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2023/09/06 12:38:45

Cryogenic isolation of pulmonary vein mouths (KILV)

2023: Introduction of the method at Sechenov Moscow State Medical University

In early September 2023, Moscow State Medical University named after Sechenov talked about the introduction of a modern minimally invasive method of treating arrhythmia - cryogenic isolation of the mouths of the pulmonary veins (KILV). This technology, according to the developers, can help get rid of arrhythmia forever.

Atrial fibrillation, or atrial fibrillation, is the cause of ischemic stroke. This procedure is indicated in patients with this disease.

Scientists introduce new method to treat arrhythmia - cryogenic isolation of pulmonary vein mouths
First of all, KILV is recommended for patients with paroxysmal (attack-like) atrial fibrillation, "said Oleg Sukhorukov, X-ray surgeon at the Center for Cardioangiology of Sechenov University.

According to him, in this group of patients, the effectiveness of lifelong relief from arrhythmia is more than 80%.

The latest generation cryoconsol, cryoballone catheter, delivery device and set of connecting cables are all a special set of high-tech equipment that is used for this operation in the CPIC. The cooling agent is liquid nitrous oxide, which allows you to create a temperature in the exposure area of ​ ​ up to - 50 degrees.

To create a barrier for pathological electrical impulses to enter the heart from areas of increased excitation, tissues are exposed to low temperatures and cold denaturation of the protein occurs, leading to the termination of the electrical stimulus wire.

During the procedure, four veins are treated, on average, the duration of exposure to one vein is 240 seconds. At the same time, the patient is under drug sedation, 2-3 days after the procedure he is discharged.

It is noted that in the event of undesirable processes, the supply of refrigerant can be immediately stopped, which makes KILV much safer than the previously used radio frequency ablation method. The tight fit to the tissues of the mouth of the pulmonary vein and the continuous circular action of the cooling agent is created by the use of a round-shaped catheter balloon and reduces the frequency of recurrence of arrhythmia.[1]
