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2022/02/21 19:06:17

Federal State Forest System


Information Technology in the Forest Industry

Main article: Digitalization of the forest industry

ForestEGAIS Wood Accounting

Main article: ForestEGAIS Wood Accounting

2024: Ability to receive data from ERA GLONASS

Owners of forest equipment with the help of ERA-GLONASS"" will be able to transmit data about the movement transport of funds to the FSIS of the Forest Complex. The company GLONASS announced this on May 22, 2024. More. here


The FGIS of the forest complex will be created using the tools of Gostekha and placed in the State Cloud. 1.97 billion rubles allocated for this

In February 2022, the Federal Forestry Agency (Rosleskhoz), a subordinate structure of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology, announced a competition for the creation of the first stage of the state information system of the forest complex (FGIS LK). The maximum price announced in the competition is almost 1.97 billion rubles.

As part of the project to create a FGIS LC, the processes of entering information into the state forest register (GLR) and providing information from the GLR will be automated. Seamless inclusion of legacy systems, in particular, LesEGAIS, into FGIS LC shall be provided. At the same time, the system is supposed to be deployed on the State Unified Cloud Platform ( Gosoblako).

At the same time, the system should be created not only on the basis of domestic software, but also using separate tools for developing the Gostech platform. What of the existing toolset will be used must be determined by the executor during the design phase. In this case, all software used when creating the system must be compatible with the Gostech platform. Technical solutions using Gostech tools must be agreed with the Ministry of Digital Development.

FGIS LK will make the wood market more transparent. The photo is

In the first stage the following subsystems of FGIS LC shall be started:

  • Forest accounting subsystem (POL)
  • scaffolding utilization subsystem (PIL);
  • forest protection, protection and reproduction subsystem (ZAZL);
  • Forest map subsystem (PLC)
  • Document accounting subsystem (ACP);
  • Document Receiving and Processing Subsystem
  • External interaction subsystem (EOI);
  • internal interaction subsystem;
  • regulatory reference information management subsystem (PNSI);
  • spatial data processing subsystem (SPM);
  • Process Control Subsystem (PMC)
  • Data storage subsystem (PCB)
  • Mining subsystem (MIA)
  • Information Security Subsystem (ISS);
  • Administration and monitoring subsystem (PAM).

The results of the competition will be announced by Rosleskhoz on March 9, 2022. Technical documentation shall be ready no later than 2 months after signing the contract. No later than October 29, commissioning work was carried out and system tests were carried out. The FGIS LK must be put into trial operation by December 16, 2022.

In February, the tender was announced only for the first stage of work, for which almost 2 billion rubles were allocated. At the same time, the TA also provides for the second and third stages of the creation of the FGIS LK, competitions for which will be announced separately. As part of the second stage of work, it is planned to expand the list of government services provided using the functionality of the Personal Account and the portal of public services, expand the list of information systems with which the subsystems of the FGIS LC should be connected through the CMEV, the creation of the Data Showcase subsystem, the creation of a subsystem for ensuring control and supervisory activities to take into account and support administrative offenses, the development of subsystems created within the first stage.

The third stage of work is still spelled out without detail and provides for the expansion of the list of services provided using the functionality of the Personal Account and the Public services portal, the development of already launched subsystems and the launch of new functionality provided for by the new editions of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts.


Russia approved the concept of a new electronic forest register

On October 4, 2021, it became known about the approval in Russia of the concept of an electronic state forest register (GLR), which was commissioned by Russian President Vladimir Putin until 2023. The register will allow you to display all actions in relation to each forest area of ​ ​ the country. This is reported by TASS with reference to the Roslesinforg organization, which specializes in a comprehensive solution of forest accounting and forest management tasks in the interests of the state.

Large-scale amendments on how the GLR should be formed and conducted have been made to the Forest Code on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation and will be disclosed in by-laws, "said Pavel Chashchin, director of Roslesinforg, adding that the new model should fully work in 2023.

The Russian Federation approved the concept of a new electronic forest register

It is estimated that in two years more than 130 million entries from existing registries will be made to the HLR, departmental databases and "paper" documents, all types of forest areas and territories will be entered - from forest allocation to forestry, including forest lands, lands of other categories covered with forest, with a description of the boundaries, area, land categories, forest type and stock information, and who uses the forest and for what purposes, including the balance of wood stored in the logging area. The department also noted that the GLR will display the entire sequence of actions taken in relation to each section of the forest.

Vyacheslav Spirenkov, Deputy Head of the Federal Forestry Agency, noted that an integrated and systematic approach to the creation, processing and storage of information will increase the contribution of the forest complex to the country's economy, including through the implementation of forest climate projects, which will soon become key to the global environmental agenda.[1]

Start of State Forest System Design

At the end of August 2021, the Federal Forestry Agency (Rosleskhoz) announced a competition for the pre-project stage of work on the creation of a federal state information system for the forest complex (FGIS LK). The customer estimated the contract value at 99.8 million rubles[2].

Almost 100 million rubles will be spent on pre-project work on the creation of the FSIS forest complex

Within the framework of the project, conceptual approaches to the creation of an information system, structure and technological principles of its creation should be developed, a terms of reference should be prepared.

According to the customer, the need to develop the system is due to the urgent need for the existence of a single information resource to take into account reliable, systematized information about forests, their use, protection, protection, reproduction, wood and transactions with it. In addition, the new solution should become the main tool for developing and implementing effective state policy in the field of forestry and related industries, which makes it possible to form information on the state and prospects for the development of the country's forestry complex.

The existing state of information and analytical resources of the forest complex of the regional and federal levels, according to Rosleshoz, does not fully provide state bodies with up-to-date information about the forest industry. As a result, a situation has developed in which the state functions in the field of forestry and related sectors of FNIV do not have the operational industry information that they need.

The forest department predicts that thanks to the introduction of the new system, a holistic idea of ​ ​ the state of forests and the forest industry will be provided on an ongoing basis, which will largely contribute to increasing the efficiency and validity of strategic planning, as well as the effective development of the Russian economy in relation to the forest complex. FGIS LC should increase transparency and streamline the forest market by ensuring the exchange of timely and complete information between government agencies and business entities.

The FGIS LC shall support processing, storage and generation of more than 30 types of data. Among them, information on the composition and boundaries of forest lands, forestry, protective forests, forest roads, maps, as well as forest development projects, timber transactions, etc.

All work on the current project should be completed by December 7, 2021. As a result of the formation of conceptual approaches, information structure, methodological and information base of materials and recommendations, the development of the terms of reference, the conditions necessary for the creation and commissioning of the FGIS LC will be formed in 2023.

The project executor should be selected at the end of September 2021.

As of September 2021, the LesEGAIS system operates in terms of traceability of wood turnover in Russia. Owners of warehouses and forest processing facilities are obliged to enter information about their facilities into this system. Subsequently, loggers will have to enter information about the volume of wood, its type and size, delivery route and transport. If such data are not presented or the legality of wood is not confirmed, transactions will be blocked from January 1, 2022.

As Deputy Prime Minister Victoria Abramchenko reported, the Government of the Russian Federation is implementing an action plan for the development and decriminalization of the forest complex on behalf of the President of Russia. One of the key measures is the digitalization of the industry, which will allow the introduction of a system of traceability of wood movement at all stages.

2020: Instruction on the creation of the federal state system of the forest complex

In November 2020, the President Russia Vladimir Putin instructed to create and introduce a unified federal state system of the forest complex by January 1, 2023. This was reported on the Kremlin portal in the list of instructions of the head states following a meeting on the development and decriminalization of the forest complex.

The system will be developed to maintain a forest register in electronic form, trace the path of wood from its harvesting to the production of processed products. Also, using the information system, they plan to keep track of all transactions. The executor of the order will be the Russian Cabinet.

Vladimir Putin instructed to create GIS for the forest complex

When preparing the document, the Government of the Russian Federation will have to provide for measures for the transfer of municipal boiler houses from fuel oil and coal to biological fuel and for the scientific and technical modernization of forestry and the forest industry based on the achievements of science.

At the beginning of October 2020, the amount of harm caused by illegal logging amounted to 9.4 billion rubles, which is 8% more than in the same period last year. One of the solutions to the problem should be the emergence of a federal state information system for the forest complex.

At the same time, before the commissioning of this system, the President instructed to take measures aimed at modernizing the unified state automated information system for wood accounting and transactions with it. The instruction specifies the need to provide for the traceability of wood from its harvesting to the production of wood processing products. This system, according to the document, should work in test mode starting from January 1, 2021, in constant mode - from July 1, 2021.

At the end of September 2020, Vladimir Putin instructed from 2022 to introduce a complete ban on the export of unprocessed timber of coniferous and valuable deciduous species from the country. The President also called for the introduction of effective methods to combat deforestation.[3]
