russian enterprises manufactured 309 trams, which is 17% more compared to 2022, when the volume of production was 264 units. The top three are PC Transport Systems with a 49.8% share, UKVZ with 38.5% and Uraltransmash with 11.7%.
In 2023, Russian enterprises produced 63.6 thousand freight cars, in particular 19.9 thousand gondola cars, 11.7 thousand platforms, 8.6 thousand tanks, 18.7 thousand hoppers and 4.3 thousand covered cars.[4]
Freight car sales growth by 28% to 64.1 thousand units
In 2023, 64.1 thousand freight cars were sold in Russia, which is 28% more than a year earlier. Such data Union "Association of Car Builders" (OVS) published in January 2024.
According to the statistics presented, the sale of covered cars on the Russian market in 2023 increased 4.4 times compared to 2022 and amounted to 4.7 thousand units. Hoppers also showed an increase in demand from the camera community. Compared to 2022, there are 2.3 times more of them sold, up to 18.5 thousand units. Platforms on the decline in demand, their sales decreased by 18%, to 12 thousand units. Demand for gondola cars also decreased: 2023 was sold by 19.7 thousand units, which is 2% less than a year earlier.
In the structure of production, the share of the most massive kind - gondola cars - at the end of 2023 amounted to 30.7%. In terms of rolling stock of 25 tf, gondola cars accounted for 53.8%. The study notes that the share of wagons with an axial load of 25 tf is 28%, up to 18.1 thousand units, an increase compared to 2022 is 46%.
As for the production of components, the production of solid-rolled wheels decreased by 6% (to 1,542 units), in other categories - car axles, frames, beams and bearings - growth was recorded. In 2023, 386.6 thousand cassette bearings were sold in Russia, the indicator increased by 72%. Moreover, domestic components are in demand, the share of imported products sold in 2023 is 15%. According to OVS data, foreign supplies declined throughout 2023.
The head of Infoline Analytics, Mikhail Burmistrov, in a conversation with Kommersant, noted that the price, which rose sharply in 2023, is a factor in curbing demand: an innovative gondola car costs 5.1-5.3 million rubles excluding VAT, while back in 2020, some large buyers could purchase it for 2.7-2.8 million rubles.[5]
2022: Railcar production in Russia increased by 6%
In 2022, the production of standard cars in Russia increased by 6%. In total, more than 50 thousand freight cars were produced during this period. Such data in June 2023 was provided by the first deputy head of Rostec and the chairman of the supervisory board of the Union of Car Builders Vladimir Artyakov.
This suggests that the country's economy has adapted to new conditions, and the activity of freight transportation is growing. This once again confirms that the freight car building industry is one of the most technologically independent, "he said, commenting on the results of the work of the domestic car building industry. |
Separately, Vladimir Artyakov noted the support of the industry from the authorities and the government, which, together with the measures proposed by individual car-building enterprises and the Association of Car Builders, made it possible to cope with sanctions restrictions. The result of such joint work was to ensure a minimum threshold for the production of freight cars and the preservation of jobs.
Among other achievements significant for the market in 2022, Artyakov named the appearance in the line of domestic products of the fourth innovative trolley with a load of 25 tons per axle. In addition, the design of a high-speed cargo trolley has been launched, related markets for the production of universal containers, tank containers and refcontainers are being developed, the export of our products to the "1520 space" is being promoted, he added.
Noting the difficulties faced by the car-building industry, Vladimir Artyakov called the lack of components - cassette bearings, which affected the production of innovative cars. At the same time, as the representative of Rostec explained, enterprises are making every effort to rectify the situation.
By the end of April this year, our joint efforts managed to almost completely restore the previous volume of shipments: more than 140 thousand cassette bearings were delivered in four months, he added.[6] |
2020: Reduction of railcar production in the Russian Federation by 29%, to 56.2 thousand units, manufacturer rating - Infoline
The production of wagons in Russia in 2020 decreased by 28.7% compared to 2019 and amounted to 56.2 thousand units. This is evidenced by data from analysts Infoline.
The specified number of cars was delivered to the Russian Federation and the country of "space 1520" (where the width of the railway track coincides with the Russian one and is 1520 mm). The production of gondola cars, the most massive type of rolling stock, decreased by 42.2% (to 21.8 thousand units). The purchase of fitting platforms decreased by 21.3% (to 11.9 thousand units), by 21.9%, (to 7 thousand) - grain carriers. At the same time, purchases of tanks in 2020 increased by 73.7%, to 6.4 thousand, and covered cars - by 60.3%, to 5 thousand. The planned write-off of cars at the end of the year amounted to 22.9 thousand units.
In 2020, NPK United Wagon Company (UWC) remained the largest producer of freight cars in the Space 1520, supplying 16.6 thousand cars to the market of Russia and countries of far and near abroad (-20% by 2019). At the end of 2020, the company is the third in the world in the production of freight cars after the Chinese CRRC and the American Greenbrier. Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) in 2020 reduced production by more than 40%, to 10.7 thousand cars.
According to experts, the second half of 2020 turned out to be more positive than forecasts, which is associated, among other things, with a decrease in prices, which manufacturers resorted to in the fourth quarter. At the same time, experts say that it is not clear how car builders will cope with deliveries at low prices, taking into account the rise in metal prices.
According to Rosstat, in 2020, the production of passenger cars in Russia increased by 21.3%, to 2 thousand units. Freight car output decreased by 28.3% to 57.1 thousand units. The output of locomotives also decreased: electric locomotives by 13.9%, to 342, diesel locomotives by 17.7%, to 233.[7][8]
- ↑ Socio-economic situation of Russia
- ↑ Railway locomotives and rolling stock in Russia: industry development contrary to sanctions
- ↑ Industrial production dynamics in 2023
- ↑ Railway engineering of Russia. Second edition of infographics
- ↑ Production of freight cars and components for 2023
- ↑ Vladimir Artyakov summed up the work of the car-building industry in 2022
- ↑ INFOLine on the results of 2020 in the car-building industry and in the freight railway rolling stock market of Russia
- ↑ Rosstat presents data on industrial production in December 2020