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2017/06/07 12:57:02

Interview of TAdviser with the deputy CEO of EOS Group Evgeny Chervyakov

Now to most of customers of already insufficiently standard opportunities of EDMS, complete and functional solutions are necessary for them. Even more often specialists of EOS Group face the need for implementation of functions of a corporate portal. Owing to this fact one of flagship products of EOS Group, EOS for SharePoint, at the beginning of 2017 received the new module – Corporate portal. Along with the modules "Document Flow", "File Archive" and "Management of Meetings" the portal solution of EOS Group can work and as independent, and as the integrated system. The deputy CEO of EOS Group Evgeny Chervyakov tells about creation of Corporate portal, its features and perspectives.

of Worms
led steadily increasing interest of the market in means of internal communications To emergence of Corporate portal

Evgeny, tell, please, what pushed EOS Group to new product development?

Evgeny Chervyakov: The first that wants to be noted, is the aspiration to display an optimal shrink-wrapped software product for the solution of simple everyday tasks in the company. Working with the companies over workflow systems, we quite often hear wishes on the organization of corporate portals (in this case we will apply this term to the information space integrating knowledge, experience, communications between divisions of the company, heads and employees). EDMS, by determination, such space is not. The SharePoint MS platform key for a line of EOS for SharePoint, but in it not enough technical means can act as such space, it gives only basic functionality. The platform needs to be finished for each specific customer, completing in it blocks necessary for the domestic consumer (for example, Employees, Companies, Banks of the ideas, News feeds, "Diagrams of actions", Requests, "Projects of the company" and so on). So requirements of domestic customers regarding corporate portals are significantly wider, than can provide MS SharePoint. We regularly configure this platform for different clients and we know what in it is not enough.

The second – the aspiration to present to the market the modern portal solution with optimal design and a usability. The corporate portal should be beautifully issued, intuitive, have rich and simple tools in use. The SharePoint MS platform offers basic opportunities (both regarding design, and regarding functionality) therefore it it is possible and it is necessary to finish – that we also made forces of our project team.

As a result we decided to release a shrink-wrapped software product in which it would be possible with ease, according to current trends, to configure different modules, to work with content, to visualize information in a simple and clear type. Our idea – to propose the solution with a set of subjects of a design, ready templates which the customer's IT specialist will be able independently to configure.

"Corporate portal" - convenience of joint work and beautiful design

It is important to notice that we expanded possibilities of the platform, having added a lot of new at basic level. At the same time saved an opportunity to use standard functionality of MS SharePoint and to combine it with our Corporate portal. As a result of function of the platform and our solution work as a unit.

Why right now the idea of such solution received the embodiment? Demand increased?

Evgeny Chervyakov: In terms of demand – the need for corporate portals from the market was always, it steady and, of course, we were guided also by this fact including. By this moment we accumulate wide experience which allows us to issue solutions on the SharePoint MS platform. Also the fact that at the beginning of 2017 before EOS Group an opportunity not just opened to develop "box", and to make it together with one of our old clients of the commercial sector played a role. In our opinion, it is the most effective: we have a real platform, we implement and we configure a product for the real customer, taking into account his requirements, already "on start" existence of a new product gaining valuable practical experience of its use.

Homepage of Corporate portal

List, please, basic functions of Corporate portal.

Evgeny Chervyakov: In a line of EOS for SharePoint "Corporate portal" will "be responsible" for deployment of a uniform working space, maintenance of effective communications, discussion of the ideas, quick and convenient search of content, including news and declarations, holding polls and support of a feedback. As well as in any social network, there is here an opportunity to give marks it "is pleasant" and "it is not pleasant". On Corporate portal it will be possible to look at a profile of each employee and the websites of all divisions, the scheme of structure of the company and even – the floor-by-floor building plan in which the company works! On Corporate portal a number of services, for example, of "The request of the office manager", Request IT, "The request of personnel department" and "The request in accounting" will be implemented.

News feed in Corporate portal
The floor-by-floor plan in Corporate portal

To what companies, first of all, will Corporate portal be interesting?

Evgeny Chervyakov: Any as, inherently, this product is designed to solve internal problems, in a varying degree inherent in any organization: informing employees, communications, services, communication, joint work and many other things. The module can be used as single solution with other modules EOS for SharePoint and as a separate system. In terms of marketing - anyway we tell potential clients about all modules, and first of all, about the portal as it is strongly demanded. And if there is interest in more detailed studying of opportunities of the portal, we will always be able to arrive and show alive and also to give the demoversion.

Implement and support "EOS for SharePoint. A corporate portal" at customers also our partners will be able, but, of course, they for this purpose need to be trained.

Galleries of images in Corporate portal

How sales of Corporate portal will be performed?

Evgeny Chervyakov: It should be noted that the majority of portal solutions are licensed by packets for the reason that practically all staff of the organization can use the portal. At the moment the mechanism is in study. It is previously possible to tell that the gradation in number of places is planned: for example, to 50, up to 1 thousand, over 1 thousand, and over 2 thousand. The cost of the license will be lower in comparison with document flow cost. Other modules EOS for SharePoint, by the way, have user licenses. If the customer purchases EOS for SharePoint as single solution, then its cost will consist of the amount of cost of modules.

Many thanks for a conversation!