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2019/03/25 15:21:26




2021: Cloned camels boom in UAE

In mid-September 2021, a boom of cloned camels began in the UAE. Cloning is in great demand due to camel beauty contests, so scientists at one of Dubai's clinics work around the clock to create carbon copies of animals. More details here.

2019: Cloning a police dog in China

In March 2019, it became known about the cloning of a police dog in China. A two-month-old puppy named Kunxun has already begun training in law enforcement.

Kunxun is a clone of a seven-year-old Kunming shepherd named Huahuangma, who was very popular in her city. The dog has repeatedly participated in solving crimes and catching criminals. 

It is noted that the puppy's DNA is 99% the same as Huahuanma's DNA taken from the skin of a donor dog after her death. With the help of a sample, scientists created a cloned embryo and placed it in another dog that carried it. The puppy appeared with a caesarean section.

In China, a police dog was cloned and began to train it

The clone of the police dog was received by scientists at Yunnan Agricultural University in Kunming and specialists from Beijing Sinogene Biotechnology. The puppy at birth weighed 540 grams, and its length was 23 cm.

The initial training of Kunxun showed good results. The puppy adapted to the climate, got used to the base and showed himself to be human-oriented. If successful, the puppy will be given to a professional dog trainer, who has been training them for police service for 33 years.

The puppy will only be able to take office at the age of 10 months, but it may take several years to achieve a truly professional level.

About $75 thousand is spent on training one dog. Scientists plan to continue research and create a "genetic bank" in which the DNA of the best police dogs will be stored in  order to reduce the time and costs of special training.  The program for cloning prominent police dogs is supported by the Ministry of Public Security of China.

The cost of the cloning operation is not voiced, but scientists note that it is the high price that is still the main problem of mass cloning. [1]
