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Cloud Trends

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Gartner Names Top 10 Bugs in Cloud Strategies

On November 21, 2022, Gartner released the results of a study that examined the main errors in the implementation of cloud services in organizations of various sizes.

Analysts say that a good cloud strategy should be a short and convenient document consisting of 10-20 pages or slides. However, organizations often make common mistakes when forming such a strategy.

Top 10 bugs in cloud strategies named

1. Cloud Computing Isn't Just About Technology

Business and IT leaders should avoid the mistake of developing a strategy focused solely on the IT segment. Business and IT must contribute equally to the definition of cloud strategy.

2. No exit strategy

Developing a strategy for avoiding cloud providers is a difficult task, and this is one of the reasons why many managers do not create it. Organizations often believe they don't need an exit strategy because they don't expect to extract anything from the cloud. However, such a strategy is extremely important for the success of the company's cloud model.

3. Combining Cloud Strategy with Cloud Implementation Plan

The cloud strategy is different from the cloud service implementation plan, and the strategy should come first. This is the decision-making stage where managers determine what role cloud computing will play in the organization. This is followed by a cloud implementation plan that implements a cloud strategy.

4. Time to develop a cloud strategy

It's never too late to start creating a cloud strategy. If organizations adopt cloud technology without strategy, it will ultimately cause various problems and slow down the company's digital transformation.

5. Equating cloud strategy with the phrase "We move everything to the cloud"

Many organizations assume that having a cloud strategy involves moving all assets to the cloud. This approach keeps executives from strategizing as they think cloud computing will be applied across the board. Organizations should collaborate with a non-cloud technology expert, such as a corporate architect, who can offer different options for implementing a cloud strategy.

6. "Our cloud strategy is our data center strategy"

Many organizations confuse their cloud strategy with their data center strategy. Companies should align these directions with each other. In fact, cloud strategy solutions depend on workload rather than data center solutions.

7. To move loads to the cloud

Another common mistake that organizations make is that they implement cloud computing because the CEO, Chief information officer, or business manager believes it will save money. The cloud strategy should keep in touch with the business, ensuring that organizations know why workloads are moving to the Web and what the purpose of such an initiative is.

8. Application of different cloud services

Organizations are likely to use several different cloud services over time. As the use of cloud platforms can become more and more diverse, business and IT leaders must develop a broad strategy that takes into account different types of scenarios, cloud services, providers, and non-cloud environments.

Top 10 bugs in cloud strategies named

9. Cloud Strategy Outsourcing

This approach may seem attractive, but this should not be done - a cloud strategy is too important. Gartner analysts recommend that business and IT managers use experts, including a cloud service provider, to implement. This can be a cost-effective way to acquire the scarce cloud skills that their organization needs.

10. "Our Strategy - Cloud First"

A cloud-centric approach means that if someone requests an investment, they must create or place a new asset in a public cloud. But "cloud - first of all" does not mean "only cloud." If business and IT leaders adopt the cloud-first principle, their strategy should contain exceptions to the default selection.[1]

Total investment in cloud infrastructure increased in 40% of companies

September 23, 2022 Yandex Cloud reported that 9 out of 10 companies Russia in changed the strategy for launching digital products in the last six months of 2022. At the same time, those who initially used clouds were able not to freeze plans for the development of services and applications, but, on the contrary, to increase the number of pilots. The total volume investments in the development of cloud infrastructure increased in 40% of companies. Clouds help businesses increase product launch speed, scalability, and service availability and stability for users.

This and other conclusions were reached by the Yandex Cloud cloud platform and the SALT consulting agency in a study on the state of the IT solutions market in Russia. The survey involved CEOs, CPOs and product development executives from more than 150 midsize and large businesses.

73% of companies surveyed increased the number of planned launches IT-products in the last six months of 2022. The business focused on maintaining the stability of existing solutions and the operational efficiency of new ones. For example, banks the performance of sites and, applications the adaptation of the payment system for exporters and importers has become a priority for. Retailers and companies from the sphere industries began to pay more attention to order automation and development for ON. logistics

48% of the companies surveyed significantly reduced investments in "breakthrough innovations." Business freezes image projects, such as developing AR reality or creating a branded application. The need for such products has decreased amid a decline in market competition, as respondents note.

The main reason for the increase in the number of planned launches is the need for rapid financial success, 63% of companies said. Several survey participants shared that companies have created special anti-crisis committees that calculate direct revenues from the potential launch of each digital product.

The most significant growth in investment occurred in terms of infrastructure for launching digital products. 42% of companies noted that they increased this item of spending.

56% of companies increase on-premium capacity, that is, they began to purchase more of their own IT equipment. However, the share of those who began to use cloud technology in their projects also increased significantly: 57% of companies increased investment in cloud services. At the same time, two common scenarios - 16% first connected a cloud provider and 41% began to use another platform.

Interestingly, 33% of companies began to launch digital products using open source technologies more often. From open access, systems for working with data and development tools are most often used.

70% of Russian companies in the cloud began to launch more digital products in the last six months of 2022. However, the possibility of direct savings on investments in your own IT infrastructure is not the main reason for choosing cloud solutions. Companies that began using the cloud in the last six months of 2022 more often did this to quickly scale the product (50%) and to increase security and reduce the risks of cyber attacks (50%).

The multi-cloud is the most commonly used model, and in 3 years its use will increase to 64%

On January 24, 2021, Nutanix shared the results of the 4th annual Enterprise Cloud Index (ECI) study on the use of clouds by companies. According to him, the multi-cloud is the most commonly used model and in 3 years its use will grow to 64%. But its complexity remains a major challenge, with 87% believing that success requires easier management of mixed cloud infrastructures. 83% agree that the hybrid multi-cloud model is ideal for solving major compatibility, security, cost, and data integration issues.

Load Distribution by Infrastructure Type
While IT companies are being more strategic than ever before, the complexity of multi-clouds is hindering their success, said Rajiv Ramaswamy Nutanix's president and CEO. - Solving these difficulties paves the way for a hybrid multi-cloud as a full-fledged operating model, and not as just one of the forms of infrastructure organization.

ECI respondents talked about current cloud issues, how they use business applications and where they plan to run them in the future. Questions also focused on the impact of the pandemic on current and future IT infrastructure decisions and how IT strategy and priorities may change because of this.

Key findings of the report:

  • The main multi-cloud calls are security (49%), data integration (49%), and cost (43%). While the multi-cloud is the most model to grow, most businesses face the reality of operating in both private and public clouds at the same time. This situation is not changing and more leaders are realizing that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to working with clouds. As a result, most respondents see the hybrid multi-cloud operating model with multiple private and public contours and functional compatibility between them as an ideal solution.
  • The pandemic has changed how almost all companies operate. And the multi-cloud supports new ways of working. 61% of respondents are focused on providing more flexible working conditions due to the pandemic. Most organizations report that while the number of remote employees may be declining or growing, they will remain for the foreseeable future. The multi-cloud provides an IT environment to support them by distributing data to different geographic locations to ensure user proximity and business continuity.
  • Application mobility matters most. Almost all organizations (91%) have moved one or more apps to another environment in the past 12 months. At the same time, 80% agree that transferring workloads to the new cloud environment can be expensive and time-consuming. As the reason for the move, they most often name security (41%), then performance (39%) and gaining control over the application (38%), which is the most likely drivers for the spread of the multi-cloud model.
  • Enterprises are more strategic about IT infrastructure. 72% believe that the IT function in their organizations is perceived as more strategic than a year ago. They also cite business reasons for infrastructure change as: improved remote and collaboration (40%), better customer support (36%), and improved business continuity (35%). In addition, they began to compare how much infrastructure corresponds to workloads, based on priorities such as security (41%), productivity (39%) and cost (31%).

For the fourth year in a row, Vanson Bourne conducted the study on behalf of Nutanix, interviewing 1,700 IT decision makers in August and September 2021. The respondent base covered several industries, business sizes and the following regions: America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Asia-Pacific and Japan.


5 top cloud trends for 2021

In 2020, there are no restrictions on the use of cloud technologies, especially when we consider small and medium-sized enterprises. From the point of view of the industry, which considers cloud technology as one of the factors affecting the costs associated with the main activities of organizations, cloud computing has come a long way.

The cloud solutions market has been steadily growing over the past few years. In 2020, the global cloud adoption market will exceed a total of $330 billion according to Gartner.

According to CloudTech, spending on public clouds will rise to $500 billion by 2023

According to CloudTech, public cloud spending is expected to grow from $229 billion in 2019 to $500 billion by 2023, with an expected cumulative annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.3%.

In 2021, the main trends in the development of the cloud market will be:

"Flexible" serverless computing

The cloud serverless method is a technique for implementing functions in the cloud on the required base. Enterprises rely on serverless computing because they are able to work with the main product without the need to operate or manage servers. Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, advocates the use of cloud servers.

Serverless computing can not only be flexible and internally driven, but can also be the inevitable future of distributed computing
Satya Nadella

Such a serverless platform can change the enterprise preference market and the concept of implementing cloud solutions, providing companies with the appropriate advantages. Gartner claims an increase in serverless computing, noting that it is used by about 20% of enterprises around the world.

Hybrid cloud will take center stage

According to Gartner, the global public cloud services market is set to grow by nearly 17 percent, with a total market size of 266.4 billion by 2020. dollars That's a staggering increase from $227.8 billion the previous year.

If the number of enterprises using hybrid cloud in 2019 was 58 percent, and in 2018 - 52 percent, then in 2020 there is a significant increase. MarketsandMarkets highlights the increased demand for hybrid cloud computing. They claim that popularity is based on numerous benefits, from efficiency to safety. The main advantages of hybrid clouds:

  • Speed - Hybrid clouds optimize transfer and delay rates so that information reaches the destination faster.
  • Control - Companies can customize their hybrid cloud model, optimize it to meet their needs, without trusting a third-party vendor
  • Safety. Using hybrid clouds, you get a mix of public cloud services with private security. Data that was once stored in a private cloud is transferred to the public cloud for analytics and other processes, and various encryption methods can be added to ensure greater security.

Most enterprises implement hybrid cloud into their IT infrastructure. The main reason for this is its position regarding the control and security of private networks, as well as the expansion and versatility of the public cloud.

The current reality is millennials

Millennials are expected to hold 75 per cent of their jobs by 2025, according to research by the Digital Marketing Resource Centre. The data suggests a "digital Aboriginal" trend in the world.

In a changing world with emerging technologies, the introduction of technology is noticeable in almost all workplaces. The increase in the number of such jobs is also associated with the growing needs of the employee himself. "Digital natives" use more data and cloud computing, as well as any other technological advances they may find useful.

Natives of the digital era use any manifestations of manufacturability. From finding easy ways to complete assignments in school to completing complex projects in the office, millennials are taking an increasing place in society.

Workers fall into two categories: the first, preferring to stay away from technology, and the other category "tends to breathe in more applied science than air."

You must convert the old to a newer one. Cloud computing and other related technologies will bring both generations together, providing enterprises with greater performance.

Containers and Kubernetes are the essentials

For years, containers have been the standard for developing applications in the public cloud. The formula "Build today and always use" is the main reason for their use in most organizations.

By 2020 Kubernetes , they have significantly expanded the use of containers for the private cloud. By IDC 2021, 95 percent of new micro services are projected to be deployed in containers.

According to Gartner's forecast, most organizations will use more than two centralized applications by 2023. Such achievements are possible only if they increase efficiency, save money and speed up application development. In addition, container [(%D0%98%D0%A2)|orchestration] tools automate management, deployment, scaling, and networking.

The priority technical task is to move AI to the data center

The placement of AI in data centers will grow. According to IDC forecasts, by 2021, AI spending will grow to $52.2 billion, and the total CAGR growth in 2016-2021 will be 46.2 percent.

AI will help solve a huge part of corporate tasks - from tracking hardware failures to saving energy and detecting errors in systems.

Gartner says 75 percent of organizations face infrastructure challenges in 2020. This can be solved to a certain extent by properly implementing AI in data centers.

Using AI in a data center will serve several purposes, such as automating various manual tasks, as well as solving skills shortages. Along with this, AI resources can help businesses learn from their past data and draw productive conclusions.

With the introduction of AI techniques, there will be more sophisticated data protection solutions without the need for human intervention.

As we move on every day and new technology fills the traditional voids, the next ten years will be very different from today. "Digital Aboriginal" will manage workplaces with the best options available. Businesses will operate effortlessly. With more enterprise resource planning and technology software, organizations will create a better space for them and anyone who believes in the power of technology.

Dell Technologies: Only 5% of organizations benefit from cloud adoption

On April 17, 2020, Dell Technologies announced that according to a survey conducted among more than 1,250 IT heads of public and private organizations using public clouds, only 5% have achieved a significant level of consistency in the work of their complex IT infrastructures.

Dell Technologies believes this is an alarming result given the fact that in 2019, approximately two-thirds (64%) of businesses planned to increase spending on public cloudy platforms compared to the previous year. According to to data a study by Enterprise Strategy Group commissioned by Dell Technologies and, Intel while an increasing number of organizations are shifting their workloads to servers providers public cloud services, many are simultaneously continuing to develop local ones. IT infrastructures Thus, they want to keep up with the times, observing the flexibility in consuming IT resources. But this leads to fragmentation. As a result, it becomes more and more difficult for enterprises to cope with their multi-cloud environments. According to the survey, 73% of organizations in the world confirm that the use of public clouds or several, coupled cloud services with local infrastructure, has led to more complex IT operations.

Not surprisingly, all organizations that took part in the survey see great promise in simplifying cloud management. About 7 out of 10 managers believe that well-coordinated management of cloud resources can reduce the total cost of the enterprise by an average of 19%.

Without exception, all respondents agreed that the coherence of cloud management can make the work of developers easier, and 96% - that it can simplify the sending of source code to production. 56% of respondents believe that all this will one day become a daily reality.

Respondents also expect a reduction in the number of vulnerabilities, app crashes and other incidents affecting data in public clouds by an average of 30%.

The results of the study also indicate how the benefits of coherent cloud management can help business as a whole. 38% of those who took part in the survey said that the hybrid approach gave business additional value after they achieved coherent cloud management. This approach has helped organizations become innovative and differentiate themselves from competitors.

It became clear from the study that some organizations have benefited more from simplifying cloud management than they could have imagined:

  • 90% of respondents reported improved efficiency and simplified operations.
  • In addition to increasing efficiency, 87% pointed to a reduction in time to launch new products on the market, 81% to an increase in the pace of innovation, 77% to accelerate application development cycles, and 74% to the emergence of additional opportunities for the introduction of transformational technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.

The study contains recommendations for achieving coherent cloud management over the next 12-18 months:

  • Do not forget about: private cloud Although well-coordinated cloud management is of great importance, this is not the only condition for maximizing the hybrid approach. Organizations should also pay attention to their local infrastructure - to make sure it meets modern requirements, is compatible with cloud services, hyperconvergent and is built on. API
  • Invest in modern specialists: The survey showed that the coherence of cloud management creates more favorable opportunities for the introduction of technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, as well as for accelerating application development. After simplifying cloud management, managers need to focus on finding talented personnel and learning in-depth analytics, systems engineering, and intelligent automation.
  • Doubts arose - you need to turn to experts: For many organizations, achieving coherence in cloud management can be a headache. Therefore, this process should be managed by specialists. For this reason, managers should turn to third-party organizations - IT vendors, system integrators, independent technology distributors, or anywhere - to help plan and build the right cloud infrastructure.

"It's great to see more organisations finding value in using a multi-cloud environment. But only 5% were able to achieve simplicity in managing these environments, while most cannot take advantage of this approach. Obviously, they have a lot to do to optimize and simplify hybrid infrastructures, "

noted Nigel Moulton, Chief Technology Officer, Dell Technologies


What to expect in the cloud market in 2020

In late November 2019, analytics firm Forrester released a study that presented five forecasts for cloud computing for 2020.

1. IBM and Oracle retreat to familiar territory; Alibaba threatens Google

The main cloud service providers are, Amazon Web Services (AWS),, and Google. Microsoft Alibaba While IBM and Oracle have tried to introduce services in this area, IBM's acquisition of the company Red Hat and Oracle's 2019 partnership with Microsoft suggest they are returning to the familiar space of application development platforms. IBM and Oracle simply didn't have the funds to compete with other cloud giants, analysts said. But Alibaba's revenue from the cloud platform will exceed $4.5 billion, so the Chinese company will bypass Google and take third place among the largest cloud services.

IBM and Oracle retreat to familiar territory; Alibaba threatens Google

2. SaaS Providers Exit Proprietary Platforms, Move to Industry Leaders

SaaS suppliers began to choose large partners, since to compete in the SaaS space, the company needs to reduce costs as much as possible. Salesforce is increasingly relying on AWS; Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) runs on the Azure infrastructure. Thanks to this partnership, SaaS providers can work together to improve applications. Additionally, companies have begun finding regional partners, with Workday partnering with AWS in Canada and Salesforce with Alibaba in China, according to the report.

3. HPC usage in the public cloud increases by up to 40%

Historically, high-performance computing in the public cloud has not been available due to low resource intensity and insufficient infrastructure. However, in 2020, large investments by cloud providers will help circumvent these restrictions, the report said.

AWS, Azure and Google have already added high-performance computing to their services. Their use in the cloud is expected to increase by 40% in 2020. This increase is due to the emergence of new types of virtual machines, including C5/P2/P3/G3 from AWS, H-/NC-/ND-/NV-series from Azure and V100/P100/K80 from Google.

AWS, Azure and Google have already added high-performance computing to their services

4. Cloud Open Source development will be replenished with mesh and serverless services

In 2020, fierce competition will erupt in the cloud development ecosystem, where hundreds of open source projects and vendors will compete for the attention of developers. In 2019, Kubernetes won the fight to orchestrate software containers. Unlike containers, in the sphere of mesh and serverless, the leader has not yet decided, but there are favorites. Mesh networks promise even more powerful interservice networks, improved visibility and security, while serverless computing opens up new programming models that are completely abstracted from infrastructure problems. Many open source companies compete in service-free networking: Consul Connect, Gloo, Istio, Kuma, Linkerd 2, Maesh, Mesher, and SOFAMesh. Of all the service-free networks, Istio has the greatest advantage, according to the report. Major commercial offerings including AWS App Mesh, Google Anthos and VMware NSX SM are now available.

5. Cloud Management Software Providers Will Address Cloud Security

In June 2019, it became known about the leak of the credentials of the American bank Capital One, which uses the services of AWS. This event raised a very important issue that concerns cloud server management - data and application security. Area leaders will begin pouring funds into their own security solutions, while multi-cloud management service providers will have to create or purchase security tools that are not only about identity and access management as before.[2]

The transition to the "clouds" gives banks suffering

In October 2019, the analytical company Sapio Research published the results of a study commissioned by the cloud service provider Computers and Structures Inc. (CSI). The survey concerned the problems of introducing cloud technologies in banks.

86% of financial companies said that the lack of the ability to transfer old applications to the cloud negatively affects their business. At the same time, 85% of respondents consider digital transformation a key priority.

The impossibility of cloud migration leads to the fact that backing up and updating applications takes too much time for about one in three financial institutions. 33% of respondents say that because of this problem, it is not possible to make effective decisions in terms of IT.

Financial companies struggle to master clouds, lose money and weave after competitors

The study also showed that some companies are in no hurry to switch to cloud infrastructure because they fear information security problems.

According to 36% of IT executives from the financial sector, it is the problem of protecting the cloud that is the main obstacle to moving applications to the cloud. 31% of the survey participants cited another problem - ambiguous instructions from financial regulators regarding security management. 55% stated the use of only "adequate security measures" and the inability to do more in this direction.

Almost 40% of the surveyed financial organizations state the lack of direct ties with issuing banks and acquirers, payment systems and various service providers, which prevents businesses from developing customer service opportunities, as well as not using public and unreliable communications.

According to CSI CEO Simon Payne, due to the complexity of regulatory and legislative security regulations, many companies from the financial sector mistakenly avoid using cloud computing.

However, cloud systems have proven to offer a more rigorous way to manage security and compliance. Cloud environments use cyber defense and machine learning algorithms that ensure compliance with data security standards, he said.

It's hard for financial companies to migrate to the clouds, and they suffer from it
With many companies also citing the difficulties of porting legacy apps, it is clear that the financial sector has a long way to go to take advantage of the digital age. There is a fundamental misconception that outdated applications cannot be transferred to the cloud - it is not true. Now we can update the old code; thus, business-critical applications that were not previously supported by clouds can be moved to them, and then, if desired, to public cloud environments, "Payne said.

The study notes that launching applications in the cloud infrastructure allows the company to earn faster, use new and more powerful technologies, and run suitable and compatible workflows without distracting from business tasks. CSI estimates that up to 80% of critical core workloads are still running locally, depriving them of the benefits of the cloud.

The digital age promises vast opportunities, providing a significant increase in productivity in the work of companies. Cloud adoption is an important part of the digital transformation process. Despite the subjective representation, the main risk here is not related to security and compliance, but to the delay in the development of innovative capabilities and companies that become lagging behind when they launch applications only in closed systems, concluded Simon Payne.[3]

Linux Foundation: Peripheral computing will become more important than cloud computing by 2025

Speaking at the Open Networking Summit in Belgium in September 2019, Linux Foundation Network Project Manager Arpit Joshipura said that peripheral computing will become more important than cloud computing by 2025. Read more here.

2018: Cisco Global Cloud Index 2016-2021

The Proliferation of Cloud Services Places New Demands on Data Centers

Cisco released in early 2018 the seventh annual Cisco Global Cloud Index 2016-2021 ("Global Cloud Development Index from 2016 to 2021"). Its main topics virtualization DPC are cloud computing, i.e. the main elements that determine new ways to deliver consumer and enterprise network services.

According to the study, both consumer and business applications are contributing to the growth of the dominance of cloud services on the Internet. In the consumer segment, streaming video, social networks and Internet search have become the most popular cloud applications. In the business segment, enterprise resource planning (ERP), collaboration, analytics, and other applications for digital enterprises are developing faster than others.

Multi-cloud traffic is expected to grow steadily

The rapid growth of data center traffic is driven by a surge in cloud applications. According to the report, by 2021 the global annual traffic of cloud data centers will grow 3.3 times and reach 19.5 zetabytes (ZB) (in 2016 - 6 ZB), the annual increase (CAGR) over the specified period will be 27%. Global cloud traffic will reach 95% of the total data center traffic by 2021, in 2016 this figure was 88%.

The growth of cloud traffic is facilitated by the improvement of information security and the development of the Internet of Things

Until recently, the main barrier to cloud adoption was information security issues. Improving data center management and data control has helped minimize enterprise risks and improve user protection. Information security innovations, coupled with cloud computing benefits such as economies of scale, have a significant impact on cloud traffic growth. In addition, the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) applications, smart cities and cars connected by healthcare and power require scalable computing and new storage solutions. By 2021, Cisco predicts the growth of IoT connections to 13.7 billion (2016 figure - 5.8 billion).

Double the number of hyperscale data centers

Increasing data center and cloud resource requirements have led to the development of large-scale public data centers, which have come to be called hyperscale. According to the forecasts published this year, by 2021, 628 hyperscale data centers will appear in the world, while in 2016 there were 338 (an increase of 1.9 times over the period under review). By 2021, hyperscale data centers will account for:

  • 53% of all data center servers (27% in 2016);
  • 69% of all data center processing power (41% in 2016);
  • 65% of all data stored in the data center (in 2016 - 51%);
  • 55% of all data center traffic (39% in 2016).

Key Data and Forecasts of the Global Cloud Development Index

  • By 2021, 94% of tasks and virtual computing (instance) will be performed in cloud data centers, in traditional data centers - 6%.
  • The global volume of data stored in the data center by 2021 will grow 4.6 times and reach 1.3 ZB (annual increase of 36%), in 2016 this figure amounted to 286 exabytes (EB).

  • Big data will account for 30% of all data stored in the data center by 2021 (2016 - 18%).
  • The amount of data stored on devices by 2021 will be 4.5 times the amount of data in the data center and will reach 5.9 ZB.
  • Thanks to the development of the Internet of Things, the total annual volume of data generated by various devices (and not necessarily stored) by 2021 will reach 847 ZB (2016 - 218 ZB). The amount of generated data exceeds the amount stored by two orders of magnitude.

For the purposes of the study, the cloud computing category took into account platforms that, on demand, provide universal network access to an array of configurable public computing resources (networks, servers, DSS, applications, services, etc.), which can be quickly allocated or removed with minimal action by control systems or a service provider. Deployment models include private, public, and hybrid clouds. Cloud data centers can be operated by both service providers and private enterprises.

2015: IDC on cloud service trends through 2017

IDC analysts gave the following key cloud service forecasts for 2015 and beyond:

1. More than 65% of corporate IT departments will focus on hybrid cloud technologies by 2016, which will significantly increase the scope and pace of change in the IT departments of organizations.

2. By 2017, 20% of organizations will see enough value in community-promoted open-source standards and platforms to accept them as strategic.

3. By 2017, 25% of IT will provide formal "consumer-level" support to enable employees to develop their own workflow automation.

4. By 2017, IT buyers will actively direct 20% of their IT budgets through industry clouds to provide flexibility in teamwork, information sharing, and commerce.

5. By 2016, more than 50% of enterprise IT units building a hybrid cloud environment will purchase new or updated cloud administration solutions that differentiate workloads.

6. By 2018, 60% of SaaS applications will use new IaaS features offered separately by "microcenes," bringing additional innovation to "regular" services.

7. By 2015, 65% of the criteria for choosing corporate cloud workloads in global IT markets will be driven by the need to comply with data privacy laws.

8. 75% of IaaS supplier proposals will be rebuilt, repositioned or eliminated in the next 12-24 months.

9. By 2016, IT budgets will shift 11% from traditional IT delivery within the organization to different cloud options as a new delivery model.

10. By 2017, 35% of new applications will use continuous cloud delivery and DevOps principles for faster adoption of new features and business innovation.

2013: Cloud Computing: 10 Forecasts

At the start of 2013, we are in the early stages of cloud computing development. Many organizations are taking only the first, uncertain steps. But by 2020, the cloud will become the main - and indispensable - part of the enterprise's computing infrastructure.

In 2012, there was no doubt that cloud computing provided organizations with a new and better way to manage IT resources. Thousands of companies and organizations have prepared to move their IT resources to the cloud.[4]

The benefits of the cloud for any enterprise, from huge corporations to government agencies to small websites, are clear, and suppliers are rushing to meet the needs of their customers.

In 2013, more manufacturers and solution providers will compete to offer consumers easy-to-use services with increased reliability, lower price, and better management. In 2013, the cloud will become widespread, there will be new revolutionary applications that were difficult to imagine quite recently.

Amazon is changing

A new Amazon Web Services reliability director has been appointed after setbacks caused by customer service disruptions, including a known Christmas outage that hit the Netflix site. The company will also allocate tens, if not hundreds of millions of dollars to update the cloud infrastructure, in particular the conversion of the center in Virginia, where three outages occurred in 2012.

To Everyone - Private Cloud

Companies are ready to move to the cloud, but on their own terms. As a consequence, they benefit from the vast variety of cloud options being implemented. Public clouds provided by leading providers such as Amazon Web Services will remain popular, along with mixed private and public clouds.

But the private model, in which core resources are stored and managed locally, will grow faster than others in 2013, given the desire of suppliers to meet market requirements.

OpenStack and CloudStack join forces

OpenStack Foundation will enter into a cooperative agreement with open cloud competitor CloudStack, both organizations will work more closely with Amazon Web Services. In April, cloud services provider Citrix left OpenStack and moved its own CloudStack program to the Apache Software Foundation. OpenStack, whose founders include Rackspace and NASA, declared itself an independent OpenStack Foundation in April.

But with huge demand for cloud services and a slew of middlemen eager to meet that demand, impeccable engagement is a must, and cloud service providers will demand that any obstacles to cloud building be removed.

The state comes into play

In 2012, the federal, state, and local governments began moving toward the cloud, realizing the potential savings. This trend will intensify in 2013 as institutions begin to enjoy the benefits of cloud placement. In response, system integrators and other solution providers in the government market will begin to re-equip their business to provide cloud services.

Hewlett-Packard: A sharp reversal to the cloud

Hewlett-Packard management in September 2012 named the converged cloud strategy as its highest priority. HP CEO Meg Whitman is trying to breathe life into the tech giant after a series of failures in 2012, and is counting on the growth of the company's cloud segment.

In September, HP organized an internal division, bringing together disparate cloud products and services teams, which, the memo said, "will work with HP's various cloud initiatives, improving HP's unified converged cloud suite, architecture, products/solutions, and delivery infrastructure while forming a central product/development and technology group to accelerate HP's cloud solutions to market."

New Storage Approaches

In the outgoing months of 2012, leading cloud storage service providers Amazon Web Service, Google and Dropbox Cloud file sharing service were engaged in a price war in an attempt to increase their market share. Ultra-low prices can only mean more cloud storage services and changing how storage is used and sold.

Small and Medium Businesses Move to the Cloud

Representatives of small and medium-sized businesses cite security, complexity and prices as the main reasons for distrust of cloud services. But in 2013, they will be attracted to new cloud services provided by HP, Microsoft, Oracle, IBM and cloud solution providers.

Cloud will lead to international conflict

For several years, Chinese hackers have been attacking Internet companies, in particular Google. But as cloud providers begin to offer their services around the world, future attacks will almost inevitably damage more American companies and force the country's officials to give a public response. As a result, global cloud coverage will become an international challenge.

From IaaS to PaaS

In 2012, Infrastructure Providers as Services () IaaS held leading positions in development. cloud computing Amazon Web Services, Rackspace, Terremark and others provide customers with access to hosting to and computing. In 2013, Platform as a Service providers () PaaS such as RightScale, Engine Yard, and Heroku will become important as companies want better tools to migrate increasingly complex IT workloads to the cloud.

Solution Providers Become Cloud Brokers

2013 will be the year that solution providers take advantage of the cloud-enabled opportunity to become brokers to move their business to a hosted IT environment. This is supported by a study by IDC commissioned by Microsoft and released at the end of December 2012. According to the findings of the study, the demand for "cloud-ready" IT specialists will grow by 26 percent per year until 2015, and up to 7 million cloud-related job vacancies will open worldwide.


10 changes to come with cloud computing by 2020

Probably, in eight years, many tasks in the cloud will be handled by low-consumption processors running in highly automated data centers and supporting a tightly integrated, scalable software architecture.

Analysis group Forrester predicts that the global cloud computing market will grow from $35 billion in 2011 to about $150 billion in 2020. Clouds will be a critical part of many organizations' IT infrastructure.

In addition, cloud-supporting technologies will be developed, and a rapid increase in computing power will make cloud projects even cheaper, as a result, they will become massive technologies currently implemented only on supercomputers.

And of course, by 2020, there will be a generational change in organizations. There will be CIOs that grew during the use of cloud tools. They will be much more ready for enterprise-wide cloud applications.

The software loses communication with the equipment

John Menley, director of the HP Automated Infrastructure laboratory, believes that the software will be torn away from the hardware. More and more new technologies will be provided in the form of a service. 'Clouds will finally turn computing into invisible,' he said.

As a result, if you ask the CIO to draw an infrastructure map in 2020, it won't be able to do so, said David Merrill, chief economist at Hitachi Data Systems. 'Here are my provider partners,' he will note. And he will not be able to portray the layout of his infrastructure.

This is because it will be in an'abstract space' where the software is written in such a way that, before interacting with the hardware, it passes through a series of filters. This means that client applications or applications created on top of the'platform as a service' will be invariant to the hardware.

Modular software

To take advantage of the huge fleet of equipment available through the clouds, each application individually must become larger and more complex, since it is written based on the use of economies of scale. With the growing size and complexity of programs, the emphasis in the software development process will shift towards modular software - large applications whose components can be modified without stopping the program. Accordingly, cloud applications will require programmers to have a new mindset, especially in cases where they must interact with several clouds.

'Software needs to be approached differently, 'noted Menley. He believes that in 2020, one of the main problems will be the management of integrated services. This is due to the fact that applications will not only be hosted in the cloud, but also access other clouds and applications hosted in data centers of various companies. In other words, various parts of the applications will be located with and around service providers. The challenge, according to Menley, will be getting a good service level agreement.

Social software

Along with modular architecture, the software can acquire features that are now characteristic of social media applications like Facebook, Merrill said. If necessary, programs will be able to automatically create short-term connections with equipment and software elements.

"It's going to be an evolution in the direction of social media," Merrill believes. "You'll have the infrastructure. It will look like a cloud, but we will design it so that the DBMS "likes" the server or it "likes" the storage array.

In other words, the infrastructure and software of the data center will be formed around the task being solved, and not vice versa. Developers will no longer have to care about allocating storage, server and switch space, Merrill said. All this will happen automatically.

Consumer-grade equipment rules the ball

By 2020, the transition to low-cost equipment will be in full swing, as schemes such as the Open Compute Project will go beyond the data centers of Facebook and Amazon Web Services and become implemented by small companies. "Servers and storage systems will be replaceable, sliding on skids," said Frank Frenkowski, Facebook director of technical operations and chairman of the board of the Open Compute Project.

If you divide the infrastructure into basic components, you can quickly make replacements and upgrades, he said. The infrastructure on consumer-grade equipment is best suited for large companies with large data centers. "I would say that from now until 2020, cloud service providers will become the fastest growing market sector," Frenkowski said.

Low-consumption processors and cheaper clouds

About a year separates us from the introduction of low-consumption ARM processors with 64-bit capabilities on the market. And when this happens, their use will begin to grow at a very rapid pace. For RISC processors, enterprise software will be developed that allows companies to use energy-efficient processors in their data centers and thereby reduce electricity costs by an order of magnitude.

HP created a pilot server platform, Redstone, as part of the Moonshot project, to see how customers would embrace ARM processors. Dell And for many years now, it has been selling servers custom configurations on ARM processors to the largest cloud customers through its Data Center Solutions group.

It is very likely that by 2020 low-consumption processors can be found everywhere. And it won't just be ARM processors. Intel, aware of the threat hanging over it, is working hard to reduce the power consumption of Atom processors. True, her efforts in this area are mainly aimed at mobile devices, not servers. Facebook believes that the proliferation of ARM processors will begin with storage devices, and then cover servers.

'I think it's going to have a huge impact on the amount of useful work done per dollar, 'Frenkowski observed. This will help cloud providers like Amazon Web Services reduce electricity costs. Moreover, if they are engaged in a price war with competitors, the likelihood increases that they will share at least part of the saved funds with developers, reducing the prices of their services.

Faster internal connections

The combination of the need for widely distributed applications and the growth of cores in high-performance processors will lead to ultra-fast internal connections in data centers. As predicted by Joseph Reger, chief technologist at Fujitsu Technology Solutions, it can be expected that by 2020 communications in data centers' will be carried out at a speed of several hundred gigabits per second '.

According to Reger, there will be a "very rapid transformation" of technologies of high-speed internal connections into a mass commodity, which will lead to the emergence of very cheap and very fast connections. This will speed up the transfer of information in data centers and reduce the cost of transmission. Thanks to this, companies will be able to create larger applications that send more data (they are called "chatty"), and potentially open up the possibility of developers writing more intelligent, automated and complex programs.

Data centers are turning into ecosystems

The cloud data center will "in many ways resemble a breathing living organism that takes on various states," Reger said. The combination of hardware-abstracted software and mass-produced equipment will make data centers look like ecosystems. The higher order system will control the equipment from one point, the capabilities of the data center will expand and narrow depending on the load.

As a result of automating simple tasks, such as repairing and updating equipment, the data center 'will become more like a biological system', he noted, in the sense that changes and corrections will be made automatically.

Clouds consolidate

The internet encourages large scale. And since huge capital investments are invested in existing clouds, it is very likely that some consolidation will occur in the cloud provider market.

Intense competition between several large providers could prove useful, as it will force each of them to experiment with radical new technologies. For example, in an effort to reduce internal network costs and increase utilization Google , has recently transferred its entire internal network to management through ON OpenFlow. When this standard is widely adopted enough, it will cause a coup in the industry.

Menley believes that various clouds designed for specific purposes will be developed: 'Diversity will be established. I think the monopoly could have developed if an infrastructure had appeared that could sufficiently meet all the non-functional infrastructure requirements of end services. "

Generational change

By 2020, companies will have a new generation of CIO, which has grown after the appearance of clouds and the start of providing IT in the form of services. They will expect everything to be available as services, Merrill said: 'Our consumption pattern is changing, being a generational problem. We have archaic, tax-based and accounting-based rules that discourage innovation. " And a new generation can completely change the way IT companies pay, says Merrill

Cloud stratification will occur

Today, clouds vary depending on what services they provide: infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, or software as a service. And by 2020, more specialized clouds will appear.

According to Forrester, by 2020 you can expect the appearance of such things as intermediate virtualizations virtualization tools and dynamic services, outsourcing business processes as well as a number of difficult to pronounce abbreviations. In other words, along with several large providers offering simple technologies such as storage and computing, there will be a wide network of specialized cloud service providers, allowing companies to transfer tasks to the clouds that would otherwise have to be solved using very specific (and, as a rule, very expensive) applications.

Merrill believes that clouds, like any useful thing, will differentiate depending on the capabilities of their infrastructure and will split into previously unknown classes. 'Just as coal and natural gas power plants, nuclear and hydroelectric power plants generate energy, so will differences,' he said. - The economy, in my opinion, contributes to differentiation and categorization '.

Cloud maintenance will create 13.8 million jobs by 2015

In the Russian personnel market, the number of vacancies related to cloud computing in the period from 2012 to 2015 will grow by 158% to 162.4 thousand people. This is stated in a joint study by IDC and Microsoft, which gives similar estimates for other world countries.

According to researchers, the development of cloud services by 2015 will create 13.8 million jobs in the global personnel market, that is, their number will double - from 6.7 million in 2012. Of these, 6.8 million jobs will fall only on China (4.6 million) and India (2.1 million). In third place in this indicator will be the United States (1 million jobs), in fourth - Indonesia (915 thousand places).

IDC, 2012

In terms of the number of specialists employed in the cloud sphere among the countries included in the study, Russia will be in 12th place out of 28 in 2015. In addition to China, India, the USA and Indonesia, the top ten also included Brazil, Japan, Germany, Great Britain, Mexico and Korea.

Researchers explain the phenomenon of China and India by the fact that many enterprises in these developing countries are still "young," and, therefore, are not burdened with the need to maintain the inherited IT infrastructure. Therefore, the adaptation of cloud computing in these markets is proceeding at an accelerated pace.

The study says that 75% of the costs of enterprises are spent specifically on maintaining legacy systems. Also in emerging markets, the private cloud model will prevail over public cloud deployments.

File:IDC Cloud jobs White Paper.pdf

See also: IT personnel Market


  • PCWeek source Jack Clark