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2018/09/21 15:16:29

From paper to "digit": Rosrybolovstvo prepared new services for fishermen of the Interview of TAdviser

The chief of Federal State Budgetary Institution Center of a Monitoring System of Fishery and Communication Artem Vilkin in an interview of TAdviser told about features of informatization fishery the industries.

Development of a key IT system fishery the industries goes about 20 years

Artem Sergeyevich, informatization of the fishery industry of the Russian Federation in general is how developed?

Artem Vilkin: It is necessary to separate commercial and state informatization of the industry. Concerning the first, there are examples of the known fishery companies which rather actively are engaged at themselves in implementation of IT, at many special divisions are created. We know examples when the analogs of the electronic trade journal which allowed to receive the operational reporting from the vessel ashore and to be guided by it in the business activities were created.

The state informatization fishery the industries has quite long history. Development of a key system - the industry monitoring system (IMS) - goes about 20 years. It began in 1999, however sources were put in the Soviet Union. Throughout this big period of technology were different therefore informatization has fragmentary character.

OSM is a rod of the fishery industry in terms of informatization, collecting of reports, providing analytical materials, interdepartmental and international interaction.

One of the last important projects in the field of informatization of the fishery industry - creation of the OSM portal. Why it is called the portal?

Artem Vilkin: We made a start from analogy to the portal of public services. The purpose to make a certain uniform input in OSM was set. Historically this system developed fragmentary, in its framework a large number of the information subsystems unrolled within geographically distributed infrastructure was created. With introduction of the portal to operation we will receive set of services and a wide range of possibilities for providing the public and commercial services, and in the long term – "one window" according to the solution of all questions which can arise at the fisherman on interaction with state bodies.

Also the portal will become a uniform point of information exchange, including, within interdepartmental and international interaction.

What can be monitored using the portal and what for?

Artem Vilkin: The portal is designed to solve, first of all, the problem connected with issue of electronic permissions to production (catch) of water biological resources. We receive the application from users in electronic form that allows them not to visit personally Territorial Department of Rosrybolovstvo. In Territorial Department this request is processed and the decision or on issue of permission, or on failure in it is made. But the most interesting - further. Permission is issued too in electronic form using the electronic signature, the user sees all this in the personal account. Such permission is legitimate, and does not require receiving a paper copy with printing and the signature of Territorial Department.

Also fishermen will have a possibility of making changes in permission directly onboard the vessel. Now operational making changes in paper permissions is integrated to difficulties and incurs additional costs for the fishery companies.

Also, in development there is a module providing processes of sending the request and obtaining the electronic certificate on the technical tool of control. Now it is necessary in paper form.

Besides, the portal is designed to optimize, facilitate work and to lower load of Territorial Departments of Rosrybolovstvo. During creation of the portal we already optimized the inner pattern and laid off the number of workers. Until the end of the year we are going to move in the same direction.

I will give an example. There is a module of management of the schedule of technical means of control, it concerns positioning of courts in the World Ocean. With centralization of this service we will reduce the number of the people working in the round-the-clock service. Now the data stream on positions at us is separated into the Far East and the West, respectively, and there, and there we have services working with these data. Only after receipt in these centers of monitoring - Western and East - and processings they are included in the OSM central database. It is the certain time delay requiring presence of groups of the people who are quickly working with these data. With centralization of a flow all other branches will have access to the central base of a monitoring system and to obtain data on positioning directly from it. It will allow us to have only one group on management of the schedule, on the round-the-clock service of management of satellite positioning, but not as now when them there are two.

What key problems of the industry the portal is designed to solve?

Artem Vilkin: The most important - it will allow to save fishermen from need to get permissions to production (catch) and certificates to technical means of control in paper form. Now at the exit also the module on survey of courts on compliance to the international requirements for safety of navigation, we transfer it to an electronic form too.

The module connected with statistical reporting which all subjects of economic activity of the Russian Federation should submit is created and is already tested. It is also transferred to an electronic form. Same concerns also the operational reporting which is entered at the departmental level of Rosrybolovstvo concerning fishermen. At the same time, that fishermen were not mistaken, and it is inevitable at "paper" forms of work, in algorithms of services of the portal control of identification of errors and discrepancies is put. Besides, at a reporting preparation the portal allows to fill out by clicking of one button the report on the basis of earlier submitted reporting and to add only new data on a reporting date that is very convenient.

In what stage of readiness creation of the portal is now?

Artem Vilkin: It is possible to tell that the project is in full swing. The appetite, as we know, comes to meal time. Right at the beginning we thought that we will just solve some problems seeming the most important at that time. But then saw how positive were responses, the effect really was available therefore now we have long-term perspective plans on development of this project. It was initially created as modular, allowing to develop as is wished many new modules within a system, providing transfer to an electronic form practically of any services.

We are already ready to start the main modules and we wait only for emergence of necessary regulating documents. Start is tied to a release of the federal law and also the related subordinate documents legalizing the mechanism of electronic interaction.

Kind of you could designate the plans for development of the portal?

Artem Vilkin: Besides that it is planned regarding development of the existing modules and emergence new, I would select one more important point of the portal - it is the information system "Quotas of 2019". Catch of fish in the Russian Federation is performed on the basis of shares of the quotas fixed earlier for 10 years, this year they expire. Now Rosrybolovstvo completes fixing of shares of quotas the next 15 years. Fixing happens on the basis of the historical principle: who had a certain share, that has the right to its renewal to the 15-year period. With respect thereto in development there is now a module which since January, 2019 will allow to perform all changes happening to these shares in a common information space. Emergence of a centralized system of accounting, balance of these shares will make process of introduction of such changes more transparent with a complete elimination of illegal manipulations that as we hope, will raise the trust level to us from fishing community.

When last time did the industry monitoring system undergo global upgrade?

Artem Vilkin: Like that, perhaps, never earlier was. When we made the decision on development of the portal about 3 years ago, we counted that in a system more than 55 units of the different software developed in different historical periods which executes, including, and parallel tasks work. At the same time we saw that on software there are neither patents, nor initial documentation, and not to find for developers of this software any more. With respect thereto we at first made the decision everything to integrate, to centralize, give legitimacy to the software. However, after we began to update software, came also to upgrade of infrastructure of a data stream, to replacement of "iron". Therefore it is possible to tell that it and is the first global upgrade of OSM.

At the same time we do not refuse everything that was historically developed. A part of earlier developed software, for example, is built in OSM portal modules.

By what criteria the contractor of the project on creation of the OSM portal was selected? Whether the tender was held? Why the FORS company as a result was selected?

Artem Vilkin: As public institution, we perform the choice of partners and contract organizations according to the provisions of the law therefore the open competition was held. Positive experience in implementation of similar projects and also existence of labor and intellectual resources that our partner could cope quickly with tasks at the high professional grade were the main criteria for evaluation of participants. Based on consideration of requests of participants the FORS company was selected. We successfully cooperate with it about 2 years.

Based on what technical solutions the portal is created?

Artem Vilkin: The portal is developed based on open PostgreSQL DBMS - its Russian version of Postgres PRO and Java technologies. As the application server Tomcat is used. For security the certified information security tools are used.

Now the state actively advances import substitution policy, including in the field of IT. As far as it is relevant for you during the developing and upgrade of OSM?

Artem Vilkin: Import substitution at us in a priority. In the activity we try to select the Russian solutions, but, unfortunately, it is still impossible "to cover" with them all requirements.

What problems it was already necessary to face in the project progress?

Artem Vilkin: The biggest problem, perhaps, this rejection of all new. We test it in the organization when we observe counteraction from workers. Many work with OSM long ago, and, of course, they got used to work with those software products which they had always, and something new to them is a call, need to be retrained. And we feel such counteraction not only inside, but also from Territorial Departments of Rosrybolovstvo, from fishermen. But at that activity which we show, explaining as it is necessary to work, most of people says that the portal - it is very good and correct. Now we already hear wishes that the portal earned rather. This year with FORS company we held 2 big open events where we invited all interested. It was also in the Far East, and covered the western regions.

Still it is possible to select the problem connected with reduction in compliance among themselves of regulating documents and uniform industry reference books by which it would be possible to be guided during creation of a system and its operation. However both of these problems, certainly, solvable.

Call, please, the main users of services in a new format.

Artem Vilkin: These are, perhaps, all participants of a fishery complex, all subjects of economic activity: the fishing, extracting, overworking companies, and those who transport. Here also public servants of Rosrybolovstvo enter. Active users of OSM are Russian Federal Border Service and the Federal Tax Service. Therefore we are faced by a task to establish interdepartmental cooperation at the new, more modern level.

Artem Vilkin: The border service catches poachers or unfair fishermen. Information which they obtain from OSM is used for two purposes: for capture of unfair fishermen and also not to impose any excessive requirements to fair fishermen. In turn, FTS sees volumes of a catch and, probably, compares with what taxes on it are paid.

You mentioned that you already receive a feedback: players of the fishery market are interested when the portal is brought into commercial operation. What feedback and from whom else comes? How it is implemented?

Artem Vilkin: Feedback comes from all participants who test the OSM portal today among those categories of users which I designated. We create a special electronic system of accounting of errors in work of the portal and wishes on improvement of these or those services. These addresses accumulate, and any of them does not remain unattended: we work all notes together with specialists of FORS.

At the very beginning of our conversation you also mentioned about the international interaction. With whom and in what type it is performed now? And what plans for its development using the portal?

Artem Vilkin: Exchange of different data in electronic form happens already now, but so far only to Norway, and so far this process is not automated. With other countries due to various reasons there is no such exchange, including, on an absence reason at them the necessary systems. In our plans - to create the module of the international exchange to unify and automate these processes.

It is important to note that in other countries in the industry only some processes are automated, and our OSM is universal. It integrates in itself and the controlling function, both reporting, and service. In the USA, for example, in different states there are different monitoring systems which more perform the state function on control, without information services for users. But such generalizing monitoring system in the field of fishery as at us, in other countries we do not know.