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2014/09/08 17:53:30

How effectively to use VKS

The video conferencing provides an opportunity to hold meetings, negotiations, meetings and other communications, despite distances and saving resources. The greatest efficiency is provided by use of VKS, proceeding from the standing specific objectives of business. The solutions VIDEOCONFERENCING directory and projects is available in the section the Video conferencing


Among the main advantages of use of video conferences in business it is accepted to call cost reductions on business trips, increase in efficiency of use of working time and efficiency of interaction. For example, VKS can provide carrying out an action, as close as possible to real meetings, support efficiency of communication of the management with territorially removed subordinates or provide efficiency of interaction of the removed working groups within joint projects. Besides, VKS is a convenient and effective instrument of carrying out personnel training without departure of the teacher or remote interviewing.

In the different industries and in different businesses VKS has the advantages and the most effective scenarios of application. As a rule, everything is very individual, consider in Polymedia company: "There is no uniform recipe, practically and each customer has the task and the unique requirement which needs to be satisfied. Someone tells about need of holding sessions of multipoint video conference up to 100 subscribers, somewhere problems with qualitative communication channels, the budget somewhere limited".

However it is conditionally possible to review several examples of system configurations for specific tasks of the enterprises.

The system of a video conferencing for sales

Managers of sales and sales representatives - the most important link of customer interaction of the company. The centralized system which at the small cost will always help to be in touch using the available communication line can become the best means of communication for these representatives of business. Having a connectivity through DSL, LAN or ISDN such systems allow to contact both from the house, and from the hotel room, restaurant or other place where there is a connectivity to the selected Internet or Wi-Fi. vazhny feature of the similar systems are their 100% compatibility with the big systems installed in conference halls. Versions of the equipment: programmny providing VKS + webcam.

The integrated system for individual use

Now practically each employee of the company has the personal computer and the monitor on the desktop. Modern technologies allowed to integrate the most powerful systems of a video conferencing into the monitor. Without taking places on a table and without requiring any additional hardware, these systems become the irreplaceable assistant administrator, allow to participate in meetings, without leaving a workplace. sistema support multipoint connections and connections through IP and ISDN connections. 

The group system of video conference for small business

In order that the received image was well visible to all attendees, the monitor with diagonal not less than 32 will be required". For a sound playback there are enough loudspeakers of the monitor or small additional loudspeakers. from holding a conference additional accessories, such as document camera or digital "white board" will help to achieve bolshy efficiency. 

The system of video conference for filial structures

Typical use of the systems of this class - holding of conferences with the employees who are in territorially remote branches of the company. Such system requires the channel with sufficient broad capacity (512 Kbps and more). the takzha should take care of good lighting and a convenient method of guidance of the camera since about 20 participants can participate in a conference from each party. Reproduction of the image requires the big screen, and for high-quality voice transmission - microphones. 

Big conference room

The systems of such level should provide excellent image quality and a sound, the highest transmission rate, the maximum functionality and convenient management. Service of the systems of such level requires the prepared personnel. 

Possible difficulties

"For the large companies of complexity when using VKS the existing IT infrastructure which often is "scrappy and piecewise", implemented on different platforms represents, - Alexey Ulyashkin, the chief of project bureau of DeLight 2000 company considers. - The companies should or find opportunities for further support in such cases various, not always the equipment easily compatible among themselves, or to completely transfer all company to a new solution".

Other obstacle for implementation of VKS in large enterprises, according to the expert, is the gap between the IT services and persons managing business: the first badly understand business challenges of the company, and the last – do not possess information on all opportunities of use of new technologies. As a result not the most effective and perspective solutions are often selected.

At last, the lack of uniform video infrastructure of the enterprise which part is video conference also creates difficulties for implementation and further effective use of VKS, consider in "DeLight 2000 (DeLight)".

"Do you remember how ERP systems gradually entered our life? If at first at the enterprises separate programs for a warehouse, accounting, personnel management, etc. were used), then after a while many passed to a uniform ERP system. The same happens also to the different systems working with video content. In the next years many companies will come to a conclusion that it is necessary to create a corporate system for management of all video resources existing in the company on a single platform", - Alexey Ulyashkin notes.

According to Nikita Karpuk, the manager of products VIDEOCONFERENCING of MegaFon, the main difficulties of the VKS projects face at a system implementation stage when there is an appetite (some additional functions, need of integration with other systems and so forth) and it is necessary to satisfy it within the signed contract. Also common problem is an absence at the Russian enterprises of culture of video communication. Occasionally it happens that the VKS system is unrolled, but almost do not use it since there are barriers of both technical, and psychological character.

"-it is initially good to provide the most important how the organization will apply video technologies", - Nikita Karpuk considers. According to him, using solutions VIDEOCONFERENCING it is possible to improve practically all workflows which assume use of telephony, e-mail or business trips at present. The correctness of determination of such tasks will influence directly an investment payback in VKS.