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The Internet of behavior is a new step in the concept of the "Internet of Things" (IoT). The idea behind IoB is this: Not only are things connected to the network on an ongoing basis, but also people. Moreover, it can be like "wearable devices" (for example, fitness bracelets or smartwatches that track the owner's heart rate and location), and built-in, for example, subcutaneous chips that record a person's body temperature, the amount of sugar or white blood cells in the blood, and so on. Ideally, such devices can even control the emotional state and warn a person about the rash of certain actions.
The accelerated practical implementation of IoB developments throughout the country means major changes in people's lives.
First, the question of security and confederacy arises. If the technology built into a person is connected to the network, then it can be remotely hacked and applied against the owner. It may turn out that a'smart' defibrillator may not be a salvation, but the cause of the user's death.
Secondly, more and more decisions will be made without the participation of an individual, which means that he will not be able to fully control his life, and in the future he will completely lose control over it.
2023: MTS begins to use the technology of "Internet behavior" when creating commercials and communication with subscribers
In early March 2023, MTS spoke about the use of Internet of Behavior (IoB) technology when creating commercials and communicating with subscribers. IoB analyzes user data in terms of psychology and potentially allows them to influence their actions. Read more here.
2020: The start of the "digital experiment" in Russia
In May 2020, the State Duma of Russia adopted a law on the so-called "digital experiment," which should create all the necessary legal conditions for the accelerated development of artificial intelligence and other digital technologies in the country. This actually allows us to extend the "Moscow practice" of universal digital control and big data collection to all regions of Russia without exception.
The adoption of the law caused controversy, many deputies pointed out that the discussion of the bill was premature and could lead to negative consequences for citizens, however, the law was adopted, 282 deputies voted for it.
Some experts believe that the adoption of the law will significantly speed up the processes of digitalization in Russia, the result of which may be the implementation of the idea of the "Internet of Behavior" (IoB), which is considered one of the main technological trends in 2020.