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2010/02/18 17:40:13

ERP vendors: who is who in the Russian mechanical engineering

In the Russian mechanical engineering products of 1C company enjoy the greatest popularity - its share in piece expression makes nearly 40% of the market, on the second place the American company Infor – on its share over nearly 19% of all ERP projects in the industry (in piece expression), highly are quoted also developments of Kompas company (9.6%).

According to a research of the TAdviser Center "ERP in Russia 2007: The industries, Projects, Systems, Integrators", the total quantity of ERP projects in the Russian mechanical engineering for the last 5 years makes 387 projects. The greatest number of ERP projects in the Russian mechanical engineering is implemented based on products of the Russian company "1C" - 153 ERP implementation projects of the 1C of management of manufacturing plants system. In piece expression the share of 1C makes 39.5% of the market. On the second place rather unexpectedly there are solutions of the American company Infor – 74 projects. Certainly, not least it is caused by the fact that the BaanERP system, very popular in due time in the Russian mechanical engineering, belongs to Infor now. From 74 ERP projects stated above (that makes about 19.1% of a total quantity of ERP projects in the industry) 37 projects are the share of Baanerp.Vprochem, is popular as well own development of Infor – the Infor ERP SyteLine system (27 projects on its base).

The Kompas company with the development of the same name (9.6% of all implemented projects are executed based on this system) which wins first place by the number of the implemented projects as integrator is in the third place by the number of implementations. It is necessary to understand that the difference in the taken places on number of installations of a system and by the number of the implemented projects at integrator is caused by that circumstance that several integrators can implement products of one developer.

ERP vendors in the Russian mechanical engineering (structure on the number of the executed projects in the industry *)

Image:Vendors machinery.jpg

* Only 387 projects in mechanical engineering
On projects 1C - data of the company
Data are calculated on the basis of the analysis over 2000 ERP projects in 37 industries
Source: TAdviser center

Right after top three in piece expression the SAP company based on which products about 7.5% of all ERP projects in the industry are implemented was located. Closes the first five of Microsoft Dynamics developers – based on the Microsoft Dynamics AX and Microsoft Dynamics NAV systems about 6.5% of a total quantity of ERP projects in the Russian mechanical engineering are implemented. Also the Infosoft company with the system "CIS Leader" is interesting - its positions in the industry are steadily strong - 4.7% of all projects in the Russian mechanical engineering. The known Russian developers - Parus and Galaktika companies do not detect in mechanical engineering of considerable positions - on products of both companies about 7% of ERP projects in the industry are in total implemented.

Key ERP vendors in the Russian mechanical engineering *

Vendor System Количество проектов в отрасли Общее количество проектов вендора Доля в общем количестве проектов в отрасли
1С: УПП 8.х 153 153 39,5%
Infor Infor ERP SyteLine 27 74 19,1%
Infor BaanERP 37 74 19,1%
Infor MAX System 8 74 19,1%
Infor Infor:COM 2 74 19,1%
Компас Система "Компас" 37 37 9,6%
SAP mySAP ERP 26 29 7,5%
SAP SAP Business One 3 29 7,5%
Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics AX 16 25 6,5%
Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics NAV 9 25 6,5%
Инфософт КИС "Флагман" 18 18 4,7%
Парус Система "Парус" 14 14 3,6%
Галактика Галактика ERP 13 13 3,4%
Epicor Epicor iScala 8 8 2,1%
КСТ-"М-3" Система М3 6 6 1,6%
Бизнес-Консоль БК-ERP 4 4 1,0%
Информконтакт Система Alfa 3 3 0,8%
Oracle Oracle E-Business Suite 2 2 0,5%
QAD MFG/PRO 1 1 0,3%

* Only 387 projects in mechanical engineering
Data are calculated on the basis of the analysis over 2000 ERP projects in 37 industries
On projects 1C - data of the company
Source: TAdviser center

Also product structure of implementations is rather interesting (on the different systems of each vendor). So, the greatest number of implementations among all products Infor in the Russian mechanical engineering as it was already mentioned, is the share of Infor BaanERP (50%) and Infor ERP SyteLine (36.5%), and the products Microsoft Dynamics are distributed as follows: Microsoft Dynamics AX (64%) and Microsoft Dynamics NAV (36%). Several (3) projects in mechanical engineering meets also based on SAP Business One, however an overwhelming part of all projects in the Russian mechanical engineering based on SAP products is executed, of course, based on mySAP ERP subsystems (26 projects).