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2024/10/10 10:49:49

Healthcare in Belarus


Disease statistics


Data for 2017

Maternity leave

Число недель оплачиваемого maternity leave countries around the world for 2021


2024: A single GIS is being created in Belarus, which will unite all services in the healthcare sector

In Belarus, a single state information system is being created that will unite all services in the healthcare sector. The Minister of Health of Belarus Alexander Khojaev spoke about this and other projects of digital transformation of medicine in the republic in April 2024.

We are working to integrate all existing developments into a single platform. This should happen within two years - 2024-2025, - said the minister.

A single state information system is being created in Belarus, which will unite all services in the healthcare sector

According to him, the unified electronic health care system will include services that relate to electronic prescription, electronic pharmacy, electronic document management, etc. The unification of already working software solutions in the field of health care will give its result in early 2025, since the first stage of this work should be completed by the end of 2024, the head of the Belarusian Ministry of Health said. He expressed confidence that the digital transformation of health care will reduce the volume of unnecessary document management, as well as help health workers quickly receive the necessary information about the patient.

The Ministry of Health of Belarus has already approved a regulation on the creation of a centralized health information system. According to the department's material, the new platform will solve the following problems:

  • the development of e-health;
  • collection, accumulation, storage of information on the state of health of patients;
  • protection of information in accordance with the law;
  • transfer of medical services to electronic form;
  • creation of a single electronic archive of medical information about patients based on the patient's electronic medical record;
  • functioning of the clinical decision support system;
  • ensuring interdepartmental information interaction in the manner and on the conditions determined by law;
  • providing citizens with access to health services using the patient's personal electronic account.[1]

2022: 103.Health platform pioneered telemedicine in Belarus

Until 2022, development telemedicine countries CIS in was uneven. In particular, Belarus Kazakhstan telemedicine was at the initial stage of development, and the 103.Health platform had to overcome significant challenges in the field of regulation and technology. More. here


2024: The annual budget for health care in Belarus increased by 11.6%, to 2.78 billion Belarusian rubles

In Belarus, there is a significant increase in funding for the health care system. According to the draft law "On the republican budget for 2025," published in October 2024 on the National Legal Portal, healthcare costs in 2025 will increase by 11.6% and amount to 2.78 billion Belarusian rubles.

This increase is part of the overall trend of health funding growth in the country. For the period from 2019 to 2024, the amount of funds allocated for the medical sector increased from 5.5 billion to 11.1 billion Belarusian rubles.

Annual budget for health care in Belarus increased by 11.6%

First Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Igor Petrishenko in his speech in parliament noted that at the end of 2023, the minimum standard for budgetary provision of health care costs per resident reached 886.8 Belarusian rubles.

An important aspect of the development of the health care system is the staffing of health facilities with qualified personnel. The staffing rate for specialist doctors rose from 94.3% in 2022 to 95.8% in 2023, according to data presented in parliament. Staffing of average health workers also increased from 96.5% to 97.4% over the same period.

To solve the personnel issue in the medical sphere, the Government of Belarus took a number of measures. Recruitment to medical universities for budget places was expanded, as well as the volume of training of targeted specialists was increased.

Significant funds are allocated to modernize and improve the material and technical base of health care institutions. In 2023, more than 1 billion Belarusian rubles were allocated for these purposes. As a result, more than 1.5 thousand feldsher-obstetric points, 480 outpatient clinics of a general practitioner and more than 140 district hospitals were repaired.

In addition, 26 new healthcare facilities were commissioned in 2023. In 2024, it is planned to complete the construction of another 15 medical institutions.[2]

2018: 10.4% of women smoke tobacco

2018 data
