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Mean conscious restriction of in food for the purpose of prevention of diseases and also cleaning of an organism by so-called "medical starvation". In addition to a total failure of meal for the period in 2 and more days, in 2019 the "interval starvation", as known as periodic starvation – the diet meaning meal only at the time of "a food window" is also popular in Russia. Options of such PG can be the different, and the most popular modes also 20/4 are considered 16/8 (respectively, 16 hours you do not eat, and within 8 hours at you food "window" "opens").
2019: Comments of the doctor Elena Evdokimova on some aspects of starvation
In September, 2019 Elena Evdokimova, the doctor-endocrinologist, the nutritionist, nutritsiolog JSC Meditsina clinics commented on the most popular statements connected with a similar supply system:
Starvation starts processes of an autofagiya
The term an autofagiya designate natural process of processing by a cage of own components. Respectively, the organism self-regulates, saving itself from unnecessary cages. Partially starvation really helps with it. However It should be noted that processes of an autofagiya are partially started even in case of standard restriction of calories. In other words, if you at work did not manage to have dinner, then your organism all the same will begin self-control of cages. Moreover, researches showed that restriction of caloric content of a power supply improves a number of indicators of health, including decrease in several risk factors of development of diseases of a cardiovascular system, improvement of sensitivity to insulin and also gain of mitochondrial function thanks to which there is an adenosine triphosphate synthesis – a universal form of a power source in our cages.
Disposal of excess weight
According to supporters of medical starvation, the similar diet allows to consume a large number of calories, at the same time not only not to gain weight, but also to reset. It is easy to disprove this argument of adherents of starvation the fact that, from the scientific point of view, there is no difference how the power shortage will be created. Simple restriction of calories and starvation work in this case equally as reduction of consumption of the number of calories, usual for you, is important for an organism. Besides, after the long period without meals people are inclined to select more high-calorific food, than usually and to overeat that cannot promote weight reduction.
At starvation the organism begins to select growth hormone in a large number
Really, after daily starvation the small jump of hormone of growth is possible, but it will not yield any result for growth of muscles and will be caused only by compensation of a stress: the organism will try not to lose the available muscles, but not to construct new in any way. Besides, growth hormone in itself does not raise a muscle as for this purpose it needs presence of insulin at an organism. But it is impossible as hormone of growth and insulin is hormones antagonists, i.e. the hormones opposite each other on the action. Meals with smaller frequency will always be an inefficient diet if for you in a priority there is a recovery and increase in muscle bulk, frequent acceptance of protein during the day considerably promotes favorable proteinaceous synthesis and, as a result, growth of muscle bulk.
Thanks to failure from food on a progressive tense digestion and intestinal microflora is normalized
Restriction of consumption of food really well affects digestion. It is possible to tell that digestion, as well as to any mechanism, sometimes needs rest, and periodic starvation can give it. Besides, starvation regardless of its type maintains health of a microbiome of intestines - the ecosystem integrating trillions of microorganisms living in the person that too positively affects digestion. Besides that starvation promotes zeroing of an insulinorezistetnost, it also influences zeroing and leptinorezistentnost – resistance to a leptin which is one of key regulators of body weight. Decrease in sensitivity of fabrics to a leptin leads to development of obesity. However it is categorically contraindicated to people to starve with problem outflow of bile as it can aggravate the available problems. It is also necessary to note that people with dyskinesia of biliary tract, starving, can "earn" to themselves heavy attacks of aggravation.
Proceeding from all above-mentioned it is possible to draw a conclusion that it is difficult to call starvation and periodic starvation an ideal method to lose weight: it influences a power shortage as well as standard reduction of number of the consumed calories, but a set of muscle bulk passes more slowly, than at a regular power supply. However in reasonable scales starvation does not do any harm and can be one of methods to lose weight. It is important to approach it reasonably and not to lay great expectations concerning influence on treatment of any diseases. The main precept of medicine - do not do much harm. Even harmless starvation can be for someone dangerous.