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2020/09/16 12:24:56

Nano-films of boron nitride


2020: Materials scientists "MISiS" presented antibacterial nano-coatings based on boron nitride

On September 9, 2020, it became known that materials scientists at NUST MISIS presented antibacterial nano-coatings based on boron nitride, which are effective against microbial pathogens - up to 99.99%. They can become a safe alternative to the usual antibiotics in implantology, since they do not have characteristic negative side effects. The results of the work are presented in the international scientific journal ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.

Materials scientists of NUST "MISIS" presented antibacterial nano-coatings based on boron nitride

According to the company, as of September 2020, due to a significant increase in the number of surgical procedures around the world, scientists are solving the problem of microbial infections caused by implants. It is especially serious in orthopedic and dental operations. It is no secret that concomitant drug therapy for inflammation around implants often leads to side effects due to the characteristic properties of antibiotics, as well as its high doses.

A group of young scientists at NUST "MISIS" proposed a non-standard solution to the problem, investigating the interaction of antibiotic-resistant Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli (E. coli) and a nanofilm consisting of a structured boron nitride surface. It turned out that such a coating after 24 hours affects the 100% of bacterial cells.

Nano-films of boron nitride will replace the antibiotic when protecting against bacterial and fungal infections
Hexagonal boron nitride has a complex of physicochemical and mechanical properties. As a result of experiments, we found out that a special specific structure of boron nitride nanoparticles provides a bactericidal effect comparable to that of an antibiotic: bacteria die as a result of direct physical contact with a special needle-shaped surface of a nano-film. At the same time, there are no side effects typical of an antibiotic on body tissue, and boron nitride itself does not cause cytotoxicity.

told Christina Gudz, co-author of the study, researcher at the laboratory "Inorganic nanomaterials" NUST "MISIS"

The researchers went further and filled the micro-pores of a thin coating of boron nitride with the antibiotic gentamicin. The result is an antibacterial effect by completely releasing the drug in a short initial period of time. At the same time, its dose turned out to be an order of magnitude less than with a regular injection.

Nano-films of boron nitride
Taking into account the patient's average weight of 60 kg, his daily antibiotic dose is approximately 180 mg; provided that the implant area is, for example, 30 cm2 and considering that 55 μg of antibiotic is released from the test nano-coating on the first day, it is obtained that the proposed method assumes 100 times less antibiotic than with a standard injection.

added Christina Gudz, co-author of the study, researcher at the laboratory "Inorganic Nanomaterials" NUST "MISIS"

According to the authors of the development, the application of an antibacterial film based on boron nitride nanoparticles to the implant can minimize the risk of bacterial infection due to the physical properties of the surface itself, as well as - in the case of antibiotic modification - local delivery of the minimum amount of the bactericidal component without weighting the implant.

As of September 2020, the team is completing in vitro studies of the obtained coatings, and is also working on optimizing the method of coating for its prospective use.

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