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2017/06/09 12:18:14

Monitoring of work of heart of the driver in cars


2017: Toyota project

In June, 2017 the Japanese auto giant Toyota Motor announced the joint project of development of the system of monitoring of work of heart with the University of Michigan for vehicles. According to developers, the new technology will help to reduce the number of victims in the road accidents which resulted from heart attacks.

Entering the Toyota Center of Joint Surveys of Security provided a grant for the unnamed amount. At the first stage scientists dealt with issues of integration of a control system of a status of heart into automobile electronics. In seven months during which the research was conducted, problems and potential ways of their solution were defined, samples of the equipment and programs which can be used in system operation are created, the Kayvan Nadzharyan project manager (Kayvan Najarian) told.

Toyota decided to build in function of monitoring of work of heart of the driver cars

Researchers were puzzled with two questions. First, system development, a capable message heartbeat monitoring is necessary to them, filtering extraneous noises and electronic noises. Here two options are considered: use or the external device (placed on a breast of the person of the heart monitor), or the sensors which are built in a wheel, a seat and a seat belt.

The second part of the project is writing of the algorithm analyzing the collected data in real time and the heart attack predicting approach or a stroke at the driver during driving. Mechanisms of machine learning will be for this purpose used.

It is going to create technology by 2020 then Toyota is going to use development in the machines. Kayvan Nadzharyan noted that the conducted research is very important as heart attack during driving is dangerous not only for this purpose at whom it came, but also for people around.[1]
