Certification of fiber optic communication
Certification of fiber optic lines — the procedure of check cable fiber optic cables on quality and compliance to the SCS standards. Requirements to certification of the optical cable provide use of the specialized equipment and, in particular, a refletometriya.
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Certification essence
So far installation of the copper cable as it made a considerable part of available projects was the most widespread. Contractors used the special analyzers allowing possibilities of certification of a cable and check of work of connection, cutting down thereby expenses at installation of copper lines. Similar devices serve for certification of cable infrastructure by determination of its compliance to the TIA/ISO standards. With their help it is possible to estimate availability of a network service and connection with network. And at last, all results of testing are documented in one integrated report. Being the complete solution, these integrated tools considerably increase efficiency of activity of specialists, facilitating the making certifications – installation, testing, search and fault recovery, drawing up the report on results. At the same time carrying out tests for certification of category 6 according to all standards takes several seconds. If there is a failure on the line, testers of new generation allow to define location of problem section and the possible reasons of failure at once. Specialists can take these remedial measures for the fast problem resolution without consultation with the project manager.
Today the number of projects on installation of the networks including not only copper, but also optical lines increased. According to FTM Consulting company, in 2008 income from installation of optical lines will for the first time exceed income from installation of UTP cables. Increase in a market share of optical lines in applications of structured cabling systems, such as data processing centers, networks of educational institutions and home networks is expected. Besides, optical cables will still prevail in vertical cablings.
Requirements to certification
As optical lines play more and more important role in the majority of projects, and certification of the optical cable comes to the forefront. Recommendations about certification (such as bulletin TSB140) contain instructions on testing of fiber-optical cable systems in field conditions, including two levels of certification of optical networks. Basic certification, or certification of the first level, is required for all optical cable lines. Tests of the first level estimate attenuation (the entered losses), length and polarity. When conducting testing of the first level the level of optical losses with the subsequent documentation of results for each segment is measured and documented. The purpose of this procedure – to make sure that losses in an optical line do not exceed permissible value of losses for the specific application.
However certification of the first level is the general measurement of losses in the line which is not affecting performance of separate mergings and connectors. In the majority of specifications of projects requirements for mergings of connectors are established. At certification of the first level it is impossible to define whether their work is admissible and whether it conforms to project requirements. For this reason many designers of networks turn on in the project the requirement of carrying out certification of the second level by removal of the reflectogram from each optical line now.
Certification methods
When optical lines are an important part of a cable system, the contractor has several alternatives. One of them – to undertake installation only of a copper part of network. But payment of installation of an optical part it is normal above, than payment of installation of copper section so, limiting the participation only to installation of the copper cable, the contractor himself reduces the profit. One more lack of this approach is that owners of networks even more often prefer to employ one contractor for accomplishment of installation of both optical, and copper lines to reduce costs on administration of the contract, and at emergence of problems responsibility is born only by one party.
Contractors usually act with two methods in situations when the owner of network prefers to employ one contractor. One of options – to take the project completely, but for accomplishment of an optical part of the project to employ the subcontractor specializing in optical networks. Such approach is acceptable, but considerably reduces profit. One more undesirable moment for the contractor – his complete responsibility for quality of works of subcontractor, and is always risk for reputation. For these reasons many select the second option: they employ one or several specialists having experience in area of testing of optical cables and the equipment necessary for certification. A lack of this approach is the high cost of services of specialists in testing of optical lines, and because of permanent changes of workload can be difficult permanent to provide them with work.
Tools and tests
Besides, now contractors are given an opportunity to get an additional profit, having equipped the specialists in certification of copper lines with necessary tools and for certification of optical lines. Such opportunity appeared thanks to release of the new modules (which fasten to testers for copper lines) having the simple and familiar user interface, easy installation simple results in the form of assessment "a test is passed / not passed" and functions of professional management of results which allow the specialists certifying copper lines to certify also optical. Then for certification of optical cable systems honor with it or it is not necessary to undergo additional training at all. Reports are formed in the same format, as other reports therefore there is no need to reformat them to provide compliance to a format of reports on testing of copper lines. In addition, the cost of new modules is much lower than the cost of separate devices and they are more compact.
Chronology of events
2019: "The fiber-optic systems" supported obligatory certification of optical fiber
On June 25, 2019 there was information that the enterprise "Fiber-optic systems" is forced to compete with the Chinese producers at which the share of defects reaches 30% (at proformas Sumitomo Russian of the enterprise the percent of quality is 90-95%). CNews The CEO of "The fiber-optic systems" reported about it Andrey Nikolaev. At the same time as from the beginner in the market customers demand holding different procedures of confirmation of conformity of products whereas for the Chinese suppliers there are no such requirements from the Saransk plant.
Introduction of obligatory certification of fiber-optical products would allow to eliminate these discrepancies, consider in "The fiber-optic systems".
According to the experts, the need of the market of Russia and Belarus for optical fibers — raw materials for the plants of optical fiber cables (fiber-optic communication lines) — 9 million km of fibers a year. According to the representative of "The fiber-optic systems", the Russian enterprise could provide a half of requirements of the market of the Russian Federation and Belarus, however only 25% of products are sold in the domestic market, the rest is exported.
The world leader in production of optical fiber the American Corning sells products in Russia at $7 - $7.5 for 1 km, the Russian fiber costs domestic consumers for $7 - $8 for km, and the Chinese products — 4.5-$6 for km. After start of production in Russia Corning obliged the Russian clients to sign long-term contracts. It forced "The fiber-optic systems" to handle with the complaint in FAS and a request in Eurasian economic commission about conducting anti-dumping investigation. In 2018 government introduced increased taxes on Corning products — 30% (for other producers duty makes 3%). After this Corning began to import the products in Russia through India.
In addition to the listed problems, Andrey Nikolaev pointed to impossibility to use privileges for domestic manufacturers. State structures and state companies during tenders should apply 15% discount to products of the Russian producers. But state customers buy not fiber, but optical fiber cables therefore "The fiber-optic systems" cannot use this privilege.[1]
See Also
- Certification of conformity of means of communication (CCC)
- Certification (licensing) of means of enciphering
- Certification of Uptime Institute Tier