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2020/10/13 17:41:48

Electronic blood vessels

2020: Doctors began to implant electronic blood vessels

In the middle of October, 2020 researchers from China and Switzerland developed electroconductive artificial blood vessels which can be used for replacement of the struck fabrics. New development already began to be used in clinical practice.

Flexible and biodegradable constructions consist of the metalpolymeric carrying-out membrane which allow to carry through them electric current. Electric stimulation promotes proliferation and migration of endotelialny cages and is capable to improve integration of the implanted vessel with surrounding fabric. Besides, electrostimulation can also be used for delivery of gene therapy or other drugs in these fabrics.

Development of artificial substitutes of blood vessels is active area of researches. However these constructions can cause inflammation in surrounding fabrics therefore still could not replace adequately and safely natural blood vessels.

Doctors began to implant electronic blood vessels, in the future they can be used for long-term implantation as replacement of a normal blood vessel
Any of the existing artificial blood vessels of small diameter does not meet the requirements of therapy of cardiovascular diseases, - the researcher to Xin Chiang (Xingyu Jiang) participating in creation of new devices noted.

Creation of an artificial blood vessel with the increased functionality which can be used for long-term implantation as replacement of a normal blood vessel became the purpose of researchers. New electroconductive vessels not only accelerate integration of an implant into surrounding fabrics, but also are capable to deliver genetic material as electric charge does cellular membranes by more permeable. In combination with the elektroporation device the membrane of new "vessels" successfully delivered the required genetic material in three different types of the cages detected in blood vessels.

It is noted that the implanted electronic blood vessels provide a sufficient blood-groove, do not cause inflammatory reaction and do not lead to narrowing of a vessel within three months.[1]
