Haktivizm (combination of the terms "hacking" and "activism") assumes the organization of acts of civil disobedience during which hackers, using the technical knowledge, definitely put pressure upon the state or large business companies for the purpose of receiving a political benefit. Hackers perform substitution of contents of websites, redirection, DDoS attacks, theft of information, creation of parody websites, virtual diversions, etc. Haktivizm as the phenomenon, purchased great popularity in 2011. For a short time fight against it became one of the priority directions in information security support in the state and commercial organizations worldwide.
The research center Imperva (Application Defense Center) carrying the name Hacker Intelligence Initiative (HII) investigates an essence of cyber-processes, analyzes modern technologies and hacker methods and also the interesting attacks for the expired month. HII focuses the attention on recent trends of the attacks, protection of web applications and model of the business based on cyber-crimes. The purpose of its activity – the help in gain of security and risk management.
During the research of the 25-day attack in 2011 performed by the Anonymous group, the Imperva company studied the sequence of actions of the hackers directed to cracking of data and falling of the websites and also developed basic recommendations for the organizations for an intrusion prevention and mitigation of the consequences of the attacks. Here some of them.
Monitoring of social media. Haktivista loudly declare themselves, it is one of their main principles. Haktivista use all available Internet channels – Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Blogspot, etc. It is rather simple to look for in network hints on the forthcoming attack (for example, requests in Google). Data retrieveds usually contain date, means of the attack, etc. therefore can be used for preparation for its reflection.
Protection of applications. Interception of the data passing through applications can have catastrophic effects. Use of network screens, resource analysis and search of possible vulnerabilities can help to reduce risk of cracking.
DDoS the attack for haktivist is exclusive means. Attacking prefer the small-scale effective campaigns which are not requiring mass involvement of participants. Therefore the probable victims of the attack should eliminate vulnerabilities in corporate resources first of all.
Analysis of precautionary messages of a security system. DDoS the attack if like that is planned, preceded by the investigation continuing several days. Studying precautionary messages, it is possible to strengthen protection and better to be prepared for the attack.
Reputation of IP. The reputation of IP is very powerful tool, especially in a set-up time of the attacks. Using reputation of IP, it is possible to block the most part of traffic during investigation. As well as in a case with other PoW (Proof-of-work) protocols, it is possible to gather essential parts about attacking.