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2025/03/18 10:36:12

Export of confectionery products from Russia


Main article: Russian Foreign Trade

Confectionery (Russian market)

"Main article: Confectionery (Russian market)


TOP-10 of Russian chocolate importing countries

Russian chocolate is becoming more and more popular abroad. For Russian confectionery, the markets with the greatest potential are China and the Gulf countries. In March 2025, Agroexport presented the growth dynamics in recent years - the main importing countries, the most growing markets, new export development areas:

According to preliminary estimates of experts, in 2024, importing countries purchased more than 250 thousand tons of Russian chocolate confectionery products, which is 7% more compared to 2023.


Growth of confectionery exports by 8% to 700 thousand tons

The volume of exports of Russian confectionery products in 2024 reached 700 thousand tons, an increase of 8% compared to 2023. This was reported in the Association of Confectionery Industry Enterprises in February 2025. The cost of supplies also showed an increase, increasing by 10.3% - to $1.81 billion.

Ilya Ilyushin, head of the Agroexport federal center, noted that the confectionery industry remains one of the key export areas of the Russian agro-industrial complex, demonstrating high potential for further growth.

Russia increased annual exports of confectionery by 8%

In the structure of the export of confectionery products in 2024, the largest share fell on chocolate products - 48% of the total supply. The second position was taken by flour products with a share of 39%, the rating is closed by sugar products, which accounted for 13%.

According to the publication, the supply of chocolate products abroad in physical terms increased by 6%, reaching 253 thousand tons. In value terms, exports of this category showed an increase of 9% and amounted to $811 million.

According to the publication, the export of flour products also showed positive dynamics. In 2024, the volume of foreign supplies increased by 14% and amounted to 332 thousand tons, while their cost increased by 12%, reaching $672 million.

The supply of sugar products to foreign markets increased by 6%, amounting to 87 thousand tons, but their value remained at the level of 2023 - $218 million.

The Confectionery Industry Association predicts a further increase in exports in 2025. According to preliminary estimates, the volume of foreign supplies can reach 781.6 thousand tons, and their total cost will grow to $2.07 billion.[2]

2023: Chocolate exports rise 40% over 5 years to $781m

From 2017 to 2023, Russia increased chocolate exports by 40% - to $781 million. Supplies of sugar products from the Russian Federation for the specified period increased by 46%, flour confectionery products - by 84%. Such figures were announced on March 19, 2024 by the Federal Center "Agroexport."

It is noted that during 2017-2023, Russia increased the export of confectionery products by one and a half times in value terms. The share of flour products in the total structure of supplies abroad during the period under review increased from 32% to 38%. Russian confectionery exports cover mainly friendly neighboring countries. Traditional markets are Kazakhstan, Belarus Uzbekistan and China.

Russia increased chocolate exports by 40%

The largest growth in exports was achieved in supplies to Uzbekistan - the volume increased 4.2 times, exports to Kazakhstan doubled, to Belarus - by 77% in value terms, - says Andrei Kucherov, deputy head of the Agroexport center.

According to him, the prospects for the development of Russian confectionery exports are associated, in particular, with the expansion of supplies to the countries of the Persian Gulf and Southeast Asia. Saudi Arabia and the UAE are named among such states. It is noted that, developing its presence in foreign markets, Russian companies pay great attention to creating infrastructure and providing distribution channels.

Kucherov emphasizes that in the framework of supporting exporters, the state takes on part of the costs of transportation and certification of products. The Russian Export Center provides the possibility of free placement of goods in permanent pavilions in the PRC, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey and Vietnam. Agroexport provides comprehensive support to exporters, providing analytical and consulting assistance and organizing various activities to promote products.[3]


Growth in chocolate exports by 17% to $872 million

In 2021, Russia exported chocolate totaling more than $872 million, which is 17% higher than the volume of supplies a year ago. This was reported in March 2022 at the federal center "Agroexport" under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

According to TASS, citing published materials, the largest importers of Russian chocolate in 2021 were:

Chocolate exports from Russia grew by 17% over the year

According to Vedomosti, manufacturers confirm the growth of Russian chocolate exports, explaining the tendency to saturate the domestic confectionery market and state support for the promotion of such products to foreign markets.

The shift in demand towards inexpensive confectionery, primarily flour sweets, has led to a reduction in chocolate consumption Russia by more than 10%, said Rosselkhozbank Andrei Dalnov, head of the Center for Industry Expertise.

Another reason is the entry of Russian companies into new sales markets for themselves and the creation of an assortment of goods specifically for sale abroad, says a representative of the Ministry of Agriculture.

For the 12-month period from September 2020 to September 2021, the export of Russian chocolate amounted to $838.5 million, which exceeded the supply of Swiss products ($819 million), according to data from ITC Trademark and UN Comtrade.

According to the estimates of the Association of Confectionery Industry Enterprises (Askond), in 2021 the share of the export direction of the confectionery industry increased by 19.1% in physical terms, and the volume of supplies of Russian sweets abroad amounted to 824.5 thousand tons worth $1.68 billion. According to the association, such indicators became a record for the industry and exceeded the volume of exports in pre-pandemic (COVID-19) 2019 by 30.8%.[4]

Russia has become the main supplier of chocolate for China and Saudi Arabia

At the end of 2021, Russia became the main supplier of chocolate for China and Saudi Arabia. This was announced in early March 2022 by the head of the federal center "Agroexport" Dmitry Krasnov.

According to him, in 2021, the Russian Federation delivered more chocolate in physical terms to China and Saudi Arabia than any other states. At the same time, most of the confectionery products - about two-thirds - are exported to the countries of the post-Soviet space, he noted.

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In 2021, the Russian Federation delivered more chocolate in physical terms to China and Saudi Arabia than any other states

Dmitry Krasnov added that the basis of exports is chocolate and chocolate products (53% in 2021). Flour confectionery accounted for 34% of supplies. Russian supplies of confectionery in 2021 exceeded $1.6 billion, soaring 56% compared to 2017, he said.

The head of the federal center "Agroexport" named China, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and other markets in East Asia and the Middle East as the most promising areas for export. He also added that over five years, the geography of supplies of Russian confectionery products has increased from 74 to 95 countries.[5]

According to Agroexport, in five years the export of Russian chocolate to China has grown almost 10 times: from 7 thousand tons in 2015 to 64 thousand tons in 2020.

According to Anastasi Tarasevich, Commercial Director of Epinduo LLC, the Chinese best buy Russian confectionery.

The Chinese like to buy imported sweets and give them for holidays and events. However, the product should have bright and colorful packaging, which does not deteriorate during transportation, he said.

Export growth by 20% to $1.7 billion

In 2021, the export of Russian confectionery products increased by 20% to 815 thousand tons for a total amount of 1.7 billion US dollars. This is a record in recent history. Analysts at SberCIB Investment Research believe that confectionery exports will grow by an average of 5% per year and by 2026 will reach 1 million tons in physical terms and $2.3 billion in monetary terms.

Potential destinations for increasing the export of sweets - and the China countries of the Persian Gulf. Now the main export markets for Russian confectioners are (Kazakhstan 24%), Belarus (14%) and China (12%). But Kazakhstan and Belarus are already oversaturated with Russian confectionery products: in the first case, its share in the volume of imports in this segment is 75%, in the second - 65%, while in - China only 10%, and in the Gulf countries - less than 5%.

The advantages of Russia as an exporter are the well-established logistics of supplies to China and the good provision of its own raw materials: sugar, flour, oil. The development of a well-recognized domestic confectionery brand in the world can improve the position of Russian manufacturers in the international market.

Imports of confectionery products are small compared to production - in 2020 it amounted to 9% (340 thousand tons for a total amount of $1.1 billion) of the total volume. In 2014-2015, the import of confectionery products decreased sharply due to a decrease in consumption, but now it continues to recover, and by the end of 2021 it should amount to 388 thousand tons of products worth $1.3 billion.

Over the ten-year period, the volume of gross revenue from the sale of confectionery products in Russia grew on average by 10% per year and increased from 277 billion rubles. in 2011 to 613 billion rubles. in 2020. Analysts expect that by the end of 2021, the market volume will grow by almost a quarter due to an increase in production and an increase in prices for confectionery.

Russia overtook Switzerland in chocolate exports and entered the top 10 in the world

At the end of 2021, Russia entered the top ten global chocolate exporters, ahead of Switzerland. This is evidenced by the data of the Association of Confectionery Industry Enterprises (ASKOND), published on December 8, 2021. The organization refers to the ITC Trademap and UN Comtrade reports.

According to ASKOND estimates, in 2021 the export of Russian sweets will increase by 19.1% - to 824.5 thousand tons by $1.68 billion. These figures will be a record for the industry and will exceed exports in 2019 by 30.8%.

Russia overtook Switzerland in chocolate exports and entered the top 10 in the world

In 2020, Russia ranked 11th in the world ranking of exporters of chocolate products with a supply of 295.7 thousand tons for $729.2 million. In 10th place was located Switzerland with a result of 109.8 thousand tons for $753 million.

Chocolate accounts for more than 51.5% of the supply of Russian sweets. At the end of 2021, Russia will only strengthen its position in the top ten largest global chocolate exporters, according to ASKOND.

A total of 92 countries receive Russian chocolate. The main buyers are China countries. EEU Exports are growing due to sales in new directions for Russian confectioners, such as,, and Serbia Brazil Nigeria countries of the Middle East.

In this region, chocolate is considered one of the most sought-after sweets, and Russian confectionery is valued precisely for its high quality, - noted in ASKOND.

The general director of the Russian Export Center (REC) Veronika Nikishina said that the supply of Russian chocolate has been growing for the sixth year in a row.

According to the executive director of the association, Vyacheslav Lashmankin, the consumption of confectionery in Russia has been steadily growing since 2010 by an average of 1-3% annually. At the same time, he added, in terms of consumption of sweets, Russia is still lagging behind economically developed countries: one resident of Germany, for example, consumes an average of 34 kg of sweets per year, Great Britain - more than 27 kg.[6]

2020: Export growth of Russian confectionery products by 11%, to 656 thousand tons

The export of Russian confectionery products in 2020 became a record, reaching 656 thousand tons. This is 11% higher than a year ago. Such data are provided by the Agroexport center under the Ministry of Agriculture.

In the money, the supply of confectionery products from Russia to other countries in 2020 exceeded $1.3 billion, an increase of 3.6% compared to the previous year.

Russian sweets were exported to more than 85 countries. In the supply structure, more than half of the value volume, as in 2019, fell on chocolate. The shares of flour and sugar confectionery in 2020 amounted to 33% and 13%, respectively.

Sales abroad of chocolate confectionery products increased by 8.3% in physical terms (to 291 thousand tons) and by 2.3% in monetary terms (to $713 million). According to the FCS, which Agroexport refers to, their leading buyer is China, where 64 thousand tons of chocolate (30% more) were delivered by $132 million (17% more).

Kazakhstan, the largest importer in recent years, is in second place with a volume of 49 thousand tons (2.8% less) by $126 million (0.7% more). The third line is occupied by Belarus, which reduced the import by 6.8%, to 25 thousand tons and 4.4%, to $59 million.

The largest growth was demonstrated by the export of flour confectionery products, which increased in value terms by 6.2%, to $428 million, in kind - by 12%, to 276 thousand tons. The main buyers of Russian flour confectionery products are Kazakhstan ($130 million, 0.9% more) and Belarus ($84 million, 7.2% more), followed by China ($30 million, 20% more).

Supplies of sugar confectionery last year increased by 2.5%, to $173 million, and by 18%, to 90 thousand tons. The main buyers are also Kazakhstan ($36 million, 4.5% less) and Belarus ($31 million, 3.4% less). China rose to third place in 2020, increasing imports 2.5 times, to $15 million.[7]

2016: China came out on the third place in the import of chocolate from the Russian Federation

In January-February 2016, shipments of Russian-made chocolate confectionery abroad increased by 18% in annual terms to 19.7 thousand tons. In value terms, sales of chocolate products increased by 5.4% to $52.7 million, CIKR notes.

Deliveries abroad of flour confectionery products from Russia increased in January-February 2016 by 15.6% to 24.9 thousand tons. In value terms, sales increased by 7.7% to $37.6 million.

"In general, the export of confectionery products in January-February 2016 amounted to $101 million and 50.25 thousand tons, which is 5% and 14.2% higher than in 2015, respectively. In the sales of food products for export, the segment of confectionery products is one of the largest. For example, vodka, according to the FCS, was exported for $11 million in January-February, and meat and meat products for the whole of 2015 were exported for $117 million (data from the WTC of Moscow), "explains the CICR.
"The fact of
growth in export sales is currently notable for the fact that during 2015 there was a sharp decrease in them as a whole. Rising prices, devaluation of national currencies, a drop in purchasing power in countries that were the main buyers of Russian-made sweets led to a decrease in their consumption and a drop in sales, "said TIKR executive director Elizaveta Nikitina.
"In 2016, China began to enter the first positions in purchasing Russian confectionery products - a relatively new market for Russian sweets. In January-February, the export of flour confectionery products to China increased to 1.58 thousand tons, which is more than ten times higher than in January-February 2015 (137 tons), "the CICR emphasizes

The export of chocolate confectionery products to China almost quadrupled in January-February to 2.5 thousand tons (in January-February 2015 - 616 tons).

China has become the third largest market for Russian chocolate confectionery products after Kazakhstan and Belarus and the fourth largest market for flour confectionery products after Kazakhstan, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan.

The main regions that sold chocolate confectionery for export in January-February were Moscow (20.7%), Moscow (19.9%), Kemerovo (15.4%) and Belgorod (8.6%) regions.

The main regions selling flour confectionery for export were Kemerovo (18.3%) and Moscow (9.3%) regions, Moscow (7.7%), as well as Kursk and Chelyabinsk regions[8].

The average cost of selling 1 ton of chocolate confectionery products for export was $2680 in January-February, and $1520 tons of flour confectionery products, CIKR concludes.

2015: Confectionery exports $832 million (-27.6%)

In total, in 2015, sales of Russian confectionery products abroad amounted to $832 million (-27.6%) against $1.15 billion in 2014.

Exports of chocolate and sugar confectionery products have significantly decreased. The export of flour confectionery products, on the contrary, grew in 2015 by about 15% in physical terms, but significantly decreased in value.

The largest external markets for Russian confectioners are Kazakhstan, Belarus and the countries of Central Asia.

See also
