Clinical Examination Comprehensive Health Check-up (check-up)
Russians have the opportunity to undergo a comprehensive check of their health both free of charge (under the compulsory medical insurance policy) and for money. Each of us can count on medical examination in the state polyclinic every three years. This can be done in the years when you turn 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, etc. If your current age is completely divided into three, it's time for you to go to the clinic. And if the birthday falls at the end of the year, then you can undergo medical examination earlier, any month before it, starting in January Health check: how much a check-up costs and how to choose it.
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The second option is to go through a check-up in a private clinic. And if the set of examinations within the framework of medical examination is usually standard, then the check-up can be selected individually.
Clinical examination of children
Main articleMedical examination of children
What is a check-up
Check-up in private medical clinics is a comprehensive health check, something like a medical examination. These can be general and specialized examinations, basic and extended. Often they are tied to a person's gender and age. Some are held in the clinic in a few hours, others may require the presence of a person in the hospital for more than a day.
According to Gulnara Orlova, Deputy Operating Director, Chief Underwriter of Sberbank Life Insurance IC, a regular check-up includes laboratory tests (general blood count, blood for infections, urinalysis), ultrasound, fluorography, ECG, examination of a therapist and narrow specialists such as neurologist, ENT, cardiologist, ophthalmologist, gynecologist, urologist, surgeon, dentist. "This is a minimal set, which can sometimes be supplemented by separate more expensive studies, such as tomography," says Orlova.
There are also specialized check-ups: onco-, cardio-, gastro-, for women, for men, for those who want to become parents, etc. They focus on one area and include a more expanded range of research.
Check-up can be purchased directly from the clinic. In addition, this service may include health insurance. According to experts, services from the insurer and purchased directly from the clinic often differ in composition and/or price. Thus, Alla Kanunnikova, director of commercial activities and marketing for the Medsi clinic network, notes that the check-ups provided by insurance are truncated.
2024:82 million adult Russians underwent medical examination in a year
In February 2025, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova said that in 2024, during medical examination and preventive examinations, more than 630 thousand cases of cancer were detected, of which 60% were at an early stage. More than 82 million adults underwent medical examination, almost 1 million people took the opportunity to undergo it at the workplace. The coverage of examinations of children amounted to 97% (27 million). Among adolescents, 200 thousand diseases were identified, 141 thousand were directed to treatment.
2023: Medical examination in Russia helped to identify 50 thousand patients with cancer and 1 million cardiovascular diseases in a year
The number of Russians who underwent medical examination in 2023 exceeded 93 million people, which is 7% more than the volume planned by the government. This was announced on February 19, 2024 by the Deputy Director of the Department for the Organization of Medical Care and Sanatorium-Resort Affairs of the Ministry of Health Valery Gulshin at a round table dedicated to the prevention and treatment of non-communicable diseases in the Federation Council.
According to her, in 2023, 26 million minor residents of Russia underwent medical examination. Oksana Drapkina, chief freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for therapy and general medical practice, reports that in 2023, medical examination helped identify 50 thousand patients with cancer and 1 million cardiovascular diseases. At the same time, a little more than half of oncological diseases were detected in the early stages, when the prognosis of treatment is as favorable as possible, Drapkina said.
At the end of last year, we have 46% of persons who have undergone medical examination, professional examinations were assigned to health group III A - these are persons who have factors for the development of non-communicable diseases, and 22% are healthy citizens, the first health group, - said Valeria Gulshina on February 19, 2024. |
According to her, the Ministry of Health sees that the detection of diseases in the early stages as part of medical examination is growing. She added that in 2024, 70% of the population, that is, at least 100 million people, should undergo medical examination and professional examinations. To do this, the Ministry of Health plans to continue work to increase the informability of the population about the need to undergo such health checks.
The state guarantees Russians paid days off for medical examination. You will have to confirm your trip to the doctor with a certificate from the clinic. Employees who are not yet 40 years old can take such a day off once every three years. People from 40 years old to pre-retirement age can take time off annually.[1]
2018: Cost of service
Prices for examinations in clinics vary significantly. The cost of the basic check-up is from 5.9 thousand rubles in the clinic Лечу.ру to 222 thousand rubles in EMC (European Medical Center). Full check-ups, which involve visiting more specialists and a wider range of studies, cost from 25 thousand rubles (Family Doctor Clinic) to 453 thousand in EMS. The latter option provides a hospital and even a consultation with a psychotherapist.
A separate category is made up of specialized check-ups. "About 15-20% of our visitors use the products' Everything is in order: Cardio '(price 10,340 rubles), general children's check-up' Children's health '(12,300 rubles), check-up' Healthy thyroid gland '(6,800 rubles)," says Tatyana Kondratyeva, head of retail clients of the Alfa Health Center chain.
According to Alla Kanunnikova, check-ups in MEDSI can cost from 5 to 100 thousand rubles or more, depending on the number of studies and their complexity. There are comprehensive studies - oncoscreens, there are male, female and children's medical examination programs. So endocrinological or urological comprehensive examination costs from 6 thousand rubles. Cardiological examination MEDSI offers for 35 thousand.