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2022/11/03 09:29:07

National Integrated Big Data System for PRC Government Affairs

2022: Starting System Creation

On October 28, 2022, the State Council of China announced its intention to introduce the National Integrated System of Big Data for Government Affairs in the country. We are talking about creating an analogue of the Russian portal of Public services.

Work on deploying the system has already begun. It is known that the original catalog contains information about more than 3 million state data libraries and over 20 million information records. These are, in particular, data on the population of China, legal entities, natural resources and the national economy. In the future, the base will be constantly replenished and expanded: it is planned to include information on electronic licenses, medicine and health care, financial institutions, credit services, etc.

China began to create its own portal of State Public services

The bulk of the work in this large-scale project should be completed by 2025. It is planned to introduce dynamic update tools, comprehensive security and information quality control. After deploying the system, all government departments will have access to it. We also talk about the need to build new data centers to store and analyze a huge amount of information from heterogeneous sources.

It is assumed that the initiative will contribute to improving financial services, services in the fields of health and social security, as well as emergency management. In addition, the transport infrastructure of megacities can be optimized.

In general, the project is designed to make e-government services available in 96.1% of rural settlements in China and in all major cities without exception. However, experts say that the deployment of the system may be negatively affected by US sanctions, which apply, in particular, to equipment for high-performance computing complexes.[1]
