Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
2010/02/11 13:57:51

Key technologies in the world market of ERP systems for trade

Now in the world market a certain set of requirements to resource management systems of the enterprises working in the field of trade and distribution was created. However among the provided integrated software packages there are not only "canonical" ERP systems now, but also "aiming at ERP" and just specialized solutions integrated with financial and HRM-applications. Estimates of analysts, as well as selection of the considered solutions, differ that is explained by a strong fragmentirovannost of a "trade" segment of the world market of solutions of the class ERP.

In research materials "Retail ERP Suites: Investing in the Backbone of a Modern Retailer" analysts of AMR Research select the following key functional units of a modern ERP system for trade enterprises:

Управление внутримагазинным маркетингом
(Merchandise management)
Базовый набор функций для управления организацией розничной торговли. Включает в себя блоки управления расстановкой, обслуживанием и учетом товаров, средства управления ценообразованием, функции учета оборудования, поставщиков и заказов. Обычно предоставляет основные возможности бизнес-аналитики и формирования отчетности.
Планирование реализации товаров
(Retail planning)
Предоставляет широкие возможности микро и макро планирования в разрезах товарных категорий или единиц учета запасов (SKU). Часто обеспечивает разработку мерчандайзинговых стратегий и определение ассортимента по магазинам или типам товаров. Включает планирование цен и продвижения. Продвинутые решения снабжены моделями прогнозирования спроса.
Планирование и управление цепочками поставок
(Supply chain planning and execution)
Обеспечивает поддержку внутренних и внешних процессов, связанных с цепочками поставок, на стратегическом и операционном уровнях. Охватывает управление пополнением запасов, отбором поставщиков, управление жизненным циклом товара, складскими операциями, транспортом и распределенное управление заказами на закупку товара.
Управление торговыми точками
(Store operations)
Включает интерфейсы с POS-системами, функции учета и управления торговым оборудованием, управления доходами, аудита продаж, учета скоропортящихся товаров и табельного учета труда. Может включать элементы CRM и средства поддержки продвижения товаров.
Корпоративное управление
(Corporate administration)
Обеспечивает корпоративный финансовый учет, включая Главную книгу, бухгалтерский учет и управление основными средствами. Включает корпоративную HRM-систему, а также может включать средства процессного управления и средства фиксации обязательной к раскрытию информации (Compliance reporting).

Source: AMR Research, 2006

Existence of the specified blocks and their completeness were checked for solutions of the following vendors: Aldata, Epicor/CRS, GERS (now - Escalate Retail), Island Pacific, Jesta I.S., Lawson, NSB Group, Oracle, Retalix, SAP, Tomax. The ranking is by results given in the following table:

Ranking of vendors of ERP systems for trade on functional completeness

Class Поставщик
A Oracle
B Epicor/CRS
B Lawson
B Retalix
C Aldata
C Island Pacific
C NSB Group
C GERS (до преобразования в Escalate Retail)
C Jesta I.S.

According to AMR Research, 2006

Look at the estimated table link: Image: AMR Ranking.gif

As it is possible to be convinced easily, today in the ranks of solution providers for complex automation of trade it is possible to see both the famous players of the market of universal ERP systems, and the developers famous only in this sector, peculiar "old residents" of automation of trade. At the same time "old residents" represent the majority.

The Forrester Research company gives a few other structure of developers. In a research "The Forrester Wave: POS Software, Q3 2006. Vendor Summary" are considered developers of automation systems of retail (not only the class ERP therefore there, for example, IBM and ISS companies are mentioned). As for developers of complete solutions for automation of the trading companies, the companies got to this research: SAP, Oracle, Retalix, Tomax, JDA Software, Fujitsu, MATRA Systems, NCR/Teradata, Torex and PCMS.

Assessment of market and technology positions of developers of solutions for trade automation

Image:TERP Forrester.jpg

Source: Forrester Research, 2006

Based on comparison by 137 criteria of the solutions proposed by participants of the research Forrester Wave, Fujitsu and NCR/Teradata are called leaders. With the minimum separation they in a leader segment are followed by Oracle and SAP and also Tomax and MATRA Systems. To "strong players" Torex, PCMS, Retalix and JDA are carried. It is also necessary to note what "weak players", despite active development of solutions for automation of the trading companies and the corresponding market, among the studied companies was not revealed.

Gartner assessment practically does not differ from the results received by AMR Research and Forrester Research.

"Magic square" of Gartner on retail automation systems

Image:TERP Gartner.jpg

Source: Gartner, 2006

Other source of data on market situation of ERP systems for trade and level of the technologies used in them is "Software LeaderBoard '06" (the annex to Retail Info Systems News). 45 companies which are selected by means of vote of readers of RIS News are given in this bulletin (publishing house Edgell Communications, Inc.). However the ranking of vendors on degree of concentration of technologies in complete solutions is of bigger interest to trade:

Ranking of vendors on concentration degree of "trade technologies"

Позиция Vendor Набранные баллы*
1 Oracle 40
2 SAP 39
3 NCR/Teradata 35
4 Escalate Retail 34
5 Datavantage 32
5 JDA 32
6 Jesta 31
7 Business Objects 30
7 Epicor/CRS 30
7 Microsoft 30
8 Celerant 29
8 Tomax 29

* 1 point corresponds to existence of one of
the modules ERP systems for the trading companies

Source: Edgell Communications, 2006<

As it is possible to notice, solutions of Microsoft participate only in the last ranking. It is necessary to explain why in the materials AMR Research, Forrester Research and Gartner products of the Microsoft Dynamics series are not provided. Case here not in product quality or their prevalence. Simply even as the supplier of ERP systems Microsoft adheres to positions of the program system builder providing, providing the platform for further developments. It, in particular, is the reason that there are no industry solutions based on Microsoft Dynamics created by the supplier of ERP systems yet - they are developed by participants of a partner network.

Owing to the fact that "count" all partners, estimate the technology level of their solutions and also stability of market positions (that comparison with industry solutions from suppliers of other ERP systems became possible) it is very problematic, ERP systems of a line of Microsoft Dynamics also were ignored the large analytical agencies.

According to Eduard Davidzhan, the head of group on development of a partner network of Microsoft Dynamics, "in the world there are more than 1000 partner solutions based on ERP systems of Microsoft at the moment. Among the most known and large partner solutions it is possible to select the following:

  • Store systems: LS Retail, Retail Chain Manager, Consumer Demand Planning, Circon, Columbus IT, Tectura, LogicaCMG, Capgemini
  • Management systems for deliveries (SCM): LS Retail, CDP, RCM, Junction, SRC, ColumbusIT, LogicaCMG, AtosOrigin
  • Customer relationship management systems in the trading company (CRM): HCL, Avenade/Accenture.

As Eduard Davidzhan added, "in Russia 15 solutions on the basis of Microsoft Dynamics, it as the international solutions, such as LS Retail, Smart Retail Suite, Retail Chain Manager, Incadea, etc., and local solutions are presented: Korus Retail, Columbus Distribution Center Solution and some other developed by the Russian partners. All these solutions presented in Russia underwent testing and registration in Microsoft".

If to return to estimates, then, according to the rating of CRN Channel Champions (Business Software Suites nomination), leading on the level of satisfaction of users with four vendors of steel of Microsoft, Oracle, SAP and Sage Software. Microsoft, at the same time, got in total 76.9 points, Oracle - 68.1 points, SAP - 65.8, and Sage Software - 64.8.

Thus, the existing estimates of "power" of ERP systems for trade can differ quite strongly though, mostly, it is not a consequence of a difference in estimates of software solutions, and result of a difference in approaches to selection of products for assessment.