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Баннер в шапке 2
2009/03/19 00:00:00

Implementation of the Quinyx WorkForce HRM system in the Russian representative office of Perfetti Van Melle

The Perfetti Van Melle company is one of the largest producers of confectionery and chewing gum. The company possesses tens of the trademarks known and well-loved by consumers on five continents, including to Fruittella, Meller, Alpenliebe, Mentos, Chupa Chups. In Russia Perfetti Van Melle works since 1993. Today the companies is the leader in production of the packed caramel in Russia. The staff of the company in Russia totals more than 2000 people.

The Perfetti Van Melle company is one of the largest producers of confectionery and chewing gum. The company possesses tens of the trademarks known and well-loved by consumers on five continents, including to Fruittella, Meller, Alpenliebe, Mentos, Chupa Chups. In Russia Perfetti Van Melle works since 1993. Today the companies is the leader in production of the packed caramel in Russia. The staff of the company in Russia totals more than 2000 people. Aiming at increase in business performance, the company management of Perfetti Van Melle as one of the basic directions of the capital investments defined implementation of the latest methods of management of human resources and the program implementation of modern management tools HR department including implementation of the Quinyx WorkForce HRM system and outsourcing of payroll (PA BPO).

The main objectives facing the management of the Russian division of Perfetti VanMelle were broken into strategic and tactical levels.

At the strategic level it was necessary:

  • Automate key business processes in the field of personnel administration and payroll;
  • Transfer "non-core" settlement processes of the salary to external provider and focus attention on strategic initiatives. At the tactical level it was necessary:
  • Provide uniform policy of personnel processes in all company;
  • Reduce operating expenses of personnel department;
  • Remove need for expansion of the staff of the company;
  • Simplify a procedural and technical part of payroll calculation;

Raise the service level of employees. "For the solution of these tasks the help of the qualified expert having the best practices and deep understanding of specifics of the Russian market as in the field of outsourcing of personnel management and payroll calculation, and full automation of personnel processes of the company was required for us — Valeria Volkova, the HR director of the Russian representative office of Perfetti Van Melle comments. — Based on the held tender the UCMS Group company which has extensive technical and methodological base, own developments and a know-how in the field of personnel management was selected. As tools on accomplishment of assigned tasks and further information support of HR strategy we stopped the choice on the Quinyx WorkForce system from UCMS Group company which has complete HR functionality and has the best indicators of TCO/ROI in the class".

The project on business process outsourcing and setup of the Quinyx WorkForce system started at the beginning of 2008. In the project progress in close cooperation of specialists of Perfetti Van Melle and UCMS Group company the following works were performed:

  • Analysis of all business personnel management processes of the company;
  • Full automation of personnel administration and payroll based on the Quinyx WorkForce system;
  • Creation and the organization of support of the centralized database on personnel;
  • Synchronization and optimization of HR processes and settlement processes of the salary in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • Development and carrying out specific calculations, such, as: the special settlement scheme of awards, compensation in shifts, payment of overtime according to corporate regulations on compensation, formation of postings, maintaining sheets of a time recording. On project deliverables the transparent and unified personnel system of the company allowing to solve problems of personnel administration and payroll in a uniform key was designed.

Unique feature of the project was that the Quinyx WorkForce HRM system was unrolled in Perfetti Van Melle within the concept of SaaS (Software as a Service, the software as service) i.e. on terms of subscription on software via the Internet. It allowed the company to remove need for considerable one-time investments on purchase of licenses and also allowed not to worry about creation of necessary infrastructure and further support of a system. At the moment it is the first project of Russia, such in business market, within which the advanced BPO solutions together with delivery of a HRM system on SaaS technology are used.

"The complex service package allowed us just to forget about many problems — Valeria Volkova notes. — For example, in compliance with the agreement on the level of service, all responsibility connected with security and reliability of a system, UCMS Group undertook, having placed all information in own data center. Thanks to a web oriyentirovanosti of Quinyx we do not need to worry about updating of a system according to the current changes in the Russian legislation, accounting and taxation now, our partners enter changes into the system at their emergence. Also I will note that thanks to implementation of outsourcing of payroll, we observe reduction of risk of non-performance of payroll calculation in time".

As a result of the carried-out works on implementation of a complex solution package of HR BPO + SaaS the Perfetti Van Melle company significantly reduced operating expenses of personnel department, reduced the level of HR risks and provided uniform policy of processes on personnel management in all company, with the accessibility to personnel services at any time and in any city of the world where there is an Internet access.

"I think, the most important argument for us for benefit of a linking of services of SaaS and BPO was what thanks to such model we could organize flexible, adaptive, and, above all - economic HR division — Valeria Volkova adds. — SaaS model on which we work with the Quinyx system, guarantees us notable benefit on such key financial indicators as total cost of ownership and return of investments, without losing at the same time in a functional part. Together with BPO services we received the complete solution which allowed us to develop and improve successfully processes of personnel administration and payroll without staff increase of employees, attraction of additional resources and also without significant investments into deployment of a HRM system".

"The human capital is one of the main sources of competitive advantage in modern difficult economic conditions. Potential of organization development is defined by the potential of development of its personnel, and the efficiency of work with employees defines success of achievement of key business challenges. In this sense the efficiency of a personnel system affects in a decisive way efficiency of the organization in general — Andrey Shabanov, the managing director of UCMS Group of the CIS noted. — The UCMS Group company has extensive methodological and practical experience on human resources management, has qualified specialists and experts with experience of practical work in the field of outsourcing of personnel administration and payroll. Today this experience is implemented in the solutions UCMS Group along with the most modern technologies for management of HR processes which, I am sure, will help Perfetti Van Melle companies and farther to remain leading manufacturer of confectionery products in the Russian market".