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2024/09/14 08:46:59

Health care in the Netherlands


Main article: The Netherlands


2023: Residents spend €1 billion a year on drugs

In mid-September 2024, it became known that residents of the Netherlands spend almost €1 billion on drugs every year. This conclusion was reached by specialists from the KWR Research Institute, who drew up a map of drug consumption based on an analysis of wastewater.

In the Netherlands, as noted by TASS, the possession, sale and production of drugs in large volumes are prohibited by law. At the same time, coffee shops are allowed to sell marijuana in small quantities, subject to certain strict conditions. In addition, the country's authorities in 2020 organized an experiment on a closed network of coffee shops, providing for the possibility of growing cannabis.

Residents of the Netherlands spend €1 billion annually on drugs

The KWR study examined wastewater for cocaine, amphetamine, methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy) and other substances entering the sewer with urine. The data for the period from 2015 to 2022 were analyzed at 30 local treatment plants - both in urban and rural areas of the country. The number of substances identified was then compared to the average cost of the relevant drugs in the Netherlands. It turned out that residents of the state spend about €903 million a year on drugs.

For this amount, you can maintain a whole army of dealers. We are based on a fairly conservative estimate and believe that the real costs of the country's inhabitants on narcotic substances can be significantly higher, says KWR researcher Thomas ter Laak.

The fact is that the authors of the report did not take into account the peak days on which various festivals and celebrations are held in the Netherlands. In such periods, drug consumption increases sharply, and therefore, the costs of citizens on these drugs increase.[1]

2021: Maternity leave less than 24 weeks

Число недель оплачиваемого maternity leave countries around the world for 2021

2020: Duration of guaranteed paid sick leave 6 months or more

Data as of September 1, 2020


High proportion of doctors over 55 years of age

Data for 2019

Chronic depression affects 8.3% of the population aged 15 + years

at 15
Процент population + years of age who reported "suffering from chronic depression" in 2019

2018: 21.3% of women smoke tobacco

2018 data
